Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

Dtp, I am curious as to what agenda you believe Heisenberg to have. I see a man asking sensible questions that invite informative replies. Would it help if another poster, like I, repeated one such?
Claiming that there is a conspiracy is easy.
Supplying convincing evidence of one is hard.
Saying "the conspiracy suppresses the information" is to be dismissed as circular reasoning imo.
That said ...
Where would you direct an unbiased inquirer to find checkable, substantive information?
We will NOT sit here and discuss my scholarly "qualifications" that you seem so obsessed about any longer, or you can move the fuck on and involve your mind with real issues. I hate talking about myself. its a waste of time, only the brainwashed people are obsessed with qualifications. We are all connected.

I simply inquired about a qualification that you brought up to support your conspiracy claims, to which I got a song and dance. Now you seem hostile and insistent that I stop. Seems like an odd response which supports irrationality as being the root of your conspiracy musings, rather than any sort of skillful insight.

Also, if you don't want to be misquoted, stop hitting submit on your first draft.
It really is kind of synonymous with the whole mess we are in. Everyone is so obsessed with minute details about things that dont really matter.

These are the sorts of things reasonable people say in the face of irrational sounding claims. Did you not expect that your post would be examined and critiqued? Why do you respond to opposition by calling them trolls, implying ignorance, or crying thread jack? Hostility is not the way we expect rational people to respond to challenge. This is the song and dance we expect to see from conspiracy theorists.

I am willing to believe your conspiracy is different, but I must first be convinced.
Dtp, I am curious as to what agenda you believe Heisenberg to have. I see a man asking sensible questions that invite informative replies. Would it help if another poster, like I, repeated one such?
Claiming that there is a conspiracy is easy.
Supplying convincing evidence of one is hard.
Saying "the conspiracy suppresses the information" is to be dismissed as circular reasoning imo.
That said ...
Where would you direct an unbiased inquirer to find checkable, substantive information?

I would rather avoid that issue about agendas. we will just talk about egos and shit, and that is not what this thread is primarily about. ONLY POSITIVE ENERGY HERE!!!

The only one true truth, that there will EVER be, is honesty, and that is resonating thru our bodies and everything that exists every day. The only truth is honesty.

Regarding your question. EVERYONE is biased. Its inherent. Nonbiased is infinite perfection and we are not infinite or perfect. Everyone has different degrees of bias with different issues. It would be impossible to live if we didnt have bias. Bias is a shortcut to save time. We all have bias towards certain food because they are healthy etc..

All I can say is knowledge is power. Through knowledge of critical reasoning, you learn how to dissect information. I look at it like this, knowledge is a tool you can use to uncover truth in the physical world. Altho, we will never attain real perfect truth because our senses are just an interpretation of the world around us.

canna if u want to bring up certain examples of things you want to talk about , go for it! And don't obsess about my education or qualifications.....I still have nightmares about deadlines! :D !!!
I am asking questions that should have easy answers. So far your response is to shout me down, imply that I am unwelcome, and that I am too dumb to understand. Is this the normal way in which you handle critical inquiry?

the guy does bring up a lot of vaild points. i'm wondering why you are making it about him though.

if you are born into a rich family, what makes you so special?

rich people get away with shit on the daily. we all know it and can't do shit about it, unless we have more money then them.
So you are only interested in conversation with those who agree? People who point out that you are using bullshit to qualify batshit must be part of the conspiracy themselves? These don't sound like forensic skills to me.

explain 200 dollar tennis shoes. ;)
the guy does bring up a lot of vaild points. i'm wondering why you are making it about him though.

if you are born into a rich family, what makes you so special?

rich people get away with shit on the daily. we all know it and can't do shit about it, unless we have more money then them.

Rich people get breaks, I understand that and would enjoy discussing it. I don't see how that idea leads to the conclusion that we are being controlled by an organization that invades "most outlaw biker gangs ( hells angels, mongrols, etc ), race gangs, media corporations ( fox cnn nytimes wallst journal forbes), greek fraternities and sororities, some unions, just about any corporation or organization with a nice-dull sounding name and pictures of kids on their website, educational institutions, the fed reserve ( they print millions of masonic symbols each fuckin day ), cia, fbi, homeland security, nsa, fda, atf, ...".

To me that sounds like a pretty substantial and alarming claim. Especially when you consider "The teachings of the illuminati have at the center the ideals of punishment, unaccountable authority, humiliation, setting up a person or group for failure, etc," It just seems to be an extraordinary claim to which I would expect something more extraordinary in support than just saying 'I took a class'.
Rich people get breaks, I understand that and would enjoy discussing it. I don't see how that idea leads to the conclusion that we are being controlled by an organization that invades "most outlaw biker gangs ( hells angels, mongrols, etc ), race gangs, media corporations ( fox cnn nytimes wallst journal forbes), greek fraternities and sororities, some unions, just about any corporation or organization with a nice-dull sounding name and pictures of kids on their website, educational institutions, the fed reserve ( they print millions of masonic symbols each fuckin day ), cia, fbi, homeland security, nsa, fda, atf, ...".

