Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

uallach, our whole education system is compromised. obviously, there are good people and teachers with good morals, but the overall goal of the education system is not to empower us with knowledge, but to enslave us with ideas. We need to harbor our own vaults of knowledge, in subjects that we know are true, but they don't set it up for us to learn them and pass on to our children."math" existed before it was "discovered"....

here is a graphic showing yale and oxford being major sources of influence
JUST ONE EXAMPLE OF AN ILLUMINATI "CHART" one of my corporate finance professors was foreign and oxford trained. another was foreign and would constantly remind us how stable the swiss franc is and how unstable the dollar is. I had another foreign applied macroeconomics or whatever teacher that, using some esoteric data, drew a huge swastika on the projector during one class. A hall full of a few hundred students were sitting there, for about 30 minutes, graphing a swatstika in our notebooks, with reasoning behind it.


Ivy league is like a breeding ground. Its just another level of club of people who want to distance themselves from the rest of the population and are being groomed to obediently destroy the world, and propagate their ideas and rationalizations for their actions. In schools that teach management, they teach things quite different than schools that teach more operational employees. The classes deal with how to fire thousands of people ( business management), how to treat people like robots ( economic capital ), how to brainwash people ( marketing ), how to cheat on your taxes ( tax accounting ), how to get free money from the government and steal money from citizens ( finance ), and etc.Even in these subjects, there is a whole new level of mindfuck that is taught at ivy league. There is a reason why the degree is worth so much. It proves they are very obedient and without a soul. Is it just a coincidence freemasons and the rites and others use the term "degree" to signify level in the organization, higher the level the more you are exposed to.

They never let the middle class get too powerful. An economic crisis happens. A war happens. Something will happen.


We can all see how MMA isn't real fighting right? MMA is by chance the gayest thing masquerading as masculinity our society has ever experienced. Except Men in Tights football, or men in short shorts and tank tops basketball or shirtless volleyball.

They are "teaching" us how to fight by watching these S&M lovers foreplay each other on tv.


I dont mean to be condescending, but lets all be true to each other. No judgements. Just lets take things for what they really are.

OPEN YOUR EYES, TRUST YOUR HONEST INSTINCTS. You know how a primate fights? They rip off the opponents nuts and/or bite their jugular, or throw them, whip them around, etc, then eat the body. U know, after the warnings heh heh

We all have thoughts that cannot be expressed in this slave language called english or whatever, latin, or whatever based language they continually force us to box ourselves in with. They taught apes sign language...obviously there are more forms of conscious communication than what is allowed to be acknowledged by mainstream societies. It is a box for our thoughts, expressions, and emotions. The "language" of music is just an approximation of possibilities for what music can be. The church for a long time only allowed music that used certain notes or scales, and would kill anyone who moved away from their intellectual box. That is why all pop music sounds the same. 7 days in a week? 7 notes in diatonic scale. 12 months in a year? 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Just random numbers.

U is the difference between a Droid and a Druid. - always remember :D

this shit gets even sicker....
National Day of Prayer, created and solidified with two freemason and shrine connected presidents, which has its earliest occurring day to be May 1st, and happens on that day every 5-7 yrs....2003, 2008, 2013...

Hitler died May 1st. Osama died may 1st. We were never allowed to find either of their bodies.
The may 1st occult holiday ceremony requires a "god" like human sacrifice.

I thought you were crazy before, now I think you're a fucking moron.
^ El Kabong! :lol:


In order to understand what Kabbalah is and what it isn't, let us use the following illustration.

A researcher sits in his lab examining all sorts of atomic phenomena. He smashes atoms at great speeds, and records what he sees happening. He is very meticulous in his work, and may even draw some immediate conclusions from the data at hand. But he leaves it at that.

The kabbalist describes the abstract but we can still sense that there is a concrete and solid reality that he is grappling with. A great scientist picks up these notes, reads them and ponders their meaning. He begins to construct a mega-picture. He tries to envision what the entire system may be like. He knows that there are no instruments, nor can there be, to actually see the particles he imagines, and therefore he gropes for metaphors that will accurately connect the bits of data that the physicist collected. Thus, he begins to speak of "super strings," "atomic tunnels," "energy bridges," and "ten dimensions."

