I think I over did it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I was out of line. If so I am sorry. But Mikeeverytime you answer to one Of my threads it is always how things are all fucked up.. WHY IS THIS?
Most other people might say hey, I think this MIGHT be wrong, here is how you fix it..

But Mike is..You are fucked, your hydro store has you wrapped around your finger...

Mike When it comes to my threads Just shut up. I find you to be an intellegent IDIOT.

OH, and I know that by me saying, I will also piss off your friends. OH WELL. Mike really I loved what you had to say in your own threads and other people threads.

So anyway mike, You said that I got ripped off by my hydro store and that they have me wrapped around their finger.

PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!! $200-$500 bet. If you know so much and are so wise, put up the money, or shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
First off, let me say I went off half cocked. I owe great oppologies to TOK3.

Mike it was not that thread, it was the threads to follow. I am sure you have done great thing growing weed, and making clones. I have no doubt about this. But to the up and coming people, who have spent endless hours buiding, you can make us want to kill you with our own bare hands. Which I hope I would never do.

But dam it mike, do not tell me how fucked up my system is with out why it is.

Bet still stands on my systyem for my mother,, all I hear is flapping jaws.

Come on MIKEY,, You seem to be the GOD of all growing, and you think my system sucks.. PUT UP THE MONEY>>>


Well-Known Member
no thats the one, i plant them in soil from there

i have some in veg and others were kicked out

and a new batch going now.........piece
damn they keep getting worse........what is your trouble

im a first time grower my self and have learned alot from this site, now your attitude towards other peoples help causes you this much trouble, you will never learn anything.

there is a link to my first grow in my sig. wacky bag seed,i knew very little and got this far from the help on rollitup.....good luck to you and be nice, dont you smoke pot you angry stoner..........lol


Well-Known Member
Well if you are a first time grower, then why have you cut down my shit in like 5 of my threads?


Well-Known Member
But dam it mike, do not tell me how fucked up my system is with out why it is.

show me were this was said or get over it....how old are you !!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am sorry to everyone for my stupidity. I hope that some people will still enjoy my grow. Life in real is the same as in here.


Well-Known Member
i have enjoyed your grow till now, but will still have to watch

im very interested in the flood table, im looking at a 4x4 flood

and forget the bet i dont want your money....the hydro guy does..j.k. !!!

lets see if you can take a joke, please enjoy your time here and learn..i know you will


Well-Known Member
Mike, Mike, Mike Just go on your way, or make the bet. You have cut me down on at least 3 threads, and all three have gone well. this will be the fourth.

So one last time, I am going to say to you MIKEY,, pay up or SHUT THE FUCK up, because you know nothing. If you know something then put the money up. I always figured you knew what you were talking about because you had so many post. But now I know your are full off shit. Or you would bet me that this system, that you say is SHIT, wi0ll not grow a good healthy7 plant...

Your best bet if you do not want to make the bet, is to shut the hell up with you idiot babbling. I really hope you take the bet, and beat me. So then i wll know a better way to grow this WEED.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to everyone. everything I have said in the passed 72 hours, I would like to retract by means of stupidity. Mike, tok3 I am sorry for my bad conduct. Please forgive me, I am in you debt for any knowledge I have gathered here.


Well-Known Member
Please forgive me, I am in you debt for any knowledge I have gathered here.

comments like that are what bring yourself the trouble.......smart ass

sorry im done posting here......good luck


Well-Known Member
it cool man evry ones got own opinion and methods and if it works well then fuk it keep doin tht way if it dosent then just ask for help. thts were people go wrong and just go squirlly


Well-Known Member
Good I finally shut the Smoke vent up.

Could not help myself. I know I should not say this.

But I call them as I see them.

All he had to do was put up, he desided to shut up.
DAM, I could have used the money.

If you see a problem, even if you are wrong, please tell me what the problem is and tell me how to fix it.
Please do not tell me I have a problem and nothing else like some people.

I hope my mother dies now. I feel bad for mikey. I do think it might get root roit. I did not listen to the hydro store on what timer to set it on. I have no timer left for it. They said 15 minutes on, ever hour. I am running in 24/7.. Mickey, maybe you should have made that bet. I think I will drown this girl before I change my time.


Well-Known Member
Good I finally shut the Smoke vent up.

Could not help myself. I know I should not say this.

But I call them as I see them.

All he had to do was put up, he desided to shut up.
DAM, I could have used the money.
lol owell no $


Well-Known Member
DWC system for your mother would work really well, although a father, it would prolly be a waste of money and effort. i also would only use DWC bucket for a mother if i needed fast regeration for like a perpetual SOG. but i personally use soil in 15gallon pots for my mothers. i have 4 so far and i am working on my 5th which is mothers finest. male plants will stay in the pot that they were in when i discoverd their sex and just try not to have them take up too much room, or light for that matter. i just want the pollen then compost! i have my mothers under a 400watt right now but they will be under a 250wattMH i need 60 cuttings every 30days, i do two strains at a time so i need to take 30 cuttings from each of two plants. slower growth from soil and only a 250watt light but way less upkeep.

DIY anything is awesome in my opinion, i love the guys at my local shop but im a hands on type of person. they know this and they are in it to learn just like all of us, however i have been to grow shops where the atmosphere is we are growing gods and have all you answers as long as your pockets are deep enough.

my two cents on the food grade pvc. there are different types of plastic and from what i understand there is a pvc plastic that is no bueno to use for it does seep into your water. i have never heard of anyone this has happend to. but it is hard for me to believe it is a conspiercy started by the hydro guys. i will look for the post and give a link. but again it is not "evidence" wither way if you do go DIY, using irragation plastics and pvc's should work out just fine.

im sure we can all agree that DWC is an extremely high performance application of hydroponics, but as far as the who has the bigger wang contest goes, i have read everything here and cant find any valid reasoning for it. we are all in the same boat here, there are many styles, mine is the drunken style.....! good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
I am most definiately a soil screw up. I can grow all kinds of stuff in soil, but when it comes to WEED. I kill them everytime in soil. This is why I have this system for my Hopeful Mother.