To me that sounds like a pretty substantial and alarming claim. Especially when you consider "The teachings of the illuminati have at the center the ideals of punishment, unaccountable authority, humiliation, setting up a person or group for failure, etc," It just seems to be an extraordinary claim to which I would expect something more extraordinary in support than just saying 'I took a class'.

i think he just laid out the info. it is up to you to decide how it affects you.

we are controlled by greed, all of us. from biker gangs to the pope. have not the rich capitalized upon this?

why do people have to "find jobs"? shouldn't we all have a part in this world? and if not then why can't we take some time off? you were born simply to work. why? :?

thats just one branch of the illuminati underbelly, the stupid fuckin scientologists, that got caught....for that one thing....that one time.....oh have they stepped their game up since....the mormons are also a branch

fdd: Why is a great question. Sounds like slavery to me. Know how to enslave the people? Well, you cant very well physically control a billion people. But, you can control their mind. Pretty soon they want to be slaved! Just like when hostages end up liking their kidnapper!

Just give me my cereal, I dont care about the future of my great great great children, who will actually be carrying some of my genetic code ( a sort of biological technology ). Baaah Baaah...wheres my salt lick.

The concept of liability and responsibility are being ripped from culture at lightning speed. The limited liability corporation - what an evil creation, along with the markets it created.

Responsibility and liability are regarded as negative things! We all know from history that people who think outside the box get burned at the stake.

For a few years now I've been interested in the topic of social engineering. There are some great concepts to understand. The way things "go viral" etc, ideas have been "going viral" long before the internet could keep track of how many people were exposed to a certain idea. Its a whole long chain of trust and security, that I haven't figured out yet. I got a few more years at least, and I hope to uncover that mystery, but part of me doesn't, because what does a person exactly do with the power to mold a huge social change, since we are not perfect? Technology and knowledge, the things heavily guarded by the Illuminati more than anything, is our only defense.

They rule by ignorance.

they have an understanding of the world that has been shared across ruling generations for thousands and thousands of years, that will probably NEVER be exposed to anyone. The only thing we can do is start to build new knowledge libraries about the concepts nobody talks about, but ought to.

How do we defeat the Illuminati? I don't know. I have some ideas. Listen to the one truth that resonates. Cleanse your self of everything with a logo or a brand name. Etc. Embrace liability and responsibility. Don't listen to preachers. Learn to enjoy the natural sound of peace. As anti corporate as I am, just moving my head I can see like 15 logos of different products. How many do you see in the forest? Our world is not what it seems.
How many do you see in the forest? Our world is not what it seems.

Foliage is a mass noun that refers to leaves as a feature of plants.


[h=3]Basic types[/h] the old days, they knew the good places to eat because of this ^


...totally agree it's a distraction.
you are born into this world by the choice of another and then are expected to conform to that which is set for you.

what if you want no part of any of it?
You're not accepting my answer, thats easy enough to see. I told you what skills I learned and my performance. Stop trolling. Start eye opening. I find it hard to imagine you don't believe in negative energy, because you sure do possess it! Its not ur fault tho....we can all be cleansed....if we want...its a much different filled with responsibility for every single action. Too often we associate responsibility with sacrifice or negative outcomes, however we can be responsible for positivity too!

No one is trolling, it's called disagreeing because you're arguments sound crazy. You sound like a "new ager", next are you going to tell us you found all this out while on the astral plane?

Let me guess; you're into David Icke, and a bunch of other wing nuts?

Not everyone is worth a conversation. Especially people with agendas and people who don't listen. And lets be real here, its obvious you have some agenda.

You asked me how a critical debate class helps me cut through sensationalism and lies? What the fuck are you expecting as answer, the number 5?

I have a lot more than a debate class under my belt as far as studying critical thinking is concerned, and I don't believe your bad shit crazy stories.
you're fighting someone elses fight, and then inputting your opinion of me as an individual. How does that resonate with the one truth, honesty? Not very well. and what point do you bring up at all that has to do with the theme of this thread? There is a time and place for everything. Perhaps you should keep a journal. Its obvious you aren't here for communication, just instigation. Another person with an agenda.

You make it clear, as yourself being a SECOND person, that any personal detail about myself will just be abused and stomped in the ground and take up energy of this thread, so why share anything about myself at all? Fucking evil I tell you!

Fact: We all have a consciousness clock that is ticking down. Me, here, talking with you guys on the internet over bullshit personal attacks, is affecting OUR childrens childrens children. Minutely, because this event is small and the time gap is large, but as you can see with wars and conquests and governments, a large idea can span several millenia.

Every single second spend, fighting other peoples wars, concerning ourselves with things that dont matter, is the illuminati winning.
you're fighting someone elses fight, and then inputting your opinion of me as an individual. How does that resonate with the one truth, honesty? Not very well. and what point do you bring up at all that has to do with the theme of this thread? There is a time and place for everything. Perhaps you should keep a journal. Its obvious you aren't here for communication, just instigation. Another person with an agenda.

