I'm sorry Great Britain.


Well-Known Member
One thing you guys could never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER...begin to challenge us on is women.

Our women destroy yours.


New Member
[FONT=verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans]Today in Iraq, American and British troops handed out food to hundreds of Iraqis. But to no surprise the Iraqis handed the British food back. Conan O'Brien[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
One thing you guys could never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER...begin to challenge us on is women.

Our women destroy yours.
Puleeeeeeeeeeeeezee!!!!!!!!!!!!!....CANADIAN!! women are growlers!
I wouldn't know wether to fight them or fuck them ;)


Well-Known Member
Puleeeeeeeeeeeeezee!!!!!!!!!!!!!....American women are growlers!
I wouldn't know wether to fight them or fuck them ;)

This must be in some parallel universe. All the English women I've met worth a second look are not native English women. All immigrants. As for the homogeneous English women...Let's just say i've found more attractive things within the tread of my shoe.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea,youre the canadian :)

I'm the american living in canada. But shit...you've raised the bar. Canadian women. DESTROY ENGLISH WOMEN. It's like a little league football team playing chelsea. It's like me playing one on one against Lebron. It's like me trying to hit a pitch off a prime roger clemens. It's like me trying to win a foot race over Usain Bolt. Get where I'm going with this?


Well-Known Member
hahaa,Amy winehouse is teh Win!!!

Cleetus:Hey maw,iza hungry
Maw:theres a snack in the refridgerator till i prepare dinner.
Cleetus:I love You MoMz....

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
this is the most attractive british woman I've ever seen....

Bra-vo ... Miss England Georgia Horsley (far left), Miss Northern Ireland Melissa Patton, Miss Wales Kelly Pesticcio and Miss Scotland Nieve Jennings wearing Ultimo lingerie

Miss USA