I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!


pick a subject i will tell u what i know as for videos and stuff to link ..............i really do not have that much most of my info comes from reading and listening for the most repeated facts (when something repeats their normally some truth to it )

as for the ..........it is just away i use to break up my thoughts when i type ........and grammar will only get worst because i do not care about it as long as the info is passed on that is good enough for me

government has know about aliens for ages they have the proof now of several races and even hybrids with humans ........but they will never tell or admit until something so big happens they can no longer hide it

think about how the world works ...........everything is based off the idea that there will be a tomorrow......with the knowning that other life is out there ppl would go nutz ..........thinking they are here to save us ...they are here to kill us...they are here to inslave us.....god is coming back.......the whole system would crash (the house of cards would fall) then they lose all control over ppl .............the roman church will have no more power ......governments and elite will no longer be able to control the masses

personally i am working of the NWO theory ...a large group of ppl out there know the truth and are actively working to break the system .........causing things and issues to get to the stressing point to make something happen ...........the end result is a world war killing off 7/8 of mankind ..........leaving the ones that started it and planned it in power at the end reverting back to midevil culture were they are kings and the rest of us are dirt

now they have 2 ideas about this one it is just humans doing it .......the other is humans are just slaves and it is really another race or races that are incharge

i am going with the 2nd choice .............rumor is JFK was kilt by our own ppl CIA SS whatever because he was going to talk to the american ppl about what is going on ...........it makes as much sense as anything else they come up with why it happend

edit ............some light reading
is this what u wanted

If you read the OP, post # 1 of this thread, you will see that I try and describe My "alien" encounter.

I don't know if you watched My video, where I try and depict My "alien" encounter: but I will play that video for you right now, so you can watch Me trying to describe My "alien" encounter.

The SIGNS of the TIMES!

So, please read the first post in this thread, and also watch My video above.

I really believe that I saw some being in the year 2012. For a long time, I thought that I saw an alien, but it also could have been some "above top secret" military person.

Now, I want to ask you, Justugh, some questions:

1) Do you believe I saw an alien, or some "above top secret" military person? And why do you believe that?

2) Do you believe that aliens have, and are, visiting the earth? And what is the aliens purpose of their visits?

3) I see the "stars" move in My sky; do you believe that I am seeing UFOs? or do stars move drastically in the sky? (I have been seeing UFOs that look like stars for over a year now. These UFOs appear to be stars, but they move around a lot.)

4) If I did see an alien, why do you believe that the alien visited Me?

5) What do you believe the aliens intentions are? Are they friendly, or foe?

Thats enough questions for now.

I want to thank you, Justugh, in advanced, for answering all of My questions.


the government doesn't have any secrets about aliens.

if anyone has any secrets about anything........its god.

lol aliens ha you'll be telling me @Finshaggy and @Nevaeh420 are the same person next .ha.;)

GOD is not on this plane atleast not the way u think he is ..........it the whole point of angels they can effect stuff on this side

god is sitting back and watching the game unfold ./...he is hands off only his agents can do things to effect the over all outcome and that is due to freewill

and by the way would would u call angels .........not human not born of earth so alien ...........just come sense

pick a subject i will tell u what i know as for videos and stuff to link ..............i really do not have that much most of my info comes from reading and listening for the most repeated facts (when something repeats their normally some truth to it )

as for the ..........it is just away i use to break up my thoughts when i type ........and grammar will only get worst because i do not care about it as long as the info is passed on that is good enough for me

government has know about aliens for ages they have the proof now of several races and even hybrids with humans ........but they will never tell or admit until something so big happens they can no longer hide it

think about how the world works ...........everything is based off the idea that there will be a tomorrow......with the knowning that other life is out there ppl would go nutz ..........thinking they are here to save us ...they are here to kill us...they are here to inslave us.....god is coming back.......the whole system would crash (the house of cards would fall) then they lose all control over ppl .............the roman church will have no more power ......governments and elite will no longer be able to control the masses

personally i am working of the NWO theory ...a large group of ppl out there know the truth and are actively working to break the system .........causing things and issues to get to the stressing point to make something happen ...........the end result is a world war killing off 7/8 of mankind ..........leaving the ones that started it and planned it in power at the end reverting back to midevil culture were they are kings and the rest of us are dirt

now they have 2 ideas about this one it is just humans doing it .......the other is humans are just slaves and it is really another race or races that are incharge

i am going with the 2nd choice .............rumor is JFK was kilt by our own ppl CIA SS whatever because he was going to talk to the american ppl about what is going on ...........it makes as much sense as anything else they come up with why it happend

edit ............some light reading
is this what u wanted

Please watch all of My other videos too. I mention that I saw an alien in a few of My videos too.

I'm Christ and these are My novel inventions for the future!

Jesus came in 2008???

