I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

I first noticed that the "stars" move on September of 2013.

Today makes exactly 1 year and 2 months, and 2 days since I first noticed that the "stars" move.

So, today makes exactly 14 months and 2 days since I first noticed that the "stars" move.

There is a dichotomy, either the stars move, or I am seeing UFOs.

For many months, I thought I was seeing UFOs in My sky, but it might be an optical illusion?

Regardless if I am seeing UFOs, or the stars actually appear to move, I am literally seeing lights move in My night sky.

Also, it has been about 2 years and a few months since I saw what I thought was an alien. I am skeptical about what I saw, but I know that I saw some being; whether the being is terrestrial or alien.

All I know is that I have vivid memories of seeing some being in the late summer, or early fall, of the year 2012. This was not an optical illusion for sure. I am still pondering what exactly I saw.

I don't know what kind of technology the government has, but I know that I witnessed some incredible technology. Maybe I witnessed some above top secret technology that the government has, or maybe I witnessed alien technology?

If you didn't read the OP, I saw this being for a very long time; maybe between 2-4 hours long. This being was on top of My neighbors roof for a very long time, and I saw it move around. It had hands and a face, and I saw the arms and its nose. It was very cool, but very...

Anyways, I don't think about the alien that I saw so much, anymore. And I don't look at the UFOs as much either. But I did see the "stars" move around tonight.

I wish I knew the answers, but I can only say what I believe.

Annunaki - Dont Watch this Film

(I don't believe in some of this video, like the alien abductions for example... but this is a very interesting video.)

Within the last few hours, I reported the (alien) being that I witnessed in the year 2012, to MUFON.com.

I also reported the UFOs that I have been seeing.

MUFON means Mutual UFO Network.

MUFON is the largest database for UFO sightings and alien encounters, from what I have heard.

If you ever see some UFOs, or an alien being, you can report it to MUFON.com.

I also called MUFON, and they said that I should expect to get a phone call from a MUFON field investigator today. MUFON will probably record the phone conversation, so they can accurately get a detailed account, and I would rather they record My conversation with them.

You know you can see the reflection of the sun off of a satellite at night? Looks just like a moving star.

Yes, the field investigator that I talked to yesterday supposed that I might be seeing satellights:

But, I told her that these "stars" that I see move in every direction, and they appear to take the place of constellations.

I have seen these "stars" move great distances, turn around, and move back to approximately where they came from, and this is happening all night.

The funny thing is that the brighest UFO that I used to see (the brightest UFO does not appear in My sky anymore) didn't seem to move much, unlike the other "stars". But one day, I saw this brightest UFO get really bright (and this was at dusk time), and then it moved to the north west, and then it got really dim again, and then it moved back to where it came from. I know for a fact that stars nor satellights do this.

If there are aliens in our skies, the government must know about it. If there are no aliens in our skies, then the government has super advanced space craft technology, in My opinion.

All I know is that there are moving objects in My night sky that appear to move a lot, and its not airplanes, helicopters, weather balloons, blimps, satellights, etc.. Either that, or its just a big optical illusion, and I have been fooled into believing that the "stars" move?

Regardless what I am seeing, it doesn't explain that being I saw in the year 2012; or does it? Did I see an actual alien, or did I see military wearing invisible translucent technology?

I have more questions than answers, but I remain open-minded, and nothing else matters.

Today, January 8th, 2015, makes exactly 1 year and 4 months since I first noticed that the "stars" move. So its been 16 months since I first noticed that the "stars" move.

And its been over 2 years since I saw that translucent being.

Yo! I think i just saw some ufo i my backyard last night. No really even my dog was barking his ass off it was like hunched over. By the dog shit. I was hoping he wascleaning it up but no that thing left a bunch of weird foot prints in the snow..i was gonna go and check it out but was to fried to find my jacket.
All the stars should appear to move, the earth is constantly spinning.

Yes, the stars should move throughout the night sky, very slowly that I don't think anyone could percieve, but the stars shouldn't be "dancing" all over the place like I see them move.

I see the "stars" stay still, and move in all directions. But I can only see the stars move in two dimensions, i.e., I can't see the "stars" get closer or further away, because they are above the clouds.

I am just trying to be honest... I am not saying that it must be aliens, because it also could be the government. But I have perfect vision, and I can tell that the "stars" in My night sky appear to move, even if its an optical illusion.

That is all.

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If it's really stars that you are seeing, most likely what you see happened millions of years ago.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

If I am seeing the stars move, than it is an optical illusion, because stars are fixed in their orbit around the galaxy.

If I am not seeing stars move, and its not an optical illision, than I am unequivocally seeing UFOs of some sort, whether they are military or extraterrestrial.

For the record, if I am indeed seeing UFOs, the UFOs don't bother Me much, its actually entertaining to watch UFOs whenever I go outside at night to smoke, if its not too cloudy outside.

This is a thread about spiritual aliens and UFOs.

First off, I saw My alien in August of 2012. I have been seeing the UFOs (every day except when its cloudy out) for exactly 5 months now, since September 8th of 2013.

