"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

This from a person who denies the data record. Denies basic physics. Denies the hundreds of other sources of information that confirms not only global warming but also human caused.

You keep saying the same things. Yet the very graphs you post back up the assertion that humans are causing climate change.

So, what is it? You've said the earth is cooling, you said the warming cycle was natural, you said there is nothing happening. Why do I get the feeling that you are completely out of your depth.

Yes, I only think that humans are responsible for the recent rapid rise in warming. I understand the science and understand the data and understand the theory. I've explained the basics to you and posted links that contain more information. No point in repeating this. Just go back a few posts and read. If you can.

The graphs I posted show everything is normal, its you freaks that have a problem with reality
The reality of "there is nothing wrong with the planet"
I garrantee you wont see a difference in the

The graphs I posted show everything is normal, its you freaks that have a problem with reality
The reality of "there is nothing wrong with the planet"
You didn't understand those graphs. Or what they mean. They don't show there is nothing wrong. They just show a temperature record. Where do they show "nothing is wrong"? You draw a conclusion but there is nothing in those graphs to justify it..

Shit stupid thing to say: "nothing wrong with the planet" As if the planet could get sick. Totally and completely out of your depth. Stick to ripping off old people selling timeshare contracts.
You clowns are the ones saying the planets fucked, not me moron
Fucking little kids, find a safe spot tnuc and hide till its all over
I never said the planet is fucked. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm saying only an idiot like you would think that.
I never said the planet is fucked. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm saying only an idiot like you would think that.
Some clown on here did
Why would I think that anyway, I don't believe all that "global warming" caused by man bullshit
You don't believe the pollution put into the atmosphere by industrialization causes problems in regards to changing the climate?
I believe it causes pollution, we used to have plenty of it when I was a kid
The Asians have got it all now, the lucky fuckers, all that free sulphur(acid rain) make you up grow big and strong, like an ox
Big and strong like an ox, self-sufficient and in no need of work anymore, thanks for asking.
Get a real job tty
You know when you get out
Big, clumsy, stupid with a ring in your nose to be LED around by those who manipulate you to their own ends.

I get out plenty and I work for myself, thanks.

Unlike you, I stand on my principles.