Crazy talk LOL!


pick a subject i will tell u what i know as for videos and stuff to link ..............i really do not have that much most of my info comes from reading and listening for the most repeated facts (when something repeats their normally some truth to it )

as for the ..........it is just away i use to break up my thoughts when i type ........and grammar will only get worst because i do not care about it as long as the info is passed on that is good enough for me

government has know about aliens for ages they have the proof now of several races and even hybrids with humans ........but they will never tell or admit until something so big happens they can no longer hide it

think about how the world works ...........everything is based off the idea that there will be a tomorrow......with the knowning that other life is out there ppl would go nutz ..........thinking they are here to save us ...they are here to kill us...they are here to inslave us.....god is coming back.......the whole system would crash (the house of cards would fall) then they lose all control over ppl .............the roman church will have no more power ......governments and elite will no longer be able to control the masses

personally i am working of the NWO theory ...a large group of ppl out there know the truth and are actively working to break the system .........causing things and issues to get to the stressing point to make something happen ...........the end result is a world war killing off 7/8 of mankind ..........leaving the ones that started it and planned it in power at the end reverting back to midevil culture were they are kings and the rest of us are dirt

now they have 2 ideas about this one it is just humans doing it .......the other is humans are just slaves and it is really another race or races that are incharge

i am going with the 2nd choice .............rumor is JFK was kilt by our own ppl CIA SS whatever because he was going to talk to the american ppl about what is going on ...........it makes as much sense as anything else they come up with why it happend

edit ............some light reading
is this what u wanted


More CRAZY ideas that I think are CRAZY COOL!!!

Just some random thoughts I've been thinking of!


If you watch the whole video called, "The SIGNS of the TIMES!", you will see that I talk about the 5 Signs in the clouds that I saw in the year 2009.

Do you believe that the aliens formed these clouds? or why do you believe that I saw these 5 Signs in the clouds, in the year 2009?

Personally, if I really did see an alien in the year 2012, I believe the aliens showed Me the 5 Signs in the clouds, in the year 2009.

What are your thoughts about the 5 Signs in the clouds that I saw in the year 2009?


1) Do you believe I saw an alien, or some "above top secret" military person? And why do you believe that?
alien or a hybrid ....humans need a suit to do that trick from what u said it was a natural skill

2) Do you believe that aliens have, and are, visiting the earth? And what is the aliens purpose of their visits?
yes been here for years longer then record history ....think the mayan creation tale (the whole history we have is only 6000 years but proof out there proves humans are more then 30000....hell they found cites and ruins older then 6000 years) earth is one giant experiment with our short life spans 80 years genetic mutations happen more offen .......thinking also changes with time

3) I see the "stars" move in My sky; do you believe that I am seeing UFOs? or do stars move drastically in the sky? (I have been seeing UFOs that look like stars for over a year now. These UFOs appear to be stars, but they move around a lot.)
some yes for sure bot most is space junk or satellites ..........they are not looking to get noticed yet

4) If I did see an alien, why do you believe that the alien visited Me?
no not u if was would have been in your area ........odds are the creature had a pass to go outside and explore rem our culture is different to them so it like going on vacation all new sights smells and things to see ...............depending on the race i would think the ppl in the house were the targets some races if they are with in set distance can reach out and touch minds

5) What do you believe the aliens intentions are? Are they friendly, or foe?
the most part they want to use slaves food then take the stuff on the planet for own race.......................i am going on the idea that god and angels are one of the oldest races out there they started this little project out on this far arm of the galaxy to see what happens (if we are made in god image then we have much more skills then we use today)..........now i combine that with the idea of a war in heaven and hell is just a galaxy war between 2 or more of the elder races in the universe
this is from combine all cultures creation myths and old gods then throwing out the parts that do not match due to culture changes to fit them

so in the end most of them want us dead where a few select ones are hoping we finish the experiment and move up to the next lvl to stabilize the universe
GOD is not on this plane atleast not the way u think he is ..........it the whole point of angels they can effect stuff on this side

god is sitting back and watching the game unfold ./...he is hands off only his agents can do things to effect the over all outcome and that is due to freewill

and by the way would would u call angels .........not human not born of earth so alien ...........just come sense
whatever hippy lol ;)
whatever hippy lol ;)

end of the day i know i am ok ...........i treat everyone the same
golden rule
treat others as u wish to be treated by others

so aliens or humans it all the same to me they are nice to me i am nice to them .............they want to kill me then i get to let the evil out to play..everything dies law of the universe just need to figure out how to do it
end of the day i know i am ok ...........i treat everyone the same
golden rule
treat others as u wish to be treated by others

so aliens or humans it all the same to me they are nice to me i am nice to them .............they want to kill me then i get to let the evil out to play..everything dies law of the universe just need to figure out how to do it
you could start by smokin less weed
I basically don't belive in aliens and if someone wants to believe, then that's fine by me

id rather have a brother believe there's aliens , rather than believe he's a murderer or some crazy person ..

..it does no harm belief..

its easier than finding out the facts .....belief
good news ha. IM sure he'd be interested in listening , ;)

Okay, lol.

I would like to let "mainliner" know that I joined "ReligiousForums.com".

If you were "mainliner", just let Me know, because "mainliner" was My friend.

I have changed My RIU username about 4 times now, and I never got in trouble for making a new account.

So if you are "mainliner", let Me know, and I will give you the link to where I am posting on "ReligiousForums". And you can say "hi" to Me on those forums.

Are you "mainliner", or no?
