I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

Who's mainliner?

Lol, okay.

Mainliner was an online friend of Mine.

If you are "mainliner", you won't get in trouble for creating a new account. I have made 4 RIU accounts so far, and I have never got into trouble for it. I have seen many people create new accounts.

I got your PM.

Its all good brother.


1) Do you believe I saw an alien, or some "above top secret" military person? And why do you believe that?
alien or a hybrid ....humans need a suit to do that trick from what u said it was a natural skill

2) Do you believe that aliens have, and are, visiting the earth? And what is the aliens purpose of their visits?
yes been here for years longer then record history ....think the mayan creation tale (the whole history we have is only 6000 years but proof out there proves humans are more then 30000....hell they found cites and ruins older then 6000 years) earth is one giant experiment with our short life spans 80 years genetic mutations happen more offen .......thinking also changes with time

3) I see the "stars" move in My sky; do you believe that I am seeing UFOs? or do stars move drastically in the sky? (I have been seeing UFOs that look like stars for over a year now. These UFOs appear to be stars, but they move around a lot.)
some yes for sure bot most is space junk or satellites ..........they are not looking to get noticed yet

4) If I did see an alien, why do you believe that the alien visited Me?
no not u if was would have been in your area ........odds are the creature had a pass to go outside and explore rem our culture is different to them so it like going on vacation all new sights smells and things to see ...............depending on the race i would think the ppl in the house were the targets some races if they are with in set distance can reach out and touch minds

5) What do you believe the aliens intentions are? Are they friendly, or foe?
the most part they want to use slaves food then take the stuff on the planet for own race.......................i am going on the idea that god and angels are one of the oldest races out there they started this little project out on this far arm of the galaxy to see what happens (if we are made in god image then we have much more skills then we use today)..........now i combine that with the idea of a war in heaven and hell is just a galaxy war between 2 or more of the elder races in the universe
this is from combine all cultures creation myths and old gods then throwing out the parts that do not match due to culture changes to fit them

so in the end most of them want us dead where a few select ones are hoping we finish the experiment and move up to the next lvl to stabilize the universe

Thank you for answering My questions, bro.

I like your opinions.


i will watch your videos later tonight .....after i eat and get stoned

Okay, brother.

Once you watch all of My videos, you will see that I am serious about seeing an "alien", because I mention seeing an alien in a few of My videos.

I bet that you will learn a lot if you watch all of My vodeos.

Please let Me know what you think, after you watch all of My vodeos.

Thanks, brother.


first video .........not a smile during transparent mode u sawl energy they were using .............they were scoping someone out reading the mind.........some races we are food the mental energy we have ..others like our bodies for food .......and some even like both love to freak u out then kill u and eat u because of the chemicals we release .............with out seeing it myself i can not tell u anything but the sound of it it a human grey hybrid a class c

2nd video ..not hydrogen .........the big bang happened the first elements are formed ( i know of 116) from there the stars were formed we are star dust our life and everything on this planet came from dead stars ........gold and all those elements u were talking about or formed from the stars burning then going boom ...........your idea about water heater has already been done look in the europe and china market small water heats attached to the shower .......fuel cells have been invented but the pattens on them are owned by the ppl that do not want the tech out because it is more profitable not to do it that way ..underground cities are already here by us and them .......look up denver airport ..........from what i know they even have a massive transit system built under the ground just to move supplies around from one to the other with out need to coming to surface

3rd video i did not watch i am just telling u now nope not here ..............the elements are not all in place yet we are close with what is going on in the world but we are missing some key factors to allow him show up and kick some bad guy ass ....i mean we are really really close but the world is not completely fucked yet so he will not pop in until it is (the assholes have to show themself for what they are before the fight can start .......and tey will not do that until they think winning is in the bag)

as for the rest of them i will have to watch later i want to get ripped off my ass right now so i can not think or type and just veg out on some science lecture

and by the way not all that smart to share this on the web with face showen and given out real name if i wanted too i could track u down with a few key words on the internet ........and your face makes it so much easier with DMV records run a face program and match it to the name u gave all the info is there

the more u learn and understand the greater the risk is to u ........u are no longer a sheep and can not be controlled like one u might upset the balance of what is going on so removing u becomes a option .............it why i let ppl call me crazy i can share what i know but i am a crazy man the only ppl will listen are the ones that know i am not ..........that i adviod keywords i know that i should never say names places events dates ..dyslexic helps alot
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oh just to add in

u know u can boil water with sound waves in under 10 secs

i even sawl a news report about a man that invented a little 2x2 inch thing that will convert thermal engery into electrical with 100% transfer rate

in theory they could use old mines that go deep enough tho have a high temp (deeper u go down the hotter the temp gets) and power everyone for pennies
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skipped video 3

