If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
Well in his mind, you probably voted for Bush, so you should just STFU. lol.
Actually if you listen to Alex Jones you wouldn't vote you would be trying to over throw the government and stocking up on supplies..( you should already have your hemp oil)...hmmmm....well maybe he would let you vote for Ron Paul, but then again Alex wants the limelight for himself


Well-Known Member
What a great thread london, lets shut the mouths of those who disagree. I guess you won't mind when I say the same thing when Obama is shown for who he truly is. I guess that's what America's all about.:clap:
If Obama phucks this country like Bush ( which I don't think can be possible without losing this country ) then you wouldn't have to tell me to STFU, because I would do so on my own...Bush did phuck this country up so again IF YOU VOTED FOR BUSH STFU....Your darn fault this country in a mess...All Bush voters should now have to take a test before voting again...lol


Well-Known Member
If Obama phucks this country like Bush ( which I don't think can be possible without losing this country ) then you wouldn't have to tell me to STFU, because I would do so on my own...Bush did phuck this country up so again IF YOU VOTED FOR BUSH STFU....Your darn fault this country in a mess...All Bush voters now have to take a test before voting again...lol
i swear to you i said the exact same thing in 04! Really its not a bad idea. If you cant name four stances that your candidate has on certain important issues than you shouldnt vote. that would have kept both Bush and Obeezy fo sheezy outta office. Then we might actually be a bit more normal. I want clinton back. :?:?:?


Well-Known Member
Cliton was hell of a better then Bush...He just pissed me off with NAFTA and the fact that he couldn't keep his prick in his pants ( which to me shows a lack of self-control), over all the man was smart and did create jobs


Well-Known Member
Here is a very interesting read:

