I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Carl."The Lamp Shade Maker" Burnette. 27 with 1 kid. Has 2 ferrets and collects dead spiders. Thinks the library is awesome...but instead of checking them out he just shows up and steals a few. Checking them out is for pussies. He believes in scientology and washes his sheets daily. Enjoys cold black coffee and drinks koolaid sugar free. Might have a body in his back yard but he won't hesitate to inform you he didn't do it. He also lives next to a house that's for sale. He has also coined the term "inside your dead body." He paints sunrises every morning and posts his paintings on his blog "the days you'll never see".


Active Member
Lol, I can figure that the scientist here don't like me much....

I wanna hear what I am perceived to look like!

I picture all the girls here as the "girls gone weed"....lol
And the males...idk...i just picture a middle aged guy in front of a computer with a bong and doritos. And orange juice. gotta have the oj


Well-Known Member
lol i was refering to when u asked your g/f to join you at the gym lmfao I'm pretty much married, my man is great!!
Oh so you play women like that eh ?? lol who writes numbers down anyways lol i always add it to my phone right then
Oh no, I learn quickly. If you write it down you can "lose" it. If you put it in your phone, you have no excuse. That and they'll say "call me so I have your number". Then you're screwed..
No no, there will be none of that :) I say, "Oh left my phone in my car", or "I left it at home charging".

Lol, I don't "play" women, I just don't have the heart to turn them down. So I take the number, or give them a false one, usually 1 digit off my real number.
I don't even use my real last name on facebook. lol..


Well-Known Member
Well, I believe in God for one thing, and its Faith based....and I dont have scientific info to prove His existence, and I tend to be pretty opinionated =) lol

and a run on sentence
Hey, as long as you don't go around pushing it all up in my face, this scientist doesn't care what you choose to believe. :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
People are fake and condescension is rife. April is a major tease but doesn't hesitate to put out as long as she's known the person since birth which is why she's her own stepmother. May have gone a little to far on that last one....


Im a talking weed-smoking goat that escaped from a local farm, so who am i to judge? Ever try rolling a joint with hooves? Its a pain in my wooly butt. enjoy guys...Be good or at least be good at being baaaa baaaaa baaaaaaD.


Well-Known Member
I think GreenGurl is in her early twenties, likes super mario 64 and winter... am I close?
Funny. ;) I am 33, liked the first three mario bros (on the original and super nintendos), and I much prefer the seasons that are above 65 degrees. That might give you a hint to where I live, where the weather is steady but stingy... bleh!

Not that it's important, but I like to design/build stuff, cook, and have a super eclectic taste in music.

I'm going to guess that Uncle Buck's genetic background is asian and also say I have no idea why I think that... LOL!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'm getting in on this real late... buttttt

Verde is like 31...bi-sexual. Hates children. Loves brownies. A lot. Drives a jeep. Wrangler. Sleeps more then necessary.
that was so close it's kind of scary lol

im not bisexual, love pussy.. i dont drive a jeep, but i WAS in a jeep wrangler today... and yes.. i actually have sleeping problems :lol: :lol:


Pickle Queen
Oh no, I learn quickly. If you write it down you can "lose" it. If you put it in your phone, you have no excuse. That and they'll say "call me so I have your number". Then you're screwed..
No no, there will be none of that :) I say, "Oh left my phone in my car", or "I left it at home charging".

Lol, I don't "play" women, I just don't have the heart to turn them down. So I take the number, or give them a false one, usually 1 digit off my real number.
I don't even use my real last name on facebook. lol..
LMFAO aint it alot easier just to tell "her" sorry we can be freinds but i'm not into u that way


Pickle Queen
OMG i need to share this, i got a full time salary job with benefits today, what a great christmas gift!!!