Well-Known Member
I used to be this guy (the OP), except I was logical, smart and sensible enough to know when to leave, or make a exit when hanging out with undesirable youth... White trash , Black trash ect....
When drug dealing , or hard drugs , or robbing people , stealing , car-hopping , having guns ; came about I would know to make a exit because I'm not a fucking idiot.
There isn't a single one of my old friends that doesn't have a criminal record. Do not hang around undesirables!
That being said , your like what 19-25? This is un confident, fucking peer pressured, little kid shit. No person is ok with having something illegal in THEIR car unless they are 35% mongoloid.
I've read a lot of this thread , and you SEEM to be a fool .
A custom rear window??? You should have been saving up instead of buying a fucking window!!!!!
You need to wake up in more ways then 1 .
i bought the car years back man i may need to sell it for a lawyer. btw im 21 and i agree i was fool at that moment of time. and please dont be condesending im young dumb and reckeless now im woke time to change is konw thanks man