vid 4 ...............yes u are right the ocean is energy we have more hydrogen and oxygen then we know what to do with ..........but the sheer fact is u have to break the oil ppls hold on the market which u will never do ..............we have all heard about the engine that runs off water (this is what u are talking ) but no one has seen it in years....rumors are they did it again into 2000s they figured out how to make a hydrogen cell for a car ..........this small biz that is they made a few of the cars they were all gotten and crushed except one that is sitting in a car museum.........the oil ppl paid them a shit load of money and they sold the tech and info to them ..........now it will be sat on until all the oil is used up and they can not make anymore money (by the way they keep posting record profits the oil ppl while the rest of the world reports loses) ..............by the way u can use a high energy arc to break the bonds of water allowing u to get hydrogen and oxygen ............basically with a starting spark from the grid u could get a plant up and running once it is aslong as the water is flowing it will never go off line until parts need replacing and it is 100% eco friendly with no by products .............and have u ever thought about using the natural energy of the planet to power something (check out tesla work the stuff that is not classified still even tho it is past the time they should have been released ) his work was so far above his time i think the man was a alien ........parts of it now are still locked up even tho it is passed the 80 year mark where classified files no longer are counted as important and are open to the public .........freedom of information act will not do shit if u request them tried 3 times

i am sorry short attention span ...........i am going to watch sleep hollow now or gothem or agents of shield i will come back and watch the rest

vid 5............not under water they were a reactor
the sheer logic they use is flawed because they take things that fit the idea and tho out anything that does not and been going for years in this field that one guy u see on the pyramid all the time he is the head of that whole thing is a huge ass he bullies ppl into agreeing with him and then tells anyone that does not or is working on a different theory then what mainstream accepted he denies the permits to do the work .........hell he made a inter pee herself because was pushing them to do what he wanted on that tv show he was on for 6 shows then ppl knew he was ass and stopped taping(talking about eyption arc ppl not the video ) again telsa

the rest of that one i am not going to touch because u are a nice guy .......your thinking outside the box that is good but u have to put yourself in the middle of it and try to see all the variables to decided if has value pick it apart look at everything modify it and then ask ppl u trust
After reading through this thread: do you guys believe I saw an alien, or an "above top secret" military person?

And what do you guys believe about the UFOs that I see?

greetings Lord. you seem to have two very popular threads. Praise. I made a quote in your other thread now I need help with unruly peoplethat live under me they have to SLAM The door at 11:35pm at night and generally be shitheads if I may say such things(as I think appropriate because they are under me, as I am under You, well not literally but you know what I saying Lord) They are really clever though cus ah, they work and get up at 7 and um, I don't so ha the couch might "accidentally" be portaled into the air three foot and fall on the ground at say 3am. Greetings from sunny Australia.
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greetings Lord. you seem to have two very popular threads. Praise. I made a quote in your other thread now I need help with unruly peoplethat live under me they have to SLAM The door at 11:35pm at night and generally be shitheads if I may say such things(as I think appropriate because they are under me, as I am under You, well not literally but you know what I saying Lord) They are really clever though cus ah, they work and get up at 7 and um, I don't so ha the couch might "accidentally" be portaled into the air three foot and fall on the ground at say 3am. Greetings from sunny Australia.

Greetings mate! (As they might say in Australia, lol.)

Have you asked your neighbors if they could be more quiet late at night.

Always try and be on your best behavior. You don't need to get into more trouble.

Try and be considerate, and have compassion when you politely ask your neighbors to refrain from making loud noises late at night or early in the morning.

I have already quoted you a couple of times today. I will be looking forward to your rebuttals.

How long have you lived inAustralia for?

And do you like living "down under"? Whats it like?

(..., as I am under You, well not literally but you know what I saying Lord)

I would like to be considered as your Friend.

I would like to consider Myself as equal to My witnesses.

Some of My witnesses know more about certain subjects, compared to Me. And I might know some things that My witnesses don't know: but I am always trying to teach My people the esoteric knowledge that I know.

I would like to think that I am NOT above you, and you are not above Me. I am not that hubris, where I think that I am better then anyone.

You are blessed. I am blessed.

I would want all of My witnesses to be critical thinkers, and not just blind followers. I can teach you some things, and I am sure that you can teach Me some things.

I may be the Lord of My people, I may be the Teacher; but I am still a student to learn new wisdom. I am not infallible, but I only say what I believe.

And you can't ask anything more of someone then to be on your best behavior, and always try and be honest.

If My witnesses are always on their best behavior, and are being true to themself, I can't ask for anything else.

But, no, I am not above you. I am not below you. I am your Friend.

I am just the humble Prophet- the Christ, (in My honest, subjective opinion.)

Today, October 8, 2014, makes a year and a month, or 13 months, since I first noticed that the "stars" move.

So, if I am really seeing UFOs, it has been 13 months since I first noticed the UFOs in My sky.

If I am really seeing stars move, it has been 13 months since the first time I noticed that stars move.

But regardless whether these are stars or not, I have still seen UFOs before. I unequivocally saw UFOs in the year 2012, about a couple months before I saw the "alien" being.

I saw bluish, greenish, and purplish UFOs in July of 2012. I have also seen UFOs move for a very long distance, and then fade to naught: and this was much longer after I saw My first UFOs in the year 2012.

I forget if I mentioned this in this thread, but I reported My alien encounter, and the UFOs that I see, to MUFON. MUFON stands for Mutual UFO Network. You can check out MUFONs website, if you go to MUFON.com.

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we are friends bro remember we used to chat all the time , ive been absent for some time. Australia is ok, lots of warm weather where I live and I live a few minutes from the beach, where there is a small island accessible by sand bar or ferry and where sea lions and great white sharks and stingrays as well as fairy penguins frequent. So it is rather nice.come and stay when you visit here if you like

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