A third person, who has a highly fertile mind but with no sense of science, is eavesdropping. His imagination has been fired and, in no time at all, he is carrying forth about people that have mysteriously disappeared in "atomic tunnels," and unlimited sources of energy contained in various of the "ten dimensions."

These three people illustrate the different approaches to Kabbalah.

The "data" or facts that Kabbalah deals with are the narrative of the Torah, and its entire body of religious law. The "researcher" represents a person who sees the laws and narrative as they are, understands their immediate meaning, but does not get the larger picture.

The "great scientist" represents the Kabbalist who sees the various local points and then begins to get a feel for the greater picture. He needs metaphors to describe the abstract unity he perceives, and he is aware that this tool is likely to be vague and only approaching the understanding that he has acquired. Although limited by the tools at his disposal, the complex picture the great scientist communicates can still give us a sense of the reality that he is grappling with.

And then there is the pseudo-Kabbalist -- "the eavesdropper" -- whose Kabbalah is basically unrelated to Torah, except perhaps as a springboard for his imagination. He has discovered "sources of energies," "divine emanations," and ways to "expand consciousness," but it all stems from his fanciful illusions.
We can all see how MMA isn't real fighting right? MMA is by chance the gayest thing masquerading as masculinity our society has ever experienced. Except Men in Tights football, or men in short shorts and tank tops basketball or shirtless volleyball.They are "teaching" us how to fight by watching these S&M lovers foreplay each other on tv.CLICK LINK ->

It's fighting by trained people, not "fake" fighting. The methods they use are more efficient than untrained fighters methods, maximum damage, least effort. UFC evolved into a sport, is nothing honest unless people die while doing it? Also, how is men beating the shit out of each other and breaking each others limbs gay? I've seen some pretty damn gay things, the UFC doesn't strike me as gay. I think someone is self conscious, and maybe a little jealous...

The church for a long time only allowed music that used certain notes or scales, and would kill anyone who moved away from their intellectual box. That is why all pop music sounds the same. 7 days in a week? 7 notes in diatonic scale. 12 months in a year? 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Just random numbers.

In the Dark Ages music as we know it today didn't exist. The gregorian chants that were controlled by the church didn't even have a set "meter" or the length of notes specified. It wasn't until much later (400-500 years) that we had the time signatures, scales, and melodies that we've come to know with modern music.

Holy shit, I get 12 eggs in a carton at the grocery store, I bet the chicken that laid them is working for the Illuminati!

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Beefbisquit, and for that matter Heisenberg - the two people who cant get off my ballsack like an annoying case of jock itch, I did very well in my music theory and history instruction over the years and can play multiple instruments. What exactly do you two do besides fuck each other and troll my thread? You are really tempting me to go back to my evil ways and just continue economically fucking over my fellow citizens such as yourselves again since yall don't care about what is real of your future anyway, lol, but I know better, i can see your evil influence.

In the vein of the greeks, I am probably more attractive - more educated - wealthier - healthier - and overall a better person than you in every measurable way. But I don't care, we're all people. You are too ignorant to see you are merely a puppet casting your destructive mental noise upon enlightenment.

"In music theory, a diatonic scale (from the Greekδιατονικός, meaning "[progressing] through tones", also known as the heptatonic prima) is a seven note, octave-repeating musical scale comprising five whole steps and twohalf steps "

Is it just by chance that our week has 5 weekdays and 2 weekends? Yeah, OK.

"In ancient Greek music theory, the diatonic genus (Greek: διατονικό γένος) is the division of thetetrachord from which the modern diatonic scale evolved. The distinguishing characteristic of the diatonic genus is that its largest interval is about the size of a major second. The other two intervals vary among different tunings."

