if god existed

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
7. The Earth's Magnetic Field:
The Earth's magnetic field is decaying at the rate of about 5 % every 100 years. This means that about 1450 years ago it was twice as strong as it is today, and 2900 years ago it was four times as strong. Therefore, assuming that the rate of decay has been constant for the recent past, then only 10,000 years ago the earth's magnetic field would have been 128 times as strong as it is today: so strong that the amount of heat produced would have prevented life as we know it from existing on earth. [SUP]23,24,25,26 [/SUP]In other words, it seems likely that the Earth's magnetic field is quite young, and suggests that the earth itself is also young.

The fact that the earth's magnetic field is decaying is well documented. For example, a recent NOVA Special on this subject brought this out very clearly. In fact, at present rates of decay, the earth may not even have a magnetic field 1000 years from now. And although, the NOVA special strongly suggested that this may simply mean the earth is getting ready for another reversal, such may not be the case, as Dr. Humphreys work suggests. A brief portion of Dr. Humphreys findings are quoted below.

<continued here>

The formula "1.05 ^ 14.5 = 2.0" assumes the 5% decay rate is linear, which is not true in the slightest.

Another problem with that logic is it does not account for when the magnetic field flips. During this transition, the field forms a toroid around the planet, leaving it unprotected. Our field is decaying until it forms the toroid, then reverses and strengthens. The Sun's field also flips, and seems to be what causes the Earth's field to flip too.

Better info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal


Ursus marijanus
I love the fact that we can't ever see the dark side of the Moon. What's there? :p
We do have pictures and astronaut accounts.
Fwiw it isn't the "dark" side of the moon but the "far" side ... it receives the same amount of sunlight as the near side. Apologies to Pink Floyd. cn


Well-Known Member
We do have pictures and astronaut accounts.
Fwiw it isn't the "dark" side of the moon but the "far" side ... it receives the same amount of sunlight as the near side. Apologies to Pink Floyd. cn
Here's an astronaut account. He was on Apollo 14 and landed on the moon. :D


<edit> Talks in the video about certain NASA cover-ups and et. al.

He knows more about what happened in 1947 in Roswell though, that's his platform.


Active Member
or was god emperor haile selassie as we have been conned by king james and his bible in to beleaving in our persepion of god and religeon as the king james bible

is where most of our chritian persepions come from


Active Member
Here's an astronaut account. He was on Apollo 14 and landed on the moon. :D


<edit> Talks in the video about certain NASA cover-ups and et. al.

He knows more about what happened in 1947 in Roswell though, that's his platform.
that is what he has been told to tell us as we are mushrooms kept in the dark and fed on sh##


Ursus marijanus
Here's an astronaut account. He was on Apollo 14 and landed on the moon. :D


<edit> Talks in the video about certain NASA cover-ups and et. al.

He knows more about what happened in 1947 in Roswell though, that's his platform.
I missed the edit. i just went through most of that but didn't hear word one about the lunar far side ... cn


Well-Known Member
I missed the edit. i just went through most of that but didn't hear word one about the lunar far side ... cn
I have some interesting theories about the far side from some of the books I've read. One of those books was Penetration by Ingo Swann.

He was a remote viewer and researcher at SRI, and then in this book he detailed some of his experiences being recruited by an anonymous clandestine government group and remote viewing the moon for them.

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
in truth i just want peoples veiws on where heaven is
Heaven is everything, except we as physical beings are limited to the 3 physical dimensions and the time dimension. There are 7 more dimensions proven to exist via science, which forms the multiverse. The "universe" is our limited way of understanding a 3+1 dimensional region of spacetime, while the multiverse is 11 dimensions. This is heaven. Everything, even so-called hell, is part of heaven. Earth is pretty much hell.


Well-Known Member
Everything, even so-called hell, is part of heaven. Earth is pretty much hell.
Robert Monroe calls those after life places that resemble something someone would picture as Hell as 'Belief Territories.'

They exist because someone had such a strong belief of them during their life. They're not there forever I don't think, though.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Heaven is everything, except we as physical beings are limited to the 3 physical dimensions and the time dimension. There are 7 more dimensions proven to exist via science, which forms the multiverse. The "universe" is our limited way of understanding a 3+1 dimensional region of spacetime, while the multiverse is 11 dimensions. This is heaven. Everything, even so-called hell, is part of heaven. Earth is pretty much hell.
...the earth is a 'mother', it follows that she is a body - a planetary body. The center of earth, in the gnostic sense, is the bowel(s) of hell. It is here (if you follow that tradition) that people go to 'start over'.

(1 - mineral kingdom, 2 - vegetable kingdom, 3 - animal kingdom, 4 - human kingdom...and? :) )

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
...the earth is a 'mother', it follows that she is a body - a planetary body. The center of earth, in the gnostic sense, is the bowel(s) of hell. It is here (if you follow that tradition) that people go to 'start over'.
We are here to learn how to escape hell... This is our starting over, and our punishment. This is why life sucks, and also why we must learn to hate Earth to enter heaven.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
We are here to learn how to escape hell... This is our starting over, and our punishment. This is why life sucks, and also why we must learn to hate Earth to enter heaven.
...we've been hating earth for a long time - to no avail. There's a little something about unity here...which has to be learned. (imo)


Well-Known Member
Ok, perhaps you should ignore this post completely, I don't know what I'm talking about, I've realized..

I think space is like a giant piece of blackout drape fabric on a loop; you go so far and find yourself at another point on the other side or something. Maybe it's a sphere and the internal edges carry you on a conveyor to another point. It's so large that if you tried travelling to you the end you wouldn't realize the transition, like if you tried to swim across the ocean in a straight line and before you know it you've swam in a circle. As for heaven it could be in the general 'up' direction but if it's part of the spirit realm, on another plane there's probably no fixed position anyway. Like a constantly flying celestial airbus A380. Then again is heaven even a 'place' like a building. It'd be more like a floating island with buildings and the populus makes the place.. One thing though, Christians don't believe spirits/souls go straight to heaven, as far I know. I've forgotten what we're ramling about, actually, I couldn't read most of the original post... I think I need to smoke now.

Oh shit, it's given that the Lake of Fire is simply the Earth itself opened up..

Well, not hate the planet, we are steward of the planet, in the world but not of it; we have to hate worldly things.


Well-Known Member
...the earth is a 'mother', it follows that she is a body - a planetary body. The center of earth, in the gnostic sense, is the bowel(s) of hell. It is here (if you follow that tradition) that people go to 'start over'.

(1 - mineral kingdom, 2 - vegetable kingdom, 3 - animal kingdom, 4 - human kingdom...and? :) )
Or that some people go to aid and assist. :peace: