i'm interested in buying some pot from someone

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You're a towel.

Hey god,
People just want to be loved and accepted and appreciated by their peers. Spread the love bro. We all got feelings. Even you have feelings and I know you from around the boards and I know you are a cool cat... Of course I am not here to tell you what to say..I am just here... Cause... UM... Shit, I don't know why I am here...

Smot ... Ilove you
light me a nice bowl of haze and relax on this fine snowy day off and reflect on how greatful I am that pigs pull ya over when your late for work but never fuck with that asshole cutting everyone off and doing 115 mph on the free way.

Fuck you hit that one right on the head! I got a ticket just the other day for running a yellow turn arrow, while grandma next to me ran a red light! Go figure! Around here if your doing under 55 they fuck with you, while grandma runs stop signs and red lights!
lmao, who comes online, (a forum of all places) and asks. Rule one, dont ask, you just have to assume everyone has connections, and eventually find your way in. And here we grow for our own benefit, not that of others.

You gave yourself away the second you asked buddy, (cops lol)
So what happend to kevin I havent read one reply back sense he first started this thread so I guess this only means one thing case closed.
Is that you in your avatar? You look like a cheap hooker!

How long did you sit there and stare at my picture before you thought of that? Since I don't know alot of cheap hookers that post on marijuana forums on the web, (well, you might), one would assume it's a COSTUME. Since you lacked the intelligence to draw that conclusion, Im gonna go with YOU being the loser this round.


lmao, who comes online, (a forum of all places) and asks. Rule one, dont ask, you just have to assume everyone has connections, and eventually find your way in. And here we grow for our own benefit, not that of others.

You gave yourself away the second you asked buddy, (cops lol)

Yes. But they know what NOT to do.

this guy sounds like one of those secret cops trying to get someone to sell to them and bust them, but i dont really think anyone sells on here man just personal use:mrgreen:
for your information i am not a cop
as a matter of fact i am on disability because of manic-depression and borderline personality disorder and i haven't been able to find any pot in a long time. i am living in someone elses house so i can't grow my own. i'm just asking for a little help.
What has happened to this forum? We do not advocate harm towards police officers. We just like to advoid them.
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