I'm so confused...


Hey everyone, I'm new here. My roommates and I want to start growing, and I've been doing a lot of research, and now I'm in information overload. I would really appreciate some help with what to do...

We won't have very much space (we are using a closet) and want to do this hydroponically.

I was thinking about using a couple 2 or 3 gallon fish tanks (1 for veg 1 for flower so I can always have some in veg and some in flower) and getting two 150w HPS lights.

I've got the general idea down, but what products do I need for this? I know I need to make it light tight, I'll need an air hose, styrofoam, the containers to hold the seed/plant, etc.

But I'm confused on the science behind the growing. What are the best pH solutions to get? How do I maintain a steady temperature? Will using a small round fan blowing into (not onto) the closet help with that? How high should I hang the lights? What kind of nutrients should I get for the water and how would I add it? (an extra hole in the styrofoam?) What kind of medium would be best for putting the seedlings in when I transfer them to the tanks?

I guess I'm just really nervous that I'm going to f*ck this up. So if anyone would be willing to give me some advice/tips on the best way to grow in the situation I'm in, I would appreciate it uber much.

Thanks! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
if your totally new to growing i would suggest growing in dirt a few times to get the hang of it.while your growing in dirt you can do your research on hydro


Well-Known Member
I don't know if the fish tanks you're talking about are going to be big enough. To get any yield, you're going to have to let her grow and once you put it in flower it's going to double/triple in size.


ditto what litljohn said. you will always have some issue on your first grow, and even though I dont know jack shit about hydro, I do know that soil will be a lot more forgiving.
Some people say that hps lights are the way to go, but cfl (curly eco bulbs) will work fine and are cheaper/cooler/and use way less power. Go here: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/287107-growfaq-growfaq-basic-topics.html for amazing information. It has helped me out so many times. But one major problem you will come into is smell, and since you mentioned a roomate, Im assuming its a rental property and you cant do alot of construction. I would recomend a small carbon filtered air purifier like this: http://www.hamiltonbeach.com/trueair-trueair-room-odor-eliminator.html
good luck


Well-Known Member
How big is the closet? fish tanks as res eh? never seen that, I use totes . some people use coolers since they are well insulated and usually have a drain at the bottom....take a look at this.....https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/346967-my-first-grow-2.html .... you should be able to get a good idea about just what you'll need, if you do dwc (deep water culture, which I'm not liking much) 5 gallon buckets will work . I prefer a little spraying of the roots so I intend to do away with my bubble buckets(dwc) and go with nothing but the totes which have a water pump , plumbing and sprayer heads which spray the roots . They also have an air pump and stones in them so they're a form of dwc but I think they work much better, less of the roots are hanging in the water and are suspended in air but also being sprayed . The totes I built have this hinged lid(see photos) which makes it real nice when changing res or just checking ph, buckets can be a pain in the ass if you're plants are gonna be big. You say you've done the research now all you need to do is act, plan on fucking up a bit and possibly losing shit or growing half assed shit. Things come up that you'll never expect and it will probably end up costing you money ( always something to buy). Good luck and I'm sure you'll find much useful/helpful info on this site, there are some good people here. personally I'm a noob and am only on my second grow which isn't really going that well after my first one was great. The strange thing is I addressed all the issues I thought were important (got my temperatures under control) and shit just isn't going as well this time but wtf, theres always next time. Good luck and welcome aboard. and I don't agree with john and dog, forget soil.Let me just add, my first grow , very first grow of any kind, I went hydro . I had 4 plants and yield was over a lb. one plant came in at 1/2 lb. If you're growing for yield go hydro.


Well-Known Member
this is my homemade ebb and flow system,i got all of my supplies from walmart and lowes for 50 bucks,my avitar is some pineapple express that i grew in this system on my very first hydro grow



Active Member
How big is the closet? fish tanks as res eh? never seen that, I use totes . some people use coolers since they are well insulated and usually have a drain at the bottom....take a look at this.....https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/346967-my-first-grow-2.html .... you should be able to get a good idea about just what you'll need, if you do dwc (deep water culture, which I'm not liking much) 5 gallon buckets will work . I prefer a little spraying of the roots so I intend to do away with my bubble buckets(dwc) and go with nothing but the totes which have a water pump , plumbing and sprayer heads which spray the roots . They also have an air pump and stones in them so they're a form of dwc but I think they work much better, less of the roots are hanging in the water and are suspended in air but also being sprayed . The totes I built have this hinged lid(see photos) which makes it real nice when changing res or just checking ph, buckets can be a pain in the ass if you're plants are gonna be big. You say you've done the research now all you need to do is act, plan on fucking up a bit and possibly losing shit or growing half assed shit. Things come up that you'll never expect and it will probably end up costing you money ( always something to buy). Good luck and I'm sure you'll find much useful/helpful info on this site, there are some good people here. personally I'm a noob and am only on my second grow which isn't really going that well after my first one was great. The strange thing is I addressed all the issues I thought were important (got my temperatures under control) and shit just isn't going as well this time but wtf, theres always next time. Good luck and welcome aboard. and I don't agree with john and dog, forget soil.Let me just add, my first grow , very first grow of any kind, I went hydro . I had 4 plants and yield was over a lb. one plant came in at 1/2 lb. If you're growing for yield go hydro.
Good advice right there.


Thank you all so much, I really appreciate the help! I'll read up on everything you all posted and then I'll let you know if I have any other questions.
