I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
ANC. Mild mannered road kill removal man. Spends his days off making doll houses. Loves Kenny Logons. Often watches titanic. By often I mean daily. He loves cracked black pepper on his ice cream and prefers to wear no socks. Ever. Once he met angelina joilie when she came to adopt a child. He punched that big lipped bitch. Afterwards he decided he needed a mayonaise bath. Upon waking in the morning....he has to use a combination of ice and leather to subdue his massive erections.


Well-Known Member
Newguy79. He's 35 6'11" 134lbs. Has a size 24 waist always wears highwaters cuz who the fuck makes pants that are so small and long. Has a rip Dale 3 on his arm. Drinks mountain dew only. Has a mullet and a trucker hat. Been married twice once to his 4th cousin. Watches tv in the dark with argyle socks on. Doesn't eat at taco bell cuz it smells like the bastards that took his job.


Well-Known Member
I think crackerboy is a 23 year old acting like a 15 year old, living with his mommy. Doesn't drive, doesn't work, believes almost every outlandish claim he hears and think "God did it" is a valid answer for any question he has trouble with. His favorite food is pancakes that mommy makes him in shapes of letters. His favorite past time is walking door to door asking people "Have you found Jesus?", then takes it as a personal insult when someone says "Yeah he was hiding behind the couch the entire time, I kicked him out last week".

Total Head

Well-Known Member
don't know about individuals but i would estimate that between 4-7 percent of the members here are registered sex offenders. 10 percent of members have killed people. of that 10 percent about 25 percent were "righteous kills". around 30 percent are virgins, but that's not even taking into account all the minors that troll this place. around 40 percent of the members have served time in prison. i'd bet my left arm that at least 12 members are keeping some type of prisoner in their home, probably more. 42 percent of the members own a pet that is a mammal. about 12 percent own their own life jacket. putting faces to all this is just creepy.


Well-Known Member
don't know about individuals but i would estimate that between 4-7 percent of the members here are registered sex offenders. 10 percent of members have killed people. of that 10 percent about 25 percent were "righteous kills". around 30 percent are virgins, but that's not even taking into account all the minors that troll this place. around 40 percent of the members have served time in prison. i'd bet my left arm that at least 12 members are keeping some type of prisoner in their home, probably more. 42 percent of the members own a pet that is a mammal. about 12 percent own their own life jacket. putting faces to all this is just creepy.
That is awesome.. I own my own life jacket :) But that's all I'll admit ;)


Active Member
Newguy79. He's 35 6'11" 134lbs. Has a size 24 waist always wears highwaters cuz who the fuck makes pants that are so small and long. Has a rip Dale 3 on his arm. Drinks mountain dew only. Has a mullet and a trucker hat. Been married twice once to his 4th cousin. Watches tv in the dark with argyle socks on. Doesn't eat at taco bell cuz it smells like the bastards that took his job.
Haha! I didn't think I'd been around long enough to make this thread...i suppose "newguy79" is me. You're not horribly wrong. 6'3" about 190-200lbs depending on how long it's been since I shat. 31 yo. I end up buying pants that are too long because I'm sorta between sizes. LOL. I'm a iced tea drinker for my caffeine intake. Dale 3, no. Tribal half sleeve, yes. No mullet, but do need a cut. I dont know what argyle socks are, and dont eat at taco bell because, well...it's just not very good.

Edit, and and I have been married, once, but not to family. lol, and I'm a factory dude, never had the pleasure of working fast food, unfortunately.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Haha! I didn't think I'd been around long enough to make this thread...i suppose "newguy79" is me. You're not horribly wrong. 6'3" about 190-200lbs depending on how long it's been since I shat. 31 yo. I end up buying pants that are too long because I'm sorta between sizes. LOL. I'm a iced tea drinker for my caffeine intake. Dale 3, no. Tribal half sleeve, yes. No mullet, but do need a cut. I dont know what argyle socks are, and dont eat at taco bell because, well...it's just not very good.
I've only been on here for a couple weeks and ANC graced me and all of you with a porthole in to my life. :) I suppose it's more of a 'how noticeable' you've been kind of thing.


Active Member
puffntuff...23 years old, approx 5'7", 180lbs. Had already completed all necessary credits to graduate high school by his sophomore year, so he spent the remaining 2 years in Industrial Arts classes, where he mastered the scroll saw. Can make elvis come to life on a piece of wood. Often wonders what life as a monk would be like. Lives in an efficency apartment in an old grocery store where he bagged groceries as a teen. He often calls his old high school teachers from pay phones and hangs up before they answer. He enjoys apple martini's and watching golf on tv, although he has never played because "there's too many people there". Hasn't had a tan since he was 11. Stuffs envelopes at home with his aunt for a living.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
puffntuff...23 years old, approx 5'7", 180lbs. Had already completed all necessary credits to graduate high school by his sophomore year, so he spent the remaining 2 years in Industrial Arts classes, where he mastered the scroll saw. Can make elvis come to life on a piece of wood. Often wonders what life as a monk would be like. Lives in an efficency apartment in an old grocery store where he bagged groceries as a teen. He often calls his old high school teachers from pay phones and hangs up before they answer. He enjoys apple martini's and watching golf on tv, although he has never played because "there's too many people there". Hasn't had a tan since he was 11. Stuffs envelopes at home with his aunt for a living.

This person scares me. :(


Active Member
Bricktop - I picture him EXACTLY like his avatar. I have seen Snatch about a million times and the part in the movie where Bricktop is explaining the dead body problem, this is how I picture RIU's Bricktop to be every time he posts something.. Awesome stuff. :leaf: Word
thats me in my avatar, no guessing allowed I am 220 without all my Carhartt stuff on. This was taken at the beach a few steps from the cabin in "DA UP EH?"