I think I over did it.


Well-Known Member
I am most definiately a soil screw up. I can grow all kinds of stuff in soil, but when it comes to WEED. I kill them everytime in soil. This is why I have this system for my Hopeful Mother.
lol im the opposite i tried a dwc and fucked it up but i wasnt really totaly prepared so i just stick to soil cuase thts were i have most experince.
plus theres less for me to worry about and thts key for my grow right now.
as for the plastics i havnt heard about the plastics and i would like to see some more evidence of bad grade plastics to use for your grow cuase now ive heard this myth from 2 people. not saying its not true but i would like to know as seeing i plan on using the extra buckets from my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Last night I took the dome off my clones. In about 3 hours 2 of the clones started to wilt, so I misted them and put the top back on, within a few hours they were fine.

Today, I checked the clones for roots and this is what I found. Roots popping out or 10 of the 12 rapid rooters. Could they have wilted because the rapid rooters were to dry? I just added 1 tsp of very light nuted water to each clone. and am leaving the top off again.



Well-Known Member
Only been about an hour with the dome off. two clones seem to be wilting a little, but I am conditioning my rock wool cubes right now, and going to stick them in my old system soon.


Well-Known Member
I am currently taking clones as well. I thought they were ready this morning at 5 days. They all had at least one root popping out, so I took off the dome and thirty minutes later half of them are touching the floor. Keep the pics coming, they are looking good so far.


Well-Known Member
Last night I took the dome off my clones. In about 3 hours 2 of the clones started to wilt, so I misted them and put the top back on, within a few hours they were fine.

Today, I checked the clones for roots and this is what I found. Roots popping out or 10 of the 12 rapid rooters. Could they have wilted because the rapid rooters were to dry? I just added 1 tsp of very light nuted water to each clone. and am leaving the top off again.
those roots look pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
Last night I took the dome off my clones. In about 3 hours 2 of the clones started to wilt, so I misted them and put the top back on, within a few hours they were fine.

Today, I checked the clones for roots and this is what I found. Roots popping out or 10 of the 12 rapid rooters. Could they have wilted because the rapid rooters were to dry? I just added 1 tsp of very light nuted water to each clone. and am leaving the top off again.
if they have roots, it doesn't matter if they wilt when taken out. they'll get acclimated soon enough, and the big fans will die anyway.

i have a saying when it comes to slips; if they're green, they're good.



Well-Known Member
Here are new pictures. 10/12 clones have roots showing. I put them into my small flood and drain tonight. These are 7 days from cutting.

The flowering plants are 30 days from germing and have been flowering for 5 days.

The one solo plant is my 20th plant. I had it in soil because there was not room for it in my small system when I first started. I could not get it growing well at all, so I very carefully washed the roots and placed it in the waterfarm system. I am hoping it will be my mother. I figure if it can go through what I put it through, it must be a strong plant if it keeps growing like it is.

So, 7 plants in flower, 12 plants just came from my clone dome, and one in a room all on its own in a waterfarm system.



Well-Known Member
Kindprincess, so the larger fan leaves on my clones will die?

I have been looking at my flower plants and wondering if I should remove the lower HUGE fan leaves, to let light in down there. I have read so many different oppinions on this. What do you guys and gals all think?

I am going to pick up 3-4 more single bulb'd t-5 lights and hang them virtical on the walls.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You have to let clones acclamate to being out of the dome.Takes 2-3 days.You start them out with maybe 20 minutes of the dome lid slightly up maybe 2-3 inches tilted.Then close it back the next day go 30-40 minutes top up or off then back under dome day 3 try an hour if no more then slight wilting occurs your good.Remember keep them in a warm area a cool are will make them wilt and die.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a good suggestion fletch. I guess I kind of did that. But not for as long as you said. I did it just for a test really. Next time I will do what you suggest. I hope I did not screw up so bad, that they freak on me.


Well-Known Member
Hey my last harvest. I got 1.5 OZ per plant of very sweet buds, plus about 2 OZ of pop corn buds from the 3 plants. One guy told me that was a shitty harvest. SO what is a good harvest per plant, indoor Hydro growing?

And i know it depends on a lot of things, strain, nuts, lights, Yaddi, Yaddi....


Well-Known Member
He was just another one of those types of people who wants to bring you down. And he was rude also about it. He could have said something like this.... If you had done this, and maybe that, you should have gotten 2.5 OZ's per plant. But he told me that Yield sucks. You only got 1.5 OZ's?? Ok, maybe not rude, but people put a lot of time into these grows to have someone shoot them down hard like that. BUT,, this is some good fucking bud, even if I only gopt the yield I did. And yes, I screwed up big time. For some reason I can not grow in soil. My plants were like 19 days old, very small and sickly. I went to buy new soil,, (3rd) dam time. On my way driving, I just told myself Screw this!!!! I am going hydro. I found a hysro store, bought a small system, went home and carefully washed the soil from the roots of my 4 plants. I figured all would die, but they did not even wilt. they went crazy. I had to get rid of 1 of the plants because I ran out of room.


Well-Known Member
Sad day here in my grow room. Had to cut down my tallest plant. I see BALLS. Here are the pictures, one of the plant ready to get the Axe, this is what I see as signs of his male hood.

Kind of early on the other plants, but 3 more of them kind of look male. If so, that is at least 4 of 7 being male...:cry:



Well-Known Member
Well, I cut another plant down. And am pretty sure I am going to cut two more down tomorrow. The remaining 3 plants look promising.

Feminated seeds or clones all the way for me, from now on. :cry:


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear it man. You do all that work, caring and treating them like queens... and for what, so they can rub their balls in my face as to say, no... your not getting buds from me dude, Im here to impregnate your women.


Well-Known Member
I have killed 2 males so far, and I am pretty sure I will have to kill 2 more tonight, when they wake up. I hope the last 3 are female. I also have 10 clones that have been going for almost 2 weeks now, so that will help. Had 12 already killed 2 of the clones. Not sure which of the remaining 10 clones go with which plants. I used the plant markers, and used a permanent marker on them to mark which plants they came from.. PFFFFT,, it was not even close to being permanent. All but one set of clones and plants, the marking washed off when I misted.. DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you say Paint Pen????


Well-Known Member
My eye sight is not what it used to be. I have the radio shack 60X-100X microscope with light to look at the Trich's,, I love this Scope.

But when I am checking for the sex of the plant it is to strong. I have to use a pair of 2.50X reading glasses, and a small jewelry lens I bought at an Arts and Crafts store, which is I think 8X, maybe 10X. I am thinking something you can hold steady, or wear, that is like 20X-40X. Anyone know of something out there like this?

Or what do you all use? I know there are others that have crested that hill and eyes are failing.

Oh, bye the way. I had great vision all my life. It hit all at once. Freaked me out.

I hate reading fine print now, like on those dam bottles of nuts at the hydro store. I seem to always forget my glasses at home. I read a lot of fine print, but this is all I need the glasses for, so I forget them a lot.


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing, out of 20 clones I have 4 that I know are males. I'll be damned if I know which ones.