if a seedling is stretched, is it too late?


Active Member
If you stretch out a seedling, would planting it deep into the hydro system so that they're appropriate height fix the problem or will they still grow to be crappy plants? I streched out some seedlings and putting them closer to the light stopped it but they're pretty tall now...


Well-Known Member
Iv had a problem when planting too deep in DWC.
Take care of them and they wont be crappy plants unless you have crapy genetics.


Active Member
No but they grew too tall for my humidity dome and started bending at 4 days. Either way the stretching stopped so it's good.
You could always bury them a depth you know will be safe, and then progressively work them a little deeper over the course of a week. I haven't done anything hydro yet, but I know when I let my little ones stretch to far in my soil grow I was able to fix it by burying it deep-ish then slowly adding soil. Giving it time allowed it to stack up roots up The stem before moving on to The next set. Just a thought, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yep you can bury them deeper, roots will grow out of the buried stem. Or you can support them with sticks. I stretched my lady and when I transplanted her I used a toothpick for support, dropped the light close and added wind. In a couple days she was straight and strong
Yep you can bury them deeper, roots will grow out of the buried stem. Or you can support them with sticks. I stretched my lady and when I transplanted her I used a toothpick for support, dropped the light close and added wind. In a couple days she was straight and strong
Used a chopstick with a bread tie wrapped around the top and an open U-shape coming off of it so as not to restrict the plant... Worked great lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you need the dome on them if they are that old,,, honestly the only time I use a dome is for clones.


Active Member
Thanks guys this actually helped i thought the dome was neccessary because my last growing attemped almost killed of all my seedlings and i didn't use a humidity dome. Does anyone know if store bought reverse osmosis water needs cal mag? Idk in the last attempt i thibk i might of seen a magnesium deficiency from comparing to images online but i have no clue.