im know a felon :(


Well-Known Member
well as os saturday night i pulled over in car 4 people in it
we got pulled over
the driver is my cousin and the front passanger is is also my cousin
me in the driver passanger and the homie in the back wit me

ok well the fron people had guns on them they tossed em under the seats when we got stopped
we pull over and tpark they book it take off running
me n home boy r left with the hrges for the guns
im out on bail n so is he i think
but i got charged with
  • posseions and control of a stolen properthy aka the gun the driver (my bitch ass cousin)
  • possesion in mj (7grams grams of mexiweed)
the state i live in is az and we have the most liberal gun laws​
what do you think will happen to me
the stolen property and the marijuana possesion
im getting my medical card asap

please guys i need your help
Do you like the color pink? Hope so... They will want the name of the persons who ran, if not its all you... Do your time, then deal with your cousin... Don't rat on him, he's a punk who shoulda took his piece with him, especially since he's running... Never leave the piece behind... What a pussy, I would tax his ass hard when you get out...
im on bail got court on the 20th so u think they lock me up no biggy i got college coming up u think the judge will symythize with me im doin a 180
n if i get time dealin with of them n tax for watever u got
Your in a world of shit kid.I live in AZ and have a record.Message me if you need some pointers. what county are you in?
first off start learning how to spell properly might help you in someway down the line.
than use proper English . punk ass bitchez generally doesn't go well with authority.
than i suggest you pull up your pants or wear clothing that fits you properly and go get a real lawyer, i wish you all the luck in the world.

But you should'nt have knowingly had guns in YOUR vehicle.

You ARE in serious fucking trouble. It was your fault you allowed illegal guns in YOUR vehicle. come on man dont make petty stupid fucking mistakes now youre facing real time in prison for what?


Smarten up and act your age. Become a real member of society, and act like an adult. Go do some charity and get a job and use your medical marijuana.
well as os saturday night i pulled over in car 4 people in it
we got pulled over
the driver is my cousin and the front passanger is is also my cousin
me in the driver passanger and the homie in the back wit me

ok well the fron people had guns on them they tossed em under the seats when we got stopped
we pull over and tpark they book it take off running
me n home boy r left with the hrges for the guns
im out on bail n so is he i think
but i got charged with
  • posseions and control of a stolen properthy aka the gun the driver (my bitch ass cousin)
  • possesion in mj (7grams grams of mexiweed)
the state i live in is az and we have the most liberal gun laws​
what do you think will happen to me
the stolen property and the marijuana possesion
im getting my medical card asap

please guys i need your help

I'd comment on this, but it's too unintelligible and I know if I do read this hood rat shit I'll just come away disappointed and dumber for it.
I agree you are in a heap of shit.
Hire a real lawyer.
The court appointed lawyers will try your case then turn around and have lunch with the judge.
wow ok, why would you comment if your going to bitch about my grammar

it wasnt my car i was just riding along
sunni- az you dont need the guns to be in your name just not a felon i go to college i am a good member of society

you think i can persuade the judge to get probation