Democrats, of course, are quick to blame President Bush for the ailing economy. And in reality, who could fault them for trying to do so. Any party not in power during such an economic downturn, of course, would try to blame the party in power - any party that didn't should resign from politics.
The Republicans, as expected, try to blame the Democrats. Their line is that the economic problems were inherited from the Clinton era. Of course partisan party types, as with the Democrats, are required to come up with some explanation that blames the other party, and this is the Republicans' claim.
But for us moderate independents, simply throwing blame for the sake of making this or that side seem the good or bad guy has no point - we only care about finding the truth and the best candidates, in whichever party they may lie.
So what is the reality? Is Bush truly to blame for this economic downturn? Is Clinton? Or is it simply a combination of cyclical downturn and 9/11?
We, at The Moderate Independent, have the answer.
Unlike most news sources, which are so afraid of sounding partisan that they simply present arguments from supposed representatives of the left and the right, ending up with an article that pisses everyone off, drives people deeper into their partisan bickering, and reaches no useful conclusion, we are not afraid to say what is simple and true.
This economic downturn, quite simply, is the fault of President Bush.
It wasn't his tax cut, as the Democrats claim. The tax cut has not had enough time to have any positive or negative effects it will have.
What caused this economic downturn goes back to when George W. Bush was merely President-elect, waiting to take office, and continued on through his first six months in office.
Repeatedly, President-elect, and then President, Bush talked about how the economy was in trouble. Arriving in office following the longest continuous economic upturn in generations, President Bush seized on a stock market that had faltered some in the uncertainty following the 2000 Presidential election.
The "bad" economy, he talked about. Again and again. The "bad" economy.
You know what happened as a result? I can tell you from my personal experience, the CFO of the corporation I was working for called a meeting and said, "The President keeps talking about the economy being 'bad.' Now, things don't seem bad, but let's just hold off on any new hires until we see how this pans out. And, let's hold off on all non-vital purchases, just for the time being."
And you can see right there how simply the words of President George W. Bush started slamming the breaks of the economy.
This, of course, all snowballed. First, people held off on hiring and purchases to see if the President's bleak prediction would come true. When this happened, it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Less hiring and corporate spending created a measurable slowdown in the economy, which led people to say, "Hey, maybe the President is right," and tighten up even more. Each report grew worse and worse due to this, and a nation that was being told to expect the worst slowly came to believe it.
So, to put it simply, President Bush's constant talk about the economy being "bad" led it to be so.
The argument that Clinton is somehow to blame is the most comical thing we at The Moderate Independent have heard to date. The people who make this argument - partisan Republicans - invariably also claim that Clinton was not responsible for the prosperity during his two terms in office. That, they say, was just lucky timing.
Think about this: they say Clinton was not responsible for the economy while he was in office, but is responsible for the economy when he is not in office. Anyone with a basic grasp of logic knows these two things can not go together. Either the fate of the economy is luck or someone's responsibility. To make this argument, that Clinton, who presided over prosperity, should not get credit for that, but should get blame for a recession under President Bush is clearly unsupportable, illogical, and just childish partisan nonsense.
What makes it even clearer that President Bush, and not President Clinton, was to blame for ruining the economy, was that the downturn caused by Bush's actions did not come without warning. Both President Clinton and Senator Joseph I. Lieberman warned President-elect Bush that if he kept talking down the economy as he was, he would create a bad economy.
"'What you're seeing is President-elect Bush and his team actually talking down our economy, (and) injecting more fear and anxiety into the economy than is justified,' said Gene Sperling, an economic advisor to President Clinton." (BBC article - "US 'Recession' Row Deepens")
The article continued, "Analysts agree that the US economy has slowed in recent months, but some warn that the Bush team risks turning a dramatic downturn into a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"They say negative comments, which they believe have caused the markets to fall sharply this week - can often feed on themselves."
Remember, these are not arguments being made now at the tail end of things. These were warnings given to then President-elect Bush and Vice President-elect Cheney before the economic downturn ever began. The market got nervous, jumped downwards. CEO's and CFO's got nervous, and froze or cut back spending.
Senator Lieberman warned, "The American economy seems to have a slight head cold right now; if we take the medicine President Bush is offering, I'm afraid we are going to have a bad case of pneumonia." (article from Digital Library And Archives from Virginia Tech)
To put it simply, if you go against someone's advice, how can you blame them for the result? Answer: you can't, unless you are lying and blaming inaccurately for political ends.
Why was President-elect Bush claiming the economy was bad if it wasn't?
Simply, the American people, those that voted for him and those who didn't, didn't support his enormous tax cut. So he set out to try and convince people that the economy was bad - which in Republican terms means in need of stimulation through tax cuts. If he could make everyone think things were starting to go in the crapper, he believed he could justify his larger tax cut.
Even better, since the President knew the economy was truly in good shape, once he got his tax cut passed, he could stop pretending there was a bad economy looming, and instead claim there would have been a downturn, but his tax cut saved the day.
Problem was, that A) his constant "bad economy" claim truly began to wreck the economy B) 9/11 came along, and furthered the snowball.
9/11 in and of itself is in no way to blame for the economic troubles. President Bush set people on edge, put the economy in a downturn, and then, when 9/11 happened, it simply cemented the damage he had set in motion. In his book, it gave him something else to blame, as well, for the growing and growing economic downturn.
Now, Clinton was to blame. And Osama was to blame. Everyone except the man who clearly talked the economy into the ground to get his tax cut passed.
President Bush and his downtalking game were the cause of the economic downturn. President Clinton is responsible for the economic record of his terms, not of President Bush's. And had President Bush not gone through with his tax cut, the economy could have survived 9/11 in much better shape. The deficits were looming while the Twin Towers still stood.
So, we at The Moderate Independent kindly request that the President stop using the horrible events that killed thousands of our innocent citizens to try and escape blame for the bad economy he caused. Those people, their families, and all the good people of this nation deserve more respect.
And to those who still want to blame President Clinton or Osama for the mess that President Bush created, we say, you are clearly not moderate nor independent, but caught up in partisan rhetorical nonsense. We who could care less about party and care first about America lay the blame where it is deserved. President Bush, this recession is on you


Well-Known Member
When I was in Afghanistan it was common practice for afghans to make claims that they had been abused and disrespected. Some of the time it was true. 80% of the time, they were lying. They're lucky that we're obligated to treat them with any respect at all, as if they would if the roles were reversed.
How do you know that? Did you question these people yourself? How could you possibly know that 80% is lying? From the reports I see it sound as though they don't get any respect ... well let see you are saying if they illegally invaded our country they would not respect us ... probably not otherwise they would not illegally invade our land ... get it?

There are 13 higher security clearances above the presidents security clearance. He's only privied to a certain amount of info. Our government can do a lot of things that the president isn't aware of. I wouldn't be surprised if our own goverment set off one of their nukes in our country, let alone israel
Can't argue with that ... :clap:



Well-Known Member
ill have to go get this book and scan a few pages in london. My professor for theories of forign relations was a CIA liason at the American embassy when it was taken hostage in the 80's he was among the people that destroyed intelligence info before they were captured. Later on he was a naval pilot and served on a carrier. Then he wrote two books on covert actions and their consequences to the american public. There was four cases that he could corroberate with hard evidence of CIA activities that broke international treaties and was involved in the deaths of at least twenty Iranian "civilians" of course the actual culprits and victims and actual times and dates werent released by the CIA but their a alot of things that go on without the presidents knowledge and there are things that are classified above the presidents security status. You gotta think he may only be their four years alot of these CIA heads are lifers so they wont reveal everything. Now to say there are 13 levels above him is just speculation and unless you are among the ranks that have higher security clearance (on RIU highly doubtful) ya cant really say


