Oh, no, you're just an idiot. I already explained to you what it means for the code to be "updated." If you still can't grasp it, there's nothing left to do but call you an idiot. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you don't try to independently confirm anything you say or believe, you have horrible reading comprehension skills, and you don't even seem to make a serious effort to actually understand anything at all. By your own account you work in a grocery store and have absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm not going to repeat what it means for the code to be "updated" if you're just going to ignore it and continue sounding like an idiot. That's on you.
Anything who knows about about the code and the structure of the American legal system sees that you are utterly clueless, flailing desperately.
The bolded is proof who the fucking idiot is.......this token......syntax is OK but logic is way off....F nonetheless LOL LOL LOL
LOL you "worked for a Representative"LOL LOL LOL too funny like I said all you got is name calling everything you say falls flat on its ass.....your post are evidence and record of this LOL LOL LOL
"The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 51 titles and published by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives. The U.S. Code was first published in 1926. The next main edition was published in 1934, and subsequent main editions have been published every six years since 1934. In between editions, annual cumulative supplements are published in order to present the most current information."
So why would anyone need tokeprep to explain what a code update is??? No-one does... no-one asked for your explanation.
You must not have read Salman v. US, because you don't actually seem to know what the case is about. I'm not surprised--you rarely seem to read anything you refer to, aside from a paragraph or a sentence, because apparently you don't understand what "context" is.
Didn't read it did you? Must be why you got jack shit in rebuttal of what I said about it here. Unlike token I read and comprehend before I post. Salman got busted counterfeiting sight drafts and thought making them non-negotiable exemped him from prosecution based on the definition of the fictious instrument he created.....it was explained to him his instrument was fictitious however it was labeled and how it was labeled was a technicallity already addressed in case law....in Howick.....an aside was the Comptroller Ted Reusser clearly identifying FRN's as negotiable and how non-negotiable instruments are handled by banks if they "play by the rules".... now go cry in your Fruit Loops about it....here's a link anyone can read.....
Likewise, apparently you don't understand the difference between a thing being negotiable and being a "negotiable instrument" under the conditions of a statute.
I understand what negotiable instrument is in Commercial Banking terms....as well as currency that comes from commercial banks, you are the one who denies it.
Comptroller of Currency does why the fuck do you think you know better is the disturbing thing here your bullshit is baseless...you have ZERO source for anything you type here, this statement is no different. Up until a few pages ago you thought State adopted UCC was new law LOLOLOLOL instead of simply an expansion of Law Merchant and other contract Law LOLOL fucking moron.
Almost all of the cases brought up in this whole discussion are opinions from Article III courts with precedential effect. Find what? I can re-paste the list again if you like.
Find what I asked for oh yeah you can't comprehend what I asked. Add Salman to your fail list now that you actually willingly admit you know what an Article III court is....you pretend to comprehend what it is at least dumb ass. Grocery Boy says Bacon?
Made-up pseudo-legal crackpot nonsense that doesn't actually mean anything at all. But apparently you aren't capable of comprehending that.
I comprehend that all you can base your opinion on is your own opinion. So what was made up other than your assertion Federal Reserve Notes are lawful money? Ever prove that? NOPE. What was made up and not well sourced besides your assertion that FRNs are non-negotiable? NOTHING. So now you use projection to make me seem as if I have your little bitch qualities in argument and defense.....I do not.
.........Pseudo legal LOL LOL what did you state to counter anything I said? Jack shit. Including slavery and gays LOL LOL not one fucking thing.
$5,000 penalties for making frivolous arguments rejected by the courts. Then people not only have to pay 100% of the tax they originally owed, plus interest and penalties, they also have to pay the $5,000 frivolous dispute penalty.
You mean all the people on saving the suitors club? The place David Merrill hangs out now? Lots of documented success there and not one instance of the fine sorry douche, another fail due to lack of research. Your claim that dude does a "circuit" and charges for information is likewise baseless but hey that's how you roll we're all used to it.
Only if you don't understand the purpose of this redemption scheme, which is supposedly to avoid paying income taxes. That's it. The people who came up with this did so when their specie arguments had been firmly rejected by the courts. That's why it's tax protestor bullshit--it's baseless, ignorant, and developed entirely by non-lawyers without legal training who don't have a clue. Worst, the purveyors make their livings telling other people how to evade taxes! They aren't even disinterested!
So how do the "purveyors" of your system make their living then? I do the grocery store thing as stated earlier, sorry what do you do again besides play the market then spend it all and bitch and complain? You don't even own a car do you own anything? How can a market master such as your self not benefit from your vast knowledge of currency and markets LOL very ironic.
So you are not a lawyer correct? Oh yeah only token gets to preach the gospel with no credentials lol what a fucking control freak hypocrite you are which is why I am finishing up my final thoughts on this subject.....
The specie arguments are what is frivolous I tried to show you that even with your own cases but you fail at comprehension so be it.......cases of specie redemption were heard way past the time specie redemption expired....yet you fail to comprehend why you can't find the case law of what we talk about here.....so be it.
You attempt to define the purpose??? The purpose of redemption is to end the Fed and return to some semblance of honest money.....literally pay off the debt by lawful accounting, obviously over your head.
Federal Reserve Notes are practically all we have. Get the fuck over it and accept what it is an undeniable reality. The US economy is $15 trillion a year; the debt is about $15 trillion. That $61 MILLION in United States Notes the treasury could issue? Yeah, right. I'm laughing at you because the idea is so incredibly foolish.
But that's exactly what you would expect from a fool.
Why would I accept your undeniable reality? I don't like Federal Reserve Notes or Cocks or any semblance of your reality moron.
See this is your problem does anyone left reading this thread need you to tell them what US GDP is??? Nope but there you go anyway.........So you think a voluntary "practical" monoply on currency that has not been properly idintified as voluntary in public discourse is acceptable and an undeniable reality that can never change?? Glad you will never re-produce right now honestly. Just as the Debt Ceiling is statutorily raised so can the limit of US Notes.....although the accounting is, and would be, dramaticlly different.