Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

Illuminati is tied in with the NWO plan alot...but is the NWO really that bad? [video=youtube;Ks7lhugQ69w][/video]
For someone that supposedly excels in forensic debate, this thread of full of fail. You should realize that presenting multiple conclusions without the supporting premises is the surest way to lose a debate. You started off this thread with numerous points about what the Illuminati are doing but not once did you provide any support for their existence in the first place. The truth of their existence and influence were taken for granted from your very first sentence then you badger and ridicule anyone that questions your assumptions.
Illuminati is real! Builderberg is real! Ron Paul is real! And obviously SHEEPLE ARE REAL!
WAKE UP! Trim the wool around you're eyes and look at what you're being force fed!
yup just eat your cereal like good sheeple...and the cops will still be killing innocent citizens and enforcing racist laws....politicians still making even more racist laws....police have been caught dressing up as protestors and instigating violent riots ( unsucessfully )...they are taking your childrens futures away right in front of your sedated faces...

and to everyone accusing me of some sensationalist alex jones shit 2012 shit, I got the highest grade in my forensic debate class, so its not like I am clueless to fallacies and unsubstantiated arguments...I relay the facts, you choose to use them how you see fit. Ignorance IS bliss, I'll give you that much. However, knowledge is empowering.

People are so easy to lead, that if someone "famous" on tv wears their clothes backwards, people will do it too. At some point you gotta take a step back and say, what the fuck are we doing? Nobody teaches their children real values, because nobody knows what the real values are anymore! Most of us were raised immigrants or from poor backgrounds and have no concept of legacy or multigenerational plans, and therefore lacking any sort of truth regarding spiritual guidance and life.

Everything we learn, how we are supposed to live, is filtered knowledge given to us by people who have forcibly taken power, and give us only what they think we deserve, appreciate, comprehend, or whatever.

Can we really be so ignorant to think that in all of history, citizens of every country have continually been lied to and enslaved and led to fight wars that fill the pockets of a greedy few, and we just happen to live in an era and geographical region that has complete access to knowledge and educated citizens not run by evil war mongering powers? Yeah, OK.

We are taught to basically worship the dollar, of which the bill has an unbelievable amount of masonic images on it. Money wouldn't exist without greed and jealousy, and that is FACT. Ask ANY economist. The amount of time we waste obsessed with this stupid fucking thing called money is just genius for the controlling people.

Can you imagine how many people right now are crying over money? How many couples are breaking up because of money? What the fuck good does it do? So we can make plasma TV's so they can brainwash us over HD. Fucking genius.

i agree, whats with all the racist laws that have been coming out lately and why do all the cops seem to have it out for white males these days. if it gets much worse im gonna see if i can change my race.
My iPad is about to die so I can't find the pimp c interview he exposed lots of artists about the illuminate but click on my link above and listen to that one and look on the related videos.... I do believe their real.... BUT I DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM, AND THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT ME I DON'T MAKE MILLIONS LOL but pimp c exposed them and they soon killed him after in a similar jimmy Hendrix way
Well what do you have to say about JFK 1961 speech exposing secret sociaties and died after.... Who killed john f Kennedy.?????????
why not just say that our government is now run by a plutocracy, and shit is going to hit the fan within the next decade because of it.

all we can do is absorb the information presented and see how it resonates with the one truth, and observe patterns manifest in the world around us with a non trusting eye.

for everyone looking for physical evidence, you are doing nothing but ignoring the world around you, and the facts presented, in order to sleep well at night. And that is totally OK. Not everyone is capable or willing accept reality for what it is, and will fight tooth and nail to preserve the illusion.

in this thread, you can see the minions reach for anything to attack my personal character and credibility, when they themselves fail to share anything significant about themselves or this topic all. What gain do they get from this? Where is the motivation to react negatively to me, and attack me, really coming from? Who planted these seeds?
So, I took the time to watch that 14 minute Dave Chapelle video, thinking that for someone to make such claims he/she is gonna lead with a trump card ..... something really impressive that blows my socks off.

Can you pull any strings with the Illuminati to get that 14 minutes back for me?
Hey, DTP! I am enjoying some of your ideas, esp. the importance of honesty and that every one of our actions have effects far beyond ourselves. You know the saying, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". A lot of intellectuals on RIU have opposing or controversial ideas, and they always provide links for their claims from several independent, often peer reviewed sources. If you would post these kind of links links I'd really appreciate it. I'd like to believe, but I just need to look at some credible stuff first, thanks!

I'm still waiting for those links...
You should actually look up the lives of some of the famous past philosophers before making judgements about someone based on their possessions. We have been taught to only listen to rich people, its pretty fucking disgusting.

HMMM obviously they taught some very good and thought provoking classes at the school you went too. But apparently not Humility 101. The whole basis of this thread is judging others that you cannot sway to your paranoia. I for one choose too live and let live. My opinions may at times be incorrect, I am not perfect. But attacking and belitteling others, you know the 'sheeples', because they disagree with your fear tactics and utter arrogance. Sounds mighty reminescent of pre-war Germany.

Have I been reading a new edition of Mein Kampf?

all we can do is absorb the information presented and see how it resonates with the one truth, and observe patterns manifest in the world around us with a non trusting eye.

OoOOoOOOoOoOoo.... spooky language!

for everyone looking for physical evidence, you are doing nothing but ignoring the world around you, and the facts presented, in order to sleep well at night. And that is totally OK. Not everyone is capable or willing accept reality for what it is, and will fight tooth and nail to preserve the illusion.

Saying it, and proving it are two separate things. Lots of people say, not so many prove. Which one are you?

Reminds me of a (laugh) Ronnie Coleman quote;

"Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight!"

in this thread, you can see the minions reach for anything to attack my personal character and credibility, when they themselves fail to share anything significant about themselves or this topic all. What gain do they get from this? Where is the motivation to react negatively to me, and attack me, really coming from? Who planted these seeds?

What are we supposed to bring to the table about ourselves?

About this topic;

The default position for anything is non-belief, after all you can't believe something if you don't know about it, right? Right. So, I hold the default position until I'm given a good reason not to, and so far, you've failed to provide a good enough reason to make me believe. In fact, out of all the videos I've seen regarding the Illuminati none have convinced me that they actually exist, and are functioning as "shadow government" over the entire world...

You're pointing to correlation and screaming causation but what's worse is you're calling other people ignorant and blind for not believing it.

When you're asked to provide evidence you just say "it's everywhere" or "it's suppressed", lack of evidence is not evidence. Negative evidence is not evidence. No one is attacking you personally, but skeptics are far too familiar with 'conspiracy theory-type' thinking.
OMG!!! I just saw Big Foot, Elvis, and Jim Morrison in a flying saucer! If you don't believe me you must be an ignorant sheeple!