Inda-gro Induction...


New Member
hey all

just touchin base at the end of bloom day 3.. been up since 4, so i could finish building the 2 new cloning chambers that i wanted and get them up and running so that later today, when the stores start opening, i'm going out to get a slave trolley for my mover, so the 2nd 420 can go in with the next 2 girls and will be moving without the use of a 2nd mover motor.

as for the girls, the MP is popping pistils uniformly on the top 2-3 internodes... everywhere.

i know... pics or it didn't happen, so here's a couple i just snapped of her.

the CT isn't showing like that yet, but i expect that she will soon - and i'll post pics of it when it happens.

to re-cap: i haven't done anything to stimulate bloom, aside from 12/12. no full day of dark to lead in, no foliars feedings of anything, no crazy hormone treatments...

take care everyone!


New Member
speaking of 12/12... the AO and WF are ready, so i got the slave trolley all installed for the 2nd 420, and into the tent they went. :bigjoint:

i'd love to post an update of it right now, but i need to get to bed pretty much now, as i have an early day tomorrow.

i should have something up by 10pm PST tomorrow.

take care everyone!


Well-Known Member
Hey buck123............did you receive your light yet???????..........nice work spliff as always


Well-Known Member
No IG fucked us around... Supposedely if you buy a container full you cant even get a sample!
If 'fucked us around' means you didn't get a free sample I can tell you from personal experience they don't do samples. But I'm confused if you bought a container full why would you want a sample or are you waiting for a sample to buy a container full?

I'll be in SD tomorrow am and could swing by IG. PM me and tell me who you've been speaking with and give me an email, phone number and good time to reach you. I'll see that Darryl gets the message. There is no doubt that he'll get in touch with you. If money is tight see if they have any B stock. Just ask they still cost just not as much.

BTW hey MOD @ 14K views I say Bucks thread gets a sticky! Right up there next to LEDS


Well-Known Member
If 'fucked us around' means you didn't get a free sample I can tell you from personal experience they don't do samples. But I'm confused if you bought a container full why would you want a sample or are you waiting for a sample to buy a container full?

I'll be in SD tomorrow am and could swing by IG. PM me and tell me who you've been speaking with and give me an email, phone number and good time to reach you. I'll see that Darryl gets the message. There is no doubt that he'll get in touch with you. If money is tight see if they have any B stock. Just ask they still cost just not as much.

BTW hey MOD @ 14K views I say Bucks thread gets a sticky! Right up there next to LEDS
HAHA! Chaz you gun! Yeh i think it needs a sticky too man!! Um trying to sort it out man atm well im sorta the meat in a sandwich atm my mate was GOING to buy a Container full if they supplied a Sample light free straight up... If you were gonna spend 20k+ you would at least want 1-2 samples and if IG were so Confident why wouldnt they?


Well-Known Member
i'm surprised by this....that fucking sucks buck.....yeah they should throw in a couple of freebies for that order.....and why are you spending that amount without testing it yourself first?....I mean let's be honest here, Spliff could grow the shit out of anything he uses....he's an excellent grower....


Well-Known Member
i'm surprised by this....that fucking sucks buck.....yeah they should throw in a couple of freebies for that order.....and why are you spending that amount without testing it yourself first?....I mean let's be honest here, Spliff could grow the shit out of anything he uses....he's an excellent grower....
whadya saying Spliffs a better grower than Buck? cmon say it aint so...Hey Spliff you're an excellent grower...perhaps you could get a hold of Gavita, Kessil, Apache Tech, any 1000 watt CMH, Phillips 1000watt EL series, and see if they'll they'll comp you one or two for you to test drive. I've been dying to see any of those in an Inda-Gro shootout...I promise if they outdo IG I'll buy $5K worth of em (since I now have an ex I don't have 20K OR anyplace to put a container) and tell them it was your shootout that did it.

ahhhh white russian here I come!


