i'm interested in buying some pot from someone

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you guys should be ashamed of yourself treating that poor guy like that. i know how he feels.
all you need to do is send kevin26 a private message and ask him his address and send him a little free sample of some pot. that way he will never know your address just make sure you wrap it in some kind of plastic and put it in a box. and make sure you do not put on a return address
fyi, there are legitemate online channels where phriendlies will give, sell, and trade their warez. Mostly these places are inhabited by medical users, who are active (physically or virtually) in the local scenes (legislation, medical growers, head-shop industry types, etc.).

Sites (forums) like those described above are run on what can best be described as 'old hippie trust'. If after posting and getting to know the community, you can work your way into a trade scenario - wonderful! The chances of a young kid or cop being able to infiltrate this seemingly 'open' network is still pretty slim, as most of the members know each other through business, community/social events, festivals, and so forth.

The paranoia of the online drug task force is mostly unfounded. Federal and State police forces, at least in America, rarely have the time, funding and wherewithall to stage an intricate covert sting operation; especially when they can cruise the local disc-golf course and ticket 17 year old high school stoners to fill their "quota".

mmmmmmm, you sound like a cop! Well punk, are you? Lol just a joke! :peace:
for your information i am not a cop
as a matter of fact i am on disability because of manic-depression and borderline personality disorder and i haven't been able to find any pot in a long time. i am living in someone elses house so i can't grow my own. i'm just asking for a little help.

Ok, so maybe your not a cop! But are you that in need of a high? If so I hear that you can buy legal herb online and in your local head shops! Give that stuff a try! I hear it'll fuck you up! PM Kevin, and lets have a talk!
that herb you buy online, isent marijuana.... its just plain old HEMP with no thc in it :S

Lmao! It couldn't be hemp, because hemp in that form is outlawed in the USA! The farmers in Nebraska are in a battle with the feds to be able to grow hemp in the USA for it' many uses. I'll try and post the link on this one. But in the mean time........

Kevin can smoke this:
Shop for Legal Buds, Legal Herb Blends including: Exotic Hawaiian Gold Buds, Dutch Haze Buds, Blueberry Herbal Hybrid Bud, Potent Imported Solid Herbal Concentrates & our highly preferred legal bud & herbal smoke shop combo packs of legal herbal buds, best herbal smoke, and herbal smoking blends enjoyed by tens of thousands of trusted repeat customers. Our products really work, are 100% legal, do not effect drug tests and will leave you extremely satisfied. We guarantee you the world's best herbal smoke, legal herb, best legal bud, and Herbal Bud Shop supplies. Discreet, Fast UPS Shipping, orders arrive just days after purchase.

Ooop's! Sorry for the spam!
Fair play to everyone this has been one of the funniest threads i have read in awhile. First off i can't belive someone (ahem Kevin26) was after a fellow grower to send him weed on a public forum (i know it can be hard in a new area to get hold of grass thats why i stock up before i leave) cop or not thats just plain stupidity lol.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting the reaction he got (having only posted twice since he joined but thats what you get for not using your brain before typing) not to sure about all this cop killing talk either lol seems a bit dark for a group of stoners anyways i got to say thanks guys and girls you've really brightened up my morning.
:lol: :clap: :clap: :bigjoint: :spew:
I hope by cop killing your not referring to my addition to this thread lol.
I would never wish unearned harm on anyone, its just that Im not a real big fan of my government and thats putting it politely. Plus I just dont like cops where I live. It does not mean I dont respect the intentions of real law enforcement. Nor would I hand out an ass beating for no reason.
I just feel like this, why should anyone bother me for growing 3 plants which I intend on smoking and sharing, absolutely no interest, nevermind intention of selling, yet if I get caught with my 3 plants that I enjoy taking care of, I could possibly go to prison. I just think its BS. As for this guy wanting to buy weed on this forum, I have no doubt in my mind that the forum regs occassionally trade flavors, and God bless them. If your lucky enough to get into the circle to trade wares, fantastic, but no one but a cop or a kid would think they could open it like he did, therefore while I wont intentionally be rude to him, I wont be developing any trust any time soon. Anyway I think I just heard a stack of cds I temporaraly put in the bathroom come tumbling down into the toilet :finger: so Ill be back in a few minutes.
as far as him being a cop,i dont know.my gut says he is,so i would not send him soil ! and as for killing cops,thats not cool.i thought we were on this forum to gain knowledge and to show that these ruthless,mindless things do not become stereotypes of the weed community.cop killing is for crack heads and meth whores.keep the peace !:peace: weed is love. lets not give those damn politicians any more room for an ingnorant argument about marijauna.
would it not be a whole lot easier for a cop to catch a stoner on the corner?

"yes budget department, we need another 2 million please. we have a lead on a guy looking for a $20 sack."