"Ancient Greece is a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC "

"Gregorian chants are organized into four modes, each of them divided into two tones (scales). Typical melodic features include characteristic incipits and cadences, the use of reciting notes around which the other notes of themelody revolve, and a vocabulary of musical motifs woven together through a process called centonization to create families of related chants."

During the midieval times, people were fucking morons, and they made extremely simple, simple, basic music with what, 2 notes per scale? Haha, . Great argument, if you are trying to prove simple music and lack of education creates an evil society. If you fail to grasp the concept, I am pushing for the opposite.

The powers that be just happened to be conquering, raping and pillaging, and how did that whole society do anyway?

This is EXACTLY the reason I will refuse to support anything I say, because all you people attacking me are too ignorant to do your own research and make your own rational conclusions.

I dunno about the dozens!

Friday the 13th is considered bad luck for one reason. A bunch of knight templars were rounded up and executed on that date many many years ago and they got exiled to scottland by the vatican. That is Fact.

Just why is "XXX" associated with danger, porn, etc? Lets just say there some ancient greek and roman meanings intertwined.

Beefbisquit, I did very well in my music theory and history instruction over the years and can play multiple instruments. In the vein of the greeks, I am probably more attractive - more educated - wealthier - healthier - and overall a better person than you in every measurable way. You are too ignorant to see you are merely a puppet casting your destructive mental noise upon enlightenment.

"In music theory, a diatonic scale (from the Greekδιατονικός, meaning "[progressing] through tones", also known as the heptatonic prima) is a seven note, octave-repeating musical scale comprising five whole steps and twohalf steps "

Is it just by chance that our week has 5 weekdays and 2 weekends? Yeah, OK.

"In ancient Greek music theory, the diatonic genus (Greek: διατονικό γένος) is the division of thetetrachord from which the modern diatonic scale evolved. The distinguishing characteristic of the diatonic genus is that its largest interval is about the size of a major second. The other two intervals vary among different tunings."

"Ancient Greece is a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC "

During the midieval times, people were fucking morons, and they made monophonic music, or probably more accurately, mononodal. Great argument, if you are trying to prove simple music and lack of education creates an evil society.

The powers that be just happened to be conquering, raping and pillaging, and how did that whole society do anyway?

This is EXACTLY the reason I will refuse to support anything I say, because all you people attacking me are too ignorant to do your own research and make your own rational conclusions.

Why is a "Bakers dozen" 13, and a dozen for normal people 12? Sounds like a special club member would always get an extra item that just so happens to pop up the number 13...or it was just great customer service, and chance, or whatever. The history of it is very questionable.

Friday the 13th is considered bad luck for one reason. A bunch of knight templars were rounded up and executed on that date many many years ago and they got exiled to scottland by the vatican. That is Fact.

Just why is "XXX" associated with danger, porn, etc? Lets just say there some ancient greek and roman meanings intertwined.

You want a pissing contest? Sure thing; I've done more university level Jazz Theory courses than I want to remember. I completed The Royal Conservatory Music program on piano, at age 16. I play 6 instruments, including 2 at a university/professional level. I've been a member of several jazz ensembles, and big bands belonging to universities.

Baker's dozen


Thirteen or, more rarely, fourteen.


It's widely believed that this phrase originated from the practice of medieval English bakers giving an extra loaf when selling a dozen in order to avoid being penalized for selling short weight. This is an attractive story and, unlike many that inhabit the folk memory, it appears to be substantially true.

I love how you assume to know what I look like, how healthy I am, and my education level without any evidence. Although it doesn't surprise me, you do the same thing with your inane conspiracy theories.

You are a hyperactive pattern seeker.
Beefbisquit, you started with the personal attacks, genius. Why do you find it impossible to just leave me alone?

Well, then why do you ignore the facts about the history of greek based diatonic scales? Or about the truth of medieval music and its relationship with a culture? Just what DID they teach you, besides projecting negativity toward others and owning little self worth?

You're the one who expected me to answer your question about "dozens" and, after a little research, many sources said its history is questionable. We can all greatly benefit from this exercise, and are equally impressed by the level of research you are capable. Sarcasm.

