im know a felon :(

Learn from your mistakes, it's Life.

as For your situation with your Cousin, would you want him to Rat on you?

If the circumstances were reversed don't you think you would have tried to skate like your Cousin did?

As for your legal needs,

check for lawyers that do pro Bono work ( free ), they don't advertise it but IF
You can find a nice old Lady in the Court a Clerks Office to give you a name of a lawyer currently taking pro bono cases
you will be doing a little better.

If you can't afford a lawyer, ( many lawyers are assholes but a few will work with you if you own a Home or at least a nice car.)

something to use as collateral against your payment.

Dont forget to get a release when you are done paying the atty.

try not to go with the Court assigned lawyer unless they are doing pro bono work in the court.
(ask them )

just oust advice from an old man who has been in the system.

Pro bono is rarely given to the willfully stupid, especially in criminal law. So good luck with that.
Thank you slow bus, atleast someone sees things in the right perspective! YOU DO NOT GRASS!! REGARDLESS!!
dont do the crime if you can't do the time,then whine like a bitch and plot to take everyone else down with you!! It's disgusting you feel the need to reveal to the police all about your co-defendants just to lessen your own time!
Scum manoeuvring!!
man up and face the shit!!

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"

Yeah too bad he DIDNT do the crime lmao, christ....
A lot of states if your just there when a friend kills someone you're also.liable for murder, which I think it a bit extreme..

IMO if you're man enough to roll dirty(especially as driver) you are man enough to take the heat when your lowlife "friends" throw you under the bus.
This story reminds me of being about 21 years old and my bf and I found 2 wraps in our car in the rear foot area. We knew who's it was and I was screwing that we could've been pulled by the police and charged for it by accident. If so we would've footed the blame obviously so my bf decided to take it and then told the guy after!! No we didn't pay for it, it was a close friends anyway.
I apologize in advanced I am ripped as Obama's copy of The United Stated Constitution...

Dude run... Like there is no tomorrow. Why are you on here? Make it to Canada preferably not through Idaho "I live there and would catch you and turn you in for the bounty.".. Or go to jail, take full advantage of their GED program get an education. Then straighten your ass up, quit smoking weed you make us all look like a bunch of "Hood-rat" stoners that would shoot their own grandma for a hit. You are part of the reason it is still illegal. Then find a way to go to college "head to ND they make 200k a year there" but save every penny and go to college for anything. Come out then post on here "Previously troubled youth cleaned up his act now has a degree in horticulture looking for a job." Then sir we can truly help you.