View attachment 4460
you guys should be ashamed of yourself treating that poor guy like that. i know how he feels.
all you need to do is send kevin26 a private message and ask him his address and send him a little free sample of some pot. that way he will never know your address just make sure you wrap it in some kind of plastic and put it in a box. and make sure you do not put on a return address

You go right on ahead and do that.
And for the record, theres not a shame bone in my body.Lemme check *feels self*...nope.
is this still not dead... oh my, that cop should just grow his own and bust himself for it to go happy, and now close that thing for christ sake!:D
for your information i am not a cop
as a matter of fact i am on disability because of manic-depression and borderline personality disorder and i haven't been able to find any pot in a long time. i am living in someone elses house so i can't grow my own. i'm just asking for a little help.

I don't know where your from but the last I checked weed is everywhere(at least the commercial is) For you not to be able to find any is unfortunate but if you really were not a cop then you would certainly be able to find it. Don't you have to go to the S.S office once in a while? Most of the people on disability use drugs of some sort! Why not ask them? Dont you know any high schoolers? They are heavy users!
Better yet look in the evidence vault as you have more weed in there probaly than everyone who visits this site does combined!
If by chance you are not a cop well too bad for you, but I believe you are a cop cause anyone who wishes to obtain some green can with out much fuss no matter where you are on this Earth!
You go right on ahead and do that.
And for the record, theres not a shame bone in my body.Lemme check *feels self*...nope.

i dont know i think you bettre get second opinion..... here i'll help:)

invitations..... well i guess so since vegas is in the middle of cali n texas and there some fun stuff to do there:twisted:

then again you might get strip ssearched when you get off th plane...:twisted:
you guys should be ashamed of yourself treating that poor guy like that. i know how he feels.
all you need to do is send kevin26 a private message and ask him his address and send him a little free sample of some pot. that way he will never know your address just make sure you wrap it in some kind of plastic and put it in a box. and make sure you do not put on a return address

bahaha excellent idea. btw for those of u that have so much extra ganj that you can just "send samples" to the fuz... go ahead an send one to me too.

fukin hoot
Lmao! It couldn't be hemp, because hemp in that form is outlawed in the USA! The farmers in Nebraska are in a battle with the feds to be able to grow hemp in the USA for it' many uses. I'll try and post the link on this one. But in the mean time........

Kevin can smoke this:
Shop for Legal Buds, Legal Herb Blends including: Exotic Hawaiian Gold Buds, Dutch Haze Buds, Blueberry Herbal Hybrid Bud, Potent Imported Solid Herbal Concentrates & our highly preferred legal bud & herbal smoke shop combo packs of legal herbal buds, best herbal smoke, and herbal smoking blends enjoyed by tens of thousands of trusted repeat customers. Our products really work, are 100% legal, do not effect drug tests and will leave you extremely satisfied. We guarantee you the world's best herbal smoke, legal herb, best legal bud, and Herbal Bud Shop supplies. Discreet, Fast UPS Shipping, orders arrive just days after purchase.

Ooop's! Sorry for the spam!

Well have a look at this, straight out of HIGH TIMES.

LEAGAL BUDS SAVE 75% Can of Bud.com by International Oddities

Notice this is a PAID advertisement and it little writing everywhere it says NOTPOT. and then says These products are not Marijuana.

and this was on the site you put up....

Herbal Bud Store DISCLAIMER
FDA WARNING! None of our herbs are intended to be a substitute for any medicine or drug, legal or otherwise. Herbal Bud Store provides information only about traditional uses of these herbs. If these products are ingested or consumed as a tea, they are herbal food products and/or dietary substances. If you choose to smoke these herbs, please be advised that you do so at your own risk; any form of smoke inhalation, even natural herbs, may be harmful. All descriptions of the traditional uses of these herbs have been taken from information available to the public on the Internet and may not be substantiated by scientific evidence. All testimonials were voluntarily submitted by customers exercising their freedom of speech. All comments by customers are about their own personal experiences and may not be typical. Such descriptions are taken from repeat customers only, who have expressed their own voluntary opinions, which we value significantly. Herbal Bud Store does not make any claims that what customers say is true, only that we are reporting what they tell us about their own experiences. Their results may not be typical. None of these herbs is intended to be a substitute for any medicine or drug, legal or otherwise. Herbal Bud Store Claims Notice: Herbal Smoke Shop makes no claims with regard to the products offered here. Remember, we are the original Herbal Bud Store, our products are not illegal street drugs nor are they intended to be alternatives to illegal street drugs. They are not intended to "mimic" any of the above and are enjoyed for their OWN amazing properties and still remain 100% legal. Due to FDA law we make no claims in regards to the physiological or psychological effects of these products on the human body. They are not sold as marijuana alternatives, legal highs, legal marijuana, legal marijuana alternative or herbal highs, and are not labeled as such for that reason. Notice: the products on this site do not contain Hemp (Marijuana). They are 100% legal buds. None of these products are promoted to mitigate, treat, prevent or cure any disease, medical or psychological condition. None of our products will alter the structure or function of the human body. We do not carry ANY products that contain Ephedra. None of the statements made on this site about smoking products or dietary supplements have been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or similar agency in other countries. While our products only contain natural ingredients, do not contain tobacco or nicotine, herbal smokes and herbal cigarettes may be hazardous to your health. They produce tar and carbon monoxide when smoked. By purchasing from us you have agreed to, and have read our Herbal Bud Store legal disclaimer. NONE OF OUR PRODUCTS CONTAIN TOBACCO. None of our products contain tobacco or are sold as marijuana alternatives, a legal marijuana alternative, a legal alternative to marijuana, marijuana substitutes, legal marijuana, legal highs, herbal highs, herbal ecstacy, herbal ecstasy or herbal xtc. All of our herbal smokes and legal buds are acceptable alternatives to tobacco and are sold as tobacco alternatives. When these herbs are smoked or burned, they will produce a strong and potent, extremely aromatic smoke. Our herbal products include some of the strongest, most aromatic and effectively pleasurable smoking materials found anywhere in the world. *Where noted, certain herbs may require caution while operating heavy machinery, or driving when ingested or smoked.Copyright 2000-2006 Herbal Bud Inc (HerbalBud.com). Content is the intellectual property of Herbal Bud Inc. Any copying, republication or redistribution of site content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Herbal Bud Inc. HERBALBUD.COM the HERBALBUD.COM Logo and Herbal Bud Store PRODUCTS are trademarks of HerbalBud.com. All Rights Reserved.