Well-Known Member
ill have to go get this book and scan a few pages in london. My professor for theories of forign relations was a CIA liason at the American embassy when it was taken hostage in the 80's he was among the people that destroyed intelligence info before they were captured. Later on he was a naval pilot and served on a carrier. Then he wrote two books on covert actions and their consequences to the american public. There was four cases that he could corroberate with hard evidence of CIA activities that broke international treaties and was involved in the deaths of at least twenty Iranian "civilians" of course the actual culprits and victims and actual times and dates werent released by the CIA but their a alot of things that go on without the presidents knowledge and there are things that are classified above the presidents security status. You gotta think he may only be their four years alot of these CIA heads are lifers so they wont reveal everything. Now to say there are 13 levels above him is just speculation and unless you are among the ranks that have higher security clearance (on RIU highly doubtful) ya cant really say
Ok I can buy that....You see you really should become a liberial...One of your brothers would have just told me to find it myself.. My argument was the number 13 and the fact that the POTUS does not even have a security clearence...its a given


Well-Known Member
just because i can take info in and make a coherent argument doesnt mean i should go lib. lol trust me when i say not all conservative are as ignorant as some here on RIU. Im sure you can say the same about a few of your dem buddies.
good info on the blame game by the way too


Well-Known Member
They misunderestimated me.
- US President George W. Bush (November 6, 2000 in Bentonville, Arkansas)

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
- US President George W. Bush (August 5, 2004)

You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.
- US President George W. Bush (2000?)

Reading is the basics for all learning.
- US President George W. Bush (Discussing his “Reading First” plan in Reston, Virginia, March 28, 2000)

Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?
- US President George W. Bush (January 11, 2000)

My views are one that speaks to freedom.
- US President George W. Bush (in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 29, 2004)

And it’s a struggle between good and it’s a struggle between evil.
- US President George W. Bush in a speech (on terrorism) to the Cattle Industry Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Denver Convention Center (February 8, 2002)

We cannot let terrorists hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.
- US President George W. Bush (2000 in Des Moines, Iowa)

Our nation must come together to unite.
- US President George W. Bush (June 4, 2001)

Bush stumbling during his debate with Al Gore when he looked dead pan at the camera and said with complete sincerity that the US could not elect a man who sends “mexed missages’.”

If you choose to do so, when Iraq is liberated, you will be treated, tried and persecuted as a war criminal.
- US President George W. Bush (In St. Louis on January 22, 2003, he likely meant ‘prosecuted.’ Just for the record Bill O’reilly made the same mistake on his TV show The O’reilly Factor in August 2004)

Will the highways on the Internet become more few?
- US President George W. Bush (Concord, New Hampshire, January 29, 2000)

If you don’t stand for anything, you don’t stand for anything!
- US President George W. Bush (November 2, 2000 at Bellevue Community College)

I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.
- US President George W. Bush (September 29, 2000 in Saginaw, Michigan)

I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family
- US President George W. Bush (January 27, 2000 in New Hampshire)

This very week in 1989, there were protests in East Berlin and in Leipzig. By the end of that year, every communist dictatorship in Central America had collapsed.
- US President George W. Bush (November 6, 2003 in Washington, D.C.)

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.
- US President George W. Bush (October 2000)

I think we agree, the past is over.
- US President George W. Bush (May 10, 2000)


Active Member
Look Bush was a fuck-up pure and simple. Almost everything he or his people laid there hands on just got even more out of control. Obama really hasn't done much since he got into office, so it's a little early to judge how good of a president he is. Give him another year and he will be halfway through his first term. If America is still FUBAR then we can go ahead and assume Obama is fucking up too.


Well-Known Member
Look Bush was a fuck-up pure and simple. Almost everything he or his people laid there hands on just got even more out of control. Obama really hasn't done much since he got into office, so it's a little early to judge how good of a president he is. Give him another year and he will be halfway through his first term. If America is still FUBAR then we can go ahead and assume Obama is fucking up too.
Now that I can agree with....

Illegal Smile

I wasn't willing to give the pos the first day let alone another year. Obama brought nothing to the office and that's what we're seeing now. It's going to be fun watching him squirm in the flames.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't willing to give the pos the first day let alone another year. Obama brought nothing to the office and that's what we're seeing now. It's going to be fun watching him squirm in the flames.
We already knew that people of your sort would not give the POTUS a chance, because thats how you people are...but regardless he doing a lot...Having to fix what your dumb Bush did to wreck this country....If you voted for Bush you have no right to complain about what is going on in this country....It is your fault that this country now is suffering...Please sit back, enjoy the ride and STFU. Thank you


If you voted for Bush you have no right to complain about what is going on in this country....I

you have no right to tell anyone they have no right

so, my message to you in all your arrogance is :finger:

you do not, and never will, have the right to tell some one else they cant speak because of what they did in the past