ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

hmmm. i need more info. waxy is very good, hard is not bad. how are you breaking it up to dry?

i just let it dry in a glass bowl, yesterday i made some with purple urkle and it is super sticky almost full melt but all my sativa hash is waxy hard and crumbly , i suspect its just the strain but nor sure, you'd know better than me thanx
i just let it dry in a glass bowl, yesterday i made some with purple urkle and it is super sticky almost full melt but all my sativa hash is waxy hard and crumbly , i suspect its just the strain but nor sure, you'd know better than me thanx

Strain does determine melt. As mentioned earlier: Melt is not an indicator of potency, but of the presence of oil soluble terpenes, which are responsible for part of resin flavor. Indica strains have been selected for a thousand plus years to make good hash, and that is still very true to this day. Cannabis sativa hash is somewhat of a new product, as traditionally C. sativa flowers are smoked and C. indica flowers are turned into dry screen hash.

Now it is all mixed up, and most strains (actually varieties but we don't need to go into semantics) are a combination of C. indica and C. sativa genetics. Hash melt is truly a mix-n-match of different genetics. We should start a library of strain and melt quality.

Don't worry about meltyness, it is the affect on your head/body that is the true judge, and we all have unique biochemistry, so varieties affect us differently. If you want full melt, grow indica :) I'm growing Jack Herer because it gives me a "happy euphoria" that I've found in only this strain, green crack, lilikoi, and strawberry cough. All three of those strains make not-fullmelt hash and give low hash yields... but the high is right. Feel me?

I used to do DJ's Blueberry and BCSC Big Blue, for years. The hybrid made WAY better bubble than the pure. The hybrid, with NL and 80% indica was a world above the pure 60% indica in terms of hash. But the pure flowers were so amazing in flavor and color, and were the prettiest I've grown. So... I like to grow an indica hybrid for bubbling and a sativa hybrid for smoking
The strain you make you bubble out of is probably one of the most important factors in how the bubble hash comes out from what I've seen My more sativa dominant strains tend to come out more crumbly and hard too. Anyone else notice this? A strain library would be a GREAT idea too.
Strain does determine melt. As mentioned earlier: Melt is not an indicator of potency, but of the presence of oil soluble terpenes, which are responsible for part of resin flavor. Indica strains have been selected for a thousand plus years to make good hash, and that is still very true to this day. Cannabis sativa hash is somewhat of a new product, as traditionally C. sativa flowers are smoked and C. indica flowers are turned into dry screen hash.

Now it is all mixed up, and most strains (actually varieties but we don't need to go into semantics) are a combination of C. indica and C. sativa genetics. Hash melt is truly a mix-n-match of different genetics. We should start a library of strain and melt quality.

Don't worry about meltyness, it is the affect on your head/body that is the true judge, and we all have unique biochemistry, so varieties affect us differently. If you want full melt, grow indica :) I'm growing Jack Herer because it gives me a "happy euphoria" that I've found in only this strain, green crack, lilikoi, and strawberry cough. All three of those strains make not-fullmelt hash and give low hash yields... but the high is right. Feel me?

my outdoor sativa came from mexi bagseed,very sativa looking and hits you right in the face,my current grow is green crack, purple kush ,monkey balls, and ijust sprouted 5jack herer and 5 bubblegum, you say youlke greencack and jack hash, have you ever made bubblegum bubblehash
my outdoor sativa came from mexi bagseed,very sativa looking and hits you right in the face,my current grow is green crack, purple kush ,monkey balls, and ijust sprouted 5jack herer and 5 bubblegum, you say youlke greencack and jack hash, have you ever made bubblegum bubblehash

No, never grown the gum. Used to see it all the time in "headies" form back east. I just pulled down outdoor purple kush, turned out as expected, smaller plants, typical kush structure, dense buds. The bubble hash is about half melt, decent yield.

post edit: monkey balls, lol. what is that?
monkeyballs aka deep chunk aka death cabbage ,hybrid of purple indica ,first grow so not sure but has a lot of purple in the stem will hav pics on my grow thread
Good Morning! Hope you had a good Turkey Day man.