Red is showing it is not Marijuana, so it is HEMP. but it also says it has extermely armoatic smoke and your not to operate heavy machinery.
Holy shit dude! Did you not read carefully enough? Check this out---> They are not sold as marijuana alternatives, legal highs, legal marijuana, legal marijuana alternative or herbal highs, and are not labeled as such for that reason. Notice: the products on this site do not contain Hemp (Marijuana).

Now read this.....

abc7news.com: The Battle To Legalize Hemp In

And now back to this:
Herbal Smoke Ingredients:
Artemesia Vulgaris also known as: 'Mugwort' is a mild relaxant. It is useful for nervous tension.

Damiana has been used for thousands of years in Latin American cultures ritualistically as a
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]sexual stimulant. It is one of the most commonly used aphrodisiacs in the world. Damiana effects the nervous system, soothing[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]anxiety, nervousness and mild depression, promoting the general feeling of well-being. A great herb, without a doubt, and a great smoke too. You can find damiana in our Dreamsmoke Blend.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kava Kava has been tested against traditional benzodiazepines for use in controlling anxiety.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kava Kava is the herb of choice to relax the body, relieve stress, anxiety, headache and back[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]pain. Kava has been used for three thousand years by the people of the South Pacific for[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ceremonial, social and medicinal purposes. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana]Today, Kava can help reduce normal anxiety without impairing mental function. The kava root contains compounds called kavalactones, which have been revered for their unique ability to help promote relaxation. The benefits of kava appear to be many. It has long been used by Pacific islanders to help reduce pain. It works on the central nervous system and promotes relaxation to those suffering anxiety or depression. Kava may also help promote more restful sleep to those struggling with insomnia or restlessness, and it helps relax sore, tired muscles.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You can find kava kava in our Dreamsmoke Blend. You can also find kava kava in our honey blonde solid Honey Blonde Solid Concentrate,[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wild Lettuce - Lactuca Virosa commonly referred to as wild lettuce [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]. [/FONT]Traditionally used as a mild sedative or hypnotic for insomnia and relaxation, it is also used for coughing, nervousness and pain relief associated with women's ailments. It is one of the ingredients found in some of our herbal smoking blends.​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Lavendar is used to relieve anxiety, tension and stress. You can find lavender in many of our products.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mexican Damiana is used to regulate the female cycles. It is also used to stimulate the sexual[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]appetite. It is commonly used for urinary problems and nervousness.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Passion Vine is used to treat nervous and restlessness. In short, the effects of passion vine are[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]believed to be primarily on the nervous system. Its effects are particularly touted for those with[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]anxiety due to mental worry and overwork. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Poppy Flower is used for pain, insomnia, nervousness, and chronic coughs. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sage is beneficial to the mind by easing mental exhaustion and by strengthening the concentrating[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]abilities.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Scotch Broom tops are a traditional smoking herb. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Skullcap (also spelled Scullcap) a sattvic herb, promotes awareness and clarity.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Helps clear fiery emotions like anger and jealousy. Calms the mind and heart to prepare the[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]way for meditation. . Prepares the mind and[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]nerves for the flows of energy we experience with insight and healing. You can find Skullcap in our Dreamsmoke, Merlin's Blend and Spirit Walk products.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Star of Bethlehem is traditionally used to calm nervousness. You can find star of bethlehem in many of our products.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Tagetes has been traditionally used to sooth the digestive and respiratory tracts.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Herbs for Flavor and Soothing Effects: Peppermint & Mentha[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]are added to many smokes to improve the taste and aroma. [/FONT]​
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