I think flushing is a myth heres why

QUOTE="racerboy71, post: 8344139, member: 101541"]i have the simplest way of proving flushing does nada for the taste of buds.. here goes..
if it made one bit of difference in the taste of buds, everyone would simply flush as unflushed buds would taste like dog shit, chemically doo doo, w/e it is the flushers say it does..
the simple fact is that this is not true, there fore the debate continues.. there is nothing that dumping tons of water through the dirt of a plant is going to do for the taste of said plant.. i'll never understand how people think that by dumping tons of water through a medium will every have one effect on the taste of buds..
do a proper dry and cure, it's all that's needed for the finest tasting cannabis you'll ever have... leave the flushing for deuces.. :D[/QUOTE]
I'd say u can flush the medium all you want but you can't actually flush the plant is self as said by homebrew...
It takes time for nitrates to get metabolized to proteins and other compounds. Smoking nitrates, I assume, would produce harmful nitro compounds. You might not notice it but it could be harming your lungs more than flushed weed. Just look up nitrates in food crops to learn more. There's concern because eating nitrates is also bad for you. Anyway, at least cutting out the nitrates for the last week or two might not be a bad idea.
I would personaly like to thank everybody involved in this arguement. I learned alot from both sides, had some great laughs courtesy of racer boy and those popcorn eating clips. There seems like theres alot of people out there that swear by not flushing, and alot of people who have heard through passed on info that flushing is necessary. I personally would think that by giving your plant the best life untill the end would make the plant happier, inturn produce better, heavier buds with nitrogen used until the end. I totally get the whole drying properly makes chlorophill blackness less of an issue. I can see how organics dont have to be fushed because they were once part of a biological function that means that its dead or crap. Either way its what soil is made from so im consuming it naturally from my garden vegtables anyway without flushing. I have a friend who pulls those fan leaves off all the time and his plants look horrible. Lankey, skinny, bulimic lookin things. I leave mine on and my stalks are as big as my wrist. Plants are solar powered, why would taking away the solar panels help them to work better? Thats like taking a motor out of a car and replacing it with hampsters. Yur still going to get small amounts of energy produced from "hampsters" but with no motor that plants circulatory system will slow drasticly....right? If you were offended by this question i dont think theres help for you. What do you think would happen if you pulled off the leaves of a jalepeno plant or an orange tree just before your fruits were ripening? Aaaaa stall, not bigger better fruit. Cut the top off a carrot, see what happens. Thats a little more dramatic but still the same principal. I dont know sh:t. Im new to this and still learning myself. I know lots of friends that do it and every one of those idiots thinks they know the best way and they all do the opposite of each other. Im still unsure about the whole flushing thing and hydroponics. Inorganic to me means chemical. Chemical to me means unhealthy. Im aware that just feeding your plant water isint going to magicly pull chemicals out of buds when colas are jugs and stems are tree trunks but is it wrong? Does it serve a purpose at all, are all the old hippes gratefully dead wrong?? Fu2k money, i want the best smoke around outta hydro with synthetic nutes!! Wheres the side by side comparisons? Weights? Cannabinoid levels? Taste tests? Are there any scientists out there or just fact pushers. Wheres the tests? Show me the light RollItUp. Peace.
I been plucking fan leaves off since mine hit veg how do they appear to you?


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Well I got some feedback from the first round of stuff i dried without a flush. The bloke said it tasted bad and i told him the reason why... Took another sample around for him from the stuff that i'd flushed... After the bong he said "Wow that's heaps better"... So um, yeah.
So um yea YOU could also be full of shit..