Got a couple questions for ya...

After you have removed the hash from your bags... do you place the "clump" in a drying screen? Do you press the screen or place it between towels at all? How do you store the "clump" over night? or was I mistaken?

You mention you leave them as is to dry up some over night. The next day is when you break out the microplane and sifter, right?

I tried doing this over the weekend and was having a hard time. Like I said, I had always began breaking up the hash immediately after removing it from the bag. I would start breaking it through the sifter (worried about mold). After leaving the "clump" out over night, it became like super putty. No way to "grind it" and I don't see how I could get a sand texture out of it. Just super soft and pliable/sticky. It would just gum up and fill the wholes in the microplane.

Obviously I made a mistake somewhere. Wondering if you had any tips.

and for what it's worth - I picked up a large silver spoon and retired my old wooden one. I tried the 3 minute mix... WOW. I upped it to 5 minutes and was still pretty impressed. I think that's what I will stick with. Then do a second run for 30 minutes and use for cooking. Just thought I'd share. Made some amazingly golden, pure hash.
My previous question of weather wet or dry is good for BHO DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY

wet trim = frozen clog in your copper pipe = potential pipe bomb

the wet trim batch got so frozen solid i had to ream it out the pipe for 20 min and it started to hold pressure i could see butane spewing out the adapter cap so defionatly not the smartest idea

the dry batch i crumbled into dust and stuffed that and did not have a problem
Good Morning! Hope you had a good Turkey Day man.

Got a couple questions for ya...

After you have removed the hash from your bags... do you place the "clump" in a drying screen? Do you press the screen or place it between towels at all? How do you store the "clump" over night? or was I mistaken?

You mention you leave them as is to dry up some over night. The next day is when you break out the microplane and sifter, right?

I tried doing this over the weekend and was having a hard time. Like I said, I had always began breaking up the hash immediately after removing it from the bag. I would start breaking it through the sifter (worried about mold). After leaving the "clump" out over night, it became like super putty. No way to "grind it" and I don't see how I could get a sand texture out of it. Just super soft and pliable/sticky. It would just gum up and fill the wholes in the microplane.

Obviously I made a mistake somewhere. Wondering if you had any tips.

and for what it's worth - I picked up a large silver spoon and retired my old wooden one. I tried the 3 minute mix... WOW. I upped it to 5 minutes and was still pretty impressed. I think that's what I will stick with. Then do a second run for 30 minutes and use for cooking. Just thought I'd share. Made some amazingly golden, pure hash.

Yes, after removing the wet clump it goes on the drying screen. I put a towel underneath, and cover the tray with a silk screen for the night. No pressing or paper towels, the drying will happen next. The next day I have to judge if the hash is ready to break up, it may take an additional 12 hours. If the hash has dried out enough to go from crumbly to an oily mass, then I know it is ready to break up.

When you break it up too early the hash will form smaller clumps and not easily grate. Its all about the right wet/dryness to grate it properly. Like I said before, depending on your household temps this could be overnight or up to 24 hours. I find waiting to break it up is the best way to get the "crystal" form bubble I prefer. Mold won't grow overnight. If it was gumming up the holes your bubble was either too wet or too warm. Sound like you were grating some super high grade 5 minute hand stir... and that might need to be chilled pre-grating as the oil content is very pure.