Ill now explain My alien encounter: It must have been August of 2012, and it was very windy out that day. It was bright and sunny outside and it was warm because it was the summer. To make a long story short, I noticed a certain tree was blowing funny, it was windy outside. I ended up getting My BB gun to look more closely at the anomaly- the tree that was blowing too much. I sat on My bed and looked outside at the tree. At first I didnt notice anything peculiar. I was just looking at the said tree with a 4 power scope attached to a Daisy air rifle. Then after a few minutes, something appeared in My scope. It was a ~3 foot circle, greyish green, with 2 "eyes". They werent eyes but they were letting light pass right through the holes and they were positioned in the middle of the greyish green circle. Im going to call this circle with the two "eyes" a "face". So I proceeded to stare at this "face" with My BB gun, sitting on My bed in My abode.

A few minutes later came splashes of light through the forehead of the "face". It wasnt producing any light, rather, it was producing holes that the ambient light could pass through. Circle after circle of light was passing though, every second or so: this lasted for maybe a half an hour or so, but I didnt time anything.

Next the whole "face" thing disappeared and something else was there. What appeared was the alien itself, translucent or transparent. I honestly didnt know what I was looking at, at that time; I was dumbfounded by the whole encounter to be candid. Anyways, I noticed the alien moving around and looking at Me. It was hard to observe because the alien was translucent or transparent. I saw the aliens face, body, arms, maybe a leg and foot, and his nose from the side view. The alien was about 15 yards from Me, on top of My neighbors roof the whole time. The alien didnt move from on top of My neighbors roof, but it was moving in place. I saw the alien moving his head around, looking at Me; and its a good thing he was moving his head because I wouldnt have been able to discern it otherwise. I saw the alien moving its hand and arm back and forth to its head very fast.

Ohh yeah, and later I did a calculation, and the alien must have been 3 or 4 feet tall. If two roof shingles/caps equal a foot.

It was a very spiritual experience for Me and I think about My alien encounter every day; and I bet you would think of aliens too if you literally saw one like I did. Weird, I know, but it still happened.

The whole time I was watching the alien was a long time, maybe two through four hours. All I know is that it was daylight out when I first started watching the alien, and I stopped watching the alien when it got dark out and I couldnt see the alien good. Its hard to watch a translucent alien at night even though it was about 15 yards away.

So thats what I remember of My alien encounter and I will never forget it, even though its a little vague now.

Next, the UFOs.

I see UFOs on a daily basis, except when its cloudy outside. I first noticed the UFOs on September 8th of 2013. But I did see UFOs one day on July 2, 2012, but I didnt see those for more then a few minutes.

Anyways, I first noticed the UFOs that I see every day (practically) on September 8th of 2013. I noticed a "star" that started out higher in the sky, then the next time I went to smoke a cigarette it was lower and to the right; then next time I went to smoke, it was gone. The next day I critically observed this "star" and I noticed it was moving in place; I figured it must be a UFO. I then noticed more and more "stars" move over the next few weeks until I drew the conclusion that all the "stars" in My sky are actually UFOs.

The UFOs disguise themselves as "stars" in the sky but they actually move. The UFOs move in every direction, but you cant discern if they are moving closer or farther away. The UFOs are above the clouds. The UFOs are lite up, so they must use some type of light for this. The UFOs are scattered throughout the sky like stars.

I want to know who is in the UFOs and why dont we have that kind of technology. I can only think of a dichotomy; its either extraterrestrial or military. The UFOs remain in the sky all night, I dont watch them after I go to bed though. I dont know what the UFOs do during the day, but they are in My sky at night. I dont know where else you can see UFOs besides Massachusetts.

I actully made a video about My alien encounter and the UFOs I saw in 2012 and the 5 Signs in the clouds I saw... let Me get the video and I will close with that.

The Signs of the times!


maybe you did ..... It's common :)
Yo! I think i just saw some ufo i my backyard last night. No really even my dog was barking his ass off it was like hunched over. By the dog shit. I was hoping he wascleaning it up but no that thing left a bunch of weird foot prints in the snow..i was gonna go and check it out but was to fried to find my jacket.
So i thought i saw an alien few days ago but i was stoned outta my mind . So today my dog starts barking again so i let him out and i took my Glock with me.. turns out that it was two racoons fucking or something in my back yard. My dog fuqed one of them up bad cause that motha ran squeeling like a pig.
its very common, and you saw an alien :)

many people have :)

You are using vague terms, so its hard to quantify what your talking about, but I disagree anyways.

Aliens are not common, and people seeing real aliens is not common either.

But, aliens might be common somewhere in the cosmos, but not here on earth. And many people can CLAIM to see aliens, but it doesn't make it true.

Maybe I saw an alien, or maybe I saw terrestrial technology? Regardless what I saw, it was alien-like to Me.

Neil deGrasse Tyson On Life On Other Planets!(2013 MUST WATCH!!!!)

Tyson also says, in this video, that extraterrestrial life might be inevitable.