Ursus marijanus
whadya saying Spliffs a better grower than Buck? cmon say it aint so...Hey Spliff you're an excellent grower...perhaps you could get a hold of Gavita, Kessil, Apache Tech, any 1000 watt CMH, Phillips 1000watt EL series, and see if they'll they'll comp you one or two for you to test drive. I've been dying to see any of those in an Inda-Gro shootout...I promise if they outdo IG I'll buy $5K worth of em (since I now have an ex I don't have 20K OR anyplace to put a container) and tell them it was your shootout that did it.

ahhhh white russian here I come!
I'm missing a sock ... cn


Ursus marijanus
Totally my mistake. I saw the journal number and thought that was your first post here. I'm kind of behemped. cn



Well-Known Member
i'm surprised by this....that fucking sucks buck.....yeah they should throw in a couple of freebies for that order.....and why are you spending that amount without testing it yourself first?....I mean let's be honest here, Spliff could grow the shit out of anything he uses....he's an excellent grower....
Yeh exactly PSUA man... Why would we hand over a dime yet... Even with spliffs results we are still on the fence! One of those things i guess the proof's in the pudding!


New Member
wow lotta stuff been going on here -=o)

yay for the 14k views!

seems an interesting situation indeed with your mate, Buck. and that's a sweet offer from Chaz to try to help iron it out for you in person. i know it'll all get sorted out in the end.

as for the sample lights... i'm not sure about that.. on a 20k order, i'm sure Darryl would offer a bulk discount (potentially to where the savings should equate to a free couple lamps), but to want a couple for free up front... not sure... never hurts to ask imo.

also, thanks for the kind words about mah gardening :weed: i do love my girls.

and on that topic, and sorry it's a tad belated...

without further delay...

Bloom Boom Room Update Time!!!

gotta get running tho, the CT and MP are all like "FEED ME SPLIFFIE!!!" (a la little shop of horrors). and the raspberry and licorice in veg are mid feeding as well... time to let the gallons flow!

peace everyone!


Well-Known Member
wow lotta stuff been going on here -=o)

yay for the 14k views!

seems an interesting situation indeed with your mate, Buck. and that's a sweet offer from Chaz to try to help iron it out for you in person. i know it'll all get sorted out in the end.

as for the sample lights... i'm not sure about that.. on a 20k order, i'm sure Darryl would offer a bulk discount (potentially to where the savings should equate to a free couple lamps), but to want a couple for free up front... not sure... never hurts to ask imo.

also, thanks for the kind words about mah gardening :weed: i do love my girls.

and on that topic, and sorry it's a tad belated...

without further delay...

Bloom Boom Room Update Time!!!

gotta get running tho, the CT and MP are all like "FEED ME SPLIFFIE!!!" (a la little shop of horrors). and the raspberry and licorice in veg are mid feeding as well... time to let the gallons flow!

peace everyone!
Yeh man i have tryed my ass off to get it all happening spliff not sure what the go is! I have to chat with my mate too and find out if he got an email yet! Looking yummmy SPLIFFO!


Well-Known Member
Hey Spliff nice post and looking good in there. I've seen a room set up with two light rail 3.5 on two 6 ft tracks that ran 9 five gal buckets under ea quite nicely on single 420's for ea track. Definitely got a weight bounce in that overall area coverage of roughly 11 x 22.

But I do like that push-pull rod to a slave trolley. If you felt like adding a second light to a single 6 ft or even an extended track that would be the way to go. You should be fine on the overall weight with using that one motor because that 23# is the 420 shipping weight. The lights themselves only run @ 15# ea.

Curious how the lower branches are developing under the light rail? Are you also moving the canopy around with a fan?


New Member
Hey Spliff nice post and looking good in there. I've seen a room set up with two light rail 3.5 on two 6 ft tracks that ran 9 five gal buckets under ea quite nicely on single 420's for ea track. Definitely got a weight bounce in that overall area coverage of roughly 11 x 22.

But I do like that push-pull rod to a slave trolley. If you felt like adding a second light to a single 6 ft or even an extended track that would be the way to go. You should be fine on the overall weight with using that one motor because that 23# is the 420 shipping weight. The lights themselves only run @ 15# ea.

Curious how the lower branches are developing under the light rail? Are you also moving the canopy around with a fan?
i prune off the lower axillary growth, but leave the leaves. i have one small fan cooling the LR3 motor, and one small fan circulating the air from the low left side. nothing crazy tho.

and oSNAP ya.. i was remembering the shipping weight on those... good catch again bro! too bad it's not so simple to just correct that in the video... i tried to caption it, but i doubt i did that right... i made note of that in the description, but no one will read that... lol.