If you're gonna do it, do it big?


Active Member
what i was saying is it would be stupid to grow only veggies on a marijuana forum... and when hes talking bout getting busted for it :wall: back at ya


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CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Will my sentence really be that different if i were busted with 30 plants instead of 4 or 8? I mean if im taking the chance i might as well go all out, no? I have a whole house to myself and plenty of cash to invest. And I dont have guest. My momma is a low odor fast finishing beast of a thing. So what do you think?

Be greedy and fill up the whole house or be conservative and keep everything confined to one locked bedroom then gradually get bigger? I'm on my third grow. Later.
It depends on the state. If you have a med permit, go for it. If not you risk being big bubba's celly. The sudden spike in electrical usage when you start growing 30 plants might be a tip off.

Have your cake and eat it too:
Get tons of clones, and make a few guerrilla patches. Very low cost that way. You could do 100 plants if you could find room. Even if a patch gets raided, Its not your charge; the Sun and the Earth get charged with "conspiracy to grow medical cannabis"


Well-Known Member
Peace out and Merry Christmas y'all! We're all in this together you guys.....we have a mission!! The earth, and the people on it, need us to relieve stress and make this a happy planet.

We gotta keep helping eachother out!! :)