Likewise, thank you for showing me you have some monomodal education and at some point was a practicing musician.

Do you understand vector calculus? Does that make it a conspiracy? Were they just hyperactive mathematicians?

Are authors and political scientists who discover new "natural laws" of society just hyperactive?

Did you know the Bohemian Grove society brags about creating the manhattan project?
Well, then why do you ignore the facts about the history of greek based diatonic scales? Or about the truth of medieval music and its relationship with a culture?

You're the one who expected me to answer your question about "dozens" and, after a little research, many sources said its history is questionable. We can all greatly benefit from this exercise, and we are impressed by the level of research of which you are capable.

Likewise, thank you for showing me you have some monomodal education and are an accomplished musician.

Monomodal? For a BA (in philosophy) you need sciences, languages, a minor, and your major.

Thanks for showing you have no idea what a university curriculum is composed of.
omfg hahahahaha!!!!! heisen the rainbow conspiracy is so hilarious i couldnt help but laugh out loud!!!! BAHAHAHAA!

i saw that a few yrs ago too haha yea its lol

however, as a post in this thread, its just a distraction by a time waster with an ego driven agenda. lets just take things for what they really are.
"The "language" of music is just an approximation of possibilities for what music can be. The church for a long time only allowed music that used certain notes or scales, and would kill anyone who moved away from their intellectual box. That is why all pop music sounds the same. 7 days in a week? 7 notes in diatonic scale. 12 months in a year? 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Just random numbers."

No. That's not true. The mathematics of music is actually much more interesting than this free associating numerology. An octave is a real thing, two frequencies vibrating at the same time, one of them twice as fast as the other. A perfect fifth sounds good because it's a 3/2 ratio. As you said, math existed before people "discovered" it. The western 12 tone scale is not a masonic conspiracy. Read this:

If you really want to blow your mind on something sort of useful, start thinking about the golden ratio and how often it appears in our world.
ullach, are you aware that other cultures have vastly different musical rules and scales? Especially ones that happen to be different from our common accepted view of way of life and spirituality? I've already posted WHERE this math came from. It was invented in Ancient Greece.
"The "language" of music is just an approximation of possibilities for what music can be. The church for a long time only allowed music that used certain notes or scales, and would kill anyone who moved away from their intellectual box. That is why all pop music sounds the same. 7 days in a week? 7 notes in diatonic scale. 12 months in a year? 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Just random numbers."

No. That's not true. The mathematics of music is actually much more interesting than this free associating numerology. An octave is a real thing, two frequencies vibrating at the same time, one of them twice as fast as the other. A perfect fifth sounds good because it's a 3/2 ratio. As you said, math existed before people "discovered" it. The western 12 tone scale is not a masonic conspiracy. Read this:

If you really want to blow your mind on something sort of useful, start thinking about the golden ratio and how often it appears in our world.

dtp5150 is a space cadet.

He thinks the greeks invented the math of music in some conspiracy plot.
Its easy to see just what kind of people some of yall are. Also, I'm not trying to convince anyone, but its obvious this subject brings out a lot of emotions. It seems like everyone is constantly either calling me crazy, loling, or calling me something worse than crazy, or inputting some evidence to support an argument they originated, and ignoring any real truth. The big organization totally did it. They have successfully made the majority of the ignorant population into an army of self-depricating, self-destructive minions.

Ive seen it my whole life its only now making sense. Minority gang violence...haha....who gets these ideas to start these racial gangs....especially when both are immigrant or imported slave labor preaching to same god, its disgustingly genius to have them always fight with each other so there will never peace, and they can never come together and rise against the fucking system.

  • Be Courteous!
    Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult and personal attack.

dtp in Reality. Many members here on RIU know just as much or MORE on the info you spew, regardless if one believes it or not. This is nothing new, actually this is very old..

& 2nd, you are talking to a bunch of critically thinking potheads.. . you are one step away from having been kidnapped by the FBI & told the secret plans that are soon to unfold.