i'm interested in buying some pot from someone

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for your information i am not a cop
as a matter of fact i am on disability because of manic-depression and borderline personality disorder and i haven't been able to find any pot in a long time. i am living in someone elses house so i can't grow my own. i'm just asking for a little help.

Most cops are manic-depressed and are on the borderline of personality disorder! Lol

But that doesn't hide the facts brother! And if you are stupid enough to post a question like that, then my resource is correct and your are a cop. Or my resource fucked up, and you really are a manic-depressed person who should be seeking some help, not pot! lol actually my brother is bi-polar and pot helps him to maintain Jesus in his head! Why do they alway's say it's Jesus talking to them? Never could figure that one out!

And for the jerk talking trash about cop killing...... Get a fricken life! They may be assholes but they don't deserve to be killed! Hell who knows one day one just might save your life or if your lucky shoot you in your head for a fast painless death! Ha!
sorry kevin26 i'm going to use me better judgement on this one. if you are brave enough to ask online then the corner market shouldn't be a problem. just look for the happy people and say "pssst, got any smoke?".
to catch a grower.....

heykevin you need bud i got you meet me near by at 7-11 around the corner in 15 minutes dont be late
this guy prob didn't expect such a cynical skathing from this community...

he prob got a good vibe reading all this stuff about folks bucking the system and thought he'd ask... ask not and receive not. no need to call him names and tie him to the stake...it's just as obvious that there's no need to conduct transactions here. :)
what happened you never showed up! punk.

rofl. i would have showed up. i'm sure it's the bomb.

sorry kevin26 i'm going to use me better judgement on this one. if you are brave enough to ask online then the corner market shouldn't be a problem. just look for the happy people and say "pssst, got any smoke?".

Stand around and look wistful. Works like a charm.
fyi, there are legitemate online channels where phriendlies will give, sell, and trade their warez. Mostly these places are inhabited by medical users, who are active (physically or virtually) in the local scenes (legislation, medical growers, head-shop industry types, etc.).

Sites (forums) like those described above are run on what can best be described as 'old hippie trust'. If after posting and getting to know the community, you can work your way into a trade scenario - wonderful! The chances of a young kid or cop being able to infiltrate this seemingly 'open' network is still pretty slim, as most of the members know each other through business, community/social events, festivals, and so forth.

The paranoia of the online drug task force is mostly unfounded. Federal and State police forces, at least in America, rarely have the time, funding and wherewithall to stage an intricate covert sting operation; especially when they can cruise the local disc-golf course and ticket 17 year old high school stoners to fill their "quota".
look i am interested in seeing all growrooms... if you are growing and have product ready to harvest please send your address and when you are NOT home......

for your information i am not a cop
as a matter of fact i am on disability because of manic-depression and borderline personality disorder and i haven't been able to find any pot in a long time. i am living in someone elses house so i can't grow my own. i'm just asking for a little help.

does mari actually help manic-depression and borderline personality disorder? it must only be useful in small doses, so u should definitely just go with the 'corner market'.

u probly should have posted this in the Toke n Talk, btw
does mari actually help manic-depression and borderline personality disorder? it must only be useful in small doses, so u should definitely just go with the 'corner market'.

u probly should have posted this in the Toke n Talk, btw

You would be surprized what marijuana cures mate, but personality disorder... naw marijuana doesent cure that one. Depression, yes it does. since ive been Whacked in the head by a 1000pound peice of glass, it has fucked up my emotions in my head. when i dont smoke pot, i get depressed then Angry then depressed again and then very angry, and then there are emotions i dont even know what the fuck is going on.... but when i smoke MJ it makes me feel alright and i get the feeling of being happy.
Damn, cop or not, you should'nt be asking all this shit outright in a thread... Atleast PM someone and get denied.

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