Immigration Reform

SOOOooooooo, back to the topic at hand fellas.

Immigration needs to be controlled imo. 2 American hikers just got 8 years in Iran for illegally crossing the border. In Afghanistan i have read that you are shot. Heck, i want to see what Mexicos illegal immigration penalties are. Off to Google.
fuck immigration borders. wtf are we control pets. open all the borders this is our World.

Coming to think about. 99%9 percent of the people are control PETS. untill then we shall be kept in check. and untill we fully take responsibility of our selfs and read instead of taking ideas and agendas of some Racist, white, Supremacy, Christian controllers out there. we would see that we are all have the same needs and wants. we all bleed and we all die.
Yes we do and we need to have amnesty for the illegals already here. This bullshit has to stop.

ya? well then they should all have to pay 20,000$ each to help pay for all those roads and bridges, and libraries, schools, etc. Its only fair. they will be using them too.
they will help out when they start paying taxes..

thats too many people all at once we will need that money for infrastructure. Otherwise its going to get too crowded. I say we deport illegal people back to whatever country they came from, unless they come here to start a business and create jobs.
thats too many people all at once we will need that money for infrastructure. Otherwise its going to get too crowded. I say we deport illegal people back to whatever country they came from, unless they come here to start a business and create jobs.

How is it too many people at once

Since they are already here?
thats too many people all at once we will need that money for infrastructure. Otherwise its going to get too crowded. I say we deport illegal people back to whatever country they came from, unless they come here to start a business and create jobs.

they are here now so how would it be any different...???
a lot of illegals go to work at 4am and don't get home til after 12 midnight.

not a lot of traffic at hour.

i have a joke i tell with a few of the guys at the event business, 'you guys kick the rooster in the ass so he starts singing'.... lol
We can't afford to build enouph schools for all thier children either. classes are way too overcrowded

now on that one I have to agree but for a different reason...I do feel having to teach a child that barely speaks english does take away from the children who already know what the parent has taught them...a problem we would have to figure out
with 1 in 7 people on food stamps now, taxpayers are having trouble keeping up with the demand.

NEW YORK ( -- The use of food stamps has increased dramatically in the U.S., as the federal government ramps up basic assistance to meet the demands of an increasingly desperate population.
The number of food stamp recipients increased 16% over last year. This means that 14% of the population is now living on food stamps. That's about 43 million people, or about one out of every seven Americans
In some states, like Tennessee, Mississippi, New Mexico and Oregon, one in five people are receiving food stamps. Washington, D.C. leads the nation, with 21.5% of the population on food stamps.