Your results sound incredible... pics? :)
My previous question of weather wet or dry is good for BHO DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY

wet trim = frozen clog in your copper pipe = potential pipe bomb

the wet trim batch got so frozen solid i had to ream it out the pipe for 20 min and it started to hold pressure i could see butane spewing out the adapter cap so defionatly not the smartest idea

the dry batch i crumbled into dust and stuffed that and did not have a problem

YIKES! thats is good to know. The endothermic reaction (makes cold) going on with BHO would surely freeze all H2O in the plant matter, causing swelling... so due to your kind experiment I will say USE DRY HERB FOR BHO :)
My previous question of weather wet or dry is good for BHO DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY

wet trim = frozen clog in your copper pipe = potential pipe bomb

the wet trim batch got so frozen solid i had to ream it out the pipe for 20 min and it started to hold pressure i could see butane spewing out the adapter cap so defionatly not the smartest idea

the dry batch i crumbled into dust and stuffed that and did not have a problem
i tried making bho with fresh trim once, apparently it made a plug of ice then shot its load right into my collection dish, sounded like a blackcat and scared the shit out of my friend, he thought we were going to blow up
Yes, after removing the wet clump it goes on the drying screen. I put a towel underneath, and cover the tray with a silk screen for the night. No pressing or paper towels, the drying will happen next. The next day I have to judge if the hash is ready to break up, it may take an additional 12 hours. If the hash has dried out enough to go from crumbly to an oily mass, then I know it is ready to break up.

When you break it up too early the hash will form smaller clumps and not easily grate. Its all about the right wet/dryness to grate it properly. Like I said before, depending on your household temps this could be overnight or up to 24 hours. I find waiting to break it up is the best way to get the "crystal" form bubble I prefer. Mold won't grow overnight. If it was gumming up the holes your bubble was either too wet or too warm. Sound like you were grating some super high grade 5 minute hand stir... and that might need to be chilled pre-grating as the oil content is very pure.

Your results sound incredible... pics? :)

Haha right on. I can hope the problem is too much quality. Never a bad problem to have!

I'm thinking it was a little wet still too. My house is cold, but maybe not cold enough. I'll try chilling it too. Should help. I started working with it last night, it gummed up my microplane, starting sticking to my hands more then normal, so I put it away to try again later.

Will have to remember to grab pics tonight.
Here is some Jack Herer bubble:




Man that looks like the shizznit! bet it tastes bomb as hell too! How much did you start w/ to end up w/ that amt.?
Sweeeeeet. I just got my bubble bags the other day Matt. I was gonna make some yesterday but I've been a bit under the weather, and I'm not sure I'm even gonna get to it today. I see a lot of sleep in my future. I'll let ya know how it goes when I finally gitter done. Hopefully mine turns out as good as yours.

Peace my friend.
Mr. Ganja,

I made bubble hash for the first time the other day, and enjoyed it very much.
As you know, what was at the bottom of the bag was a pile of wet trichomes(and other stuff im sure)....
I scooped it out with a spoon and put it on a paper plate to dry.
Now its dry and I want to make it into a pliable ball of dark hash.
I tried ironing it with wet news paper,with wax paper, and with a hot metal spatula.(just messing around)
If you wouldnt mind making some suggestions to help, I would appreciate it very much!

Thanks for your knowledge...
Mr. Ganja,

I made bubble hash for the first time the other day, and enjoyed it very much.
As you know, what was at the bottom of the bag was a pile of wet trichomes(and other stuff im sure)....
I scooped it out with a spoon and put it on a paper plate to dry.
Now its dry and I want to make it into a pliable ball of dark hash.
I tried ironing it with wet news paper,with wax paper, and with a hot metal spatula.(just messing around)
If you wouldnt mind making some suggestions to help, I would appreciate it very much!

Thanks for your knowledge...
I would not press an hash until you are certain it is dry. At that point there is little reason to press other than long term storage. If you plan on smoking this hash, don't press it, it will only be harder to smoke.

If you must press it, use a glass jar of boiling water and press lightly. Simple and not too hot. Rize UP!

Mr. Ganja... lol... is that me... :)
I will start calling you Matt...Maybe Mr. Ganja is your
Any way... thanks for the advice!
I'm to new at making hash to know what it is I'm really trying to achieve.
I will do more homework on it.
I like the pics by the way.

Take it easy