LOL - I'm not fighting anything for anyone... I love stimulating conversation. Your post regarding the Illuminati isn't stimulating, and you provide no evidence to support yourself other than a vague Dave Chappelle video, where the poster interprets what Dave says into Dave talking about the Illuminati. It's completely speculative, and provides no evidence at all. As for the ATF, FBI, etc etc... lol

To act like all these symbols everywhere is coincident is just ignorant and foolish.

You see pentagrams everywhere, does that mean Satan is behind their manufacture? :twisted:
...what if you want no part of any of it?

Well, ~I~ think our collective consciousness would benefit if people could successfully heal from emotional trauma. Mainly because so many of us that need to wake up are the victims of life long psychological abuse, and the ones who wanted no part would terminate and the only ones left would be the illuminati and their minions.

However if a society was operating in a way that resembles utopia, and a fresh person still wishes no part, I suppose thats just a kink in the wheel and if they want termination that is their choice, to heal the genepool since that would kind of be a defect, providing they were given enough education that they should have enough capacity to make such a decision. But this leads down a sickening and impossible road. Because what is utopia? What is a justifiable way of life? Is it a constant battle? People seem to be very happy living in close knit self sustainable communities. I remember seeing on TV what poverty looked like. Poverty in Asia would always look like small town farmers in wonderful countrysides, but they were dirty.

Well I do like your response Beefbisquit. Thank you. I look forward to discussing things further in the future. Cheers for the night. I hope you realize I don't know everything, NOBODY DOES, and am constantly learning, as we all should. This whole illuminati thing, I put off for a long time. I did research over the years, but never thought it was real. Then I start to notice patterns. I was in a "secret society" that made my life easier against peers myself. We have a secret handshake that makes your hand resemble a demonic hand sign, and we were forced to buy condoms and cigarettes, among other things, as neophytes. I see social structure patterns.

I see just how presidents, of usa and of corporations, are really just a person to accept liability for a time period. Everything is image, and access. There are literally some people that you can never find where they live or their phone number of anything, but they are a tax paying, incoming earning ,rich as fuck, policy making, neighborhood changing individual. And you will NEVER know where the fuck they are.

There is just so much Ive seen over the years and through history, with such unbelievable consistency, that it really just makes sense. It has never been so obvious as it is today. Every day, it is more obvious. I see how the tax code affects small businesses and large businesses. I see how there is almost no reward for hard work ( what the fuck is a reward anyway), only for schemes, and people fighting and killing over numbers. How we are "educated" to blindly accept orders and agendas from our authority figures, who give us money to buy food, televisions, cars, and gas. I see everyone drive around every day. I can only equate it to a bunch of chickens running around with their heads cut off. Or I suppose you could equate it to the egyptian slaves that built the pyramids. But what are we building? The internet? The spaceship that helps the illuminati get off the planet?

Some day they are gonna be like "And then there was the Age of the Dumbericans Society, they built the spaceships that blasted their leaders off into space. For payment, they got digits in a database next to their identification number that eventually didnt mean anything once the leaders left. They tried watering their crops with gatoraide but it didnt work. They died."

The masons were builders, or more specifically engineers. They have a supreme knowledge of engineering, energy usage, multigenerational planning, and loyalty, that we can only imagine. Social and metaphysical engineering. They have complete different schools of knowledge encompassing multiple subjects that they will never give up. They dont have to personally recruit every minion, they simply set up the environment and watch nature do the rest.
you're fighting someone elses fight, and then inputting your opinion of me as an individual. How does that resonate with the one truth, honesty? Not very well. and what point do you bring up at all that has to do with the theme of this thread? There is a time and place for everything. Perhaps you should keep a journal. Its obvious you aren't here for communication, just instigation. Another person with an agenda.

You make it clear, as yourself being a SECOND person, that any personal detail about myself will just be abused and stomped in the ground and take up energy of this thread, so why share anything about myself at all? Fucking evil I tell you!

Fact: We all have a consciousness clock that is ticking down. Me, here, talking with you guys on the internet over bullshit personal attacks, is affecting OUR childrens childrens children. Minutely, because this event is small and the time gap is large, but as you can see with wars and conquests and governments, a large idea can span several millenia.

Every single second spend, fighting other peoples wars, concerning ourselves with things that dont matter, is the illuminati winning.

Hey, DTP! I am enjoying some of your ideas, esp. the importance of honesty and that every one of our actions have effects far beyond ourselves. You know the saying, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". A lot of intellectuals on RIU have opposing or controversial ideas, and they always provide links for their claims from several independent, often peer reviewed sources. If you would post these kind of links links I'd really appreciate it. I'd like to believe, but I just need to look at some credible stuff first, thanks!

so this card game was invented in 1995...strange right?

ignore the stupid music (actually, the music sounds pretty crazy while stoned..kinda scary).. and if there is a "god will save us..." or a prayer or something at the end, I apologize and I'm not preaching any beliefs. I just clicked on the first one I saw since I've seen a couple of them already.

I'm not saying this is legitimate proof, but you have to admit that it is strange.
anyone who thinks the elite arent the second most dangerous thing on the planet, is bit of an idiot.

anyone bashing those that try to fight this.

is a current cocksucker-elite wannabe. :)

(fortunetly, the most dangerous thing on the planet, are the masses the elite rule.)