k, so i hate my phone/camera/etc... 3 efforts to shoot the video and it was coming out choppy in both video and audio... i decided to reboot it and it seems to have resolved the issue however i am now way past wanting to play with the youtube to get it up... i'll post it when i get up.
@ logic: when watering in soil or coco, you want to aim for runoff every time. i generally aim for 10% runoff every watering and i also lead in every watering with at least a quart of clean water before i start the feeding. you could also do the "feed 2 times and then just water the 3rd, repeat" approach with just about anything and have no issues. personally, i have a PH1 pen and i never use it. i use RO water, use either the last of the remaining Canna i have on hand or Medi-One (fish emulsion from Green Planet) that i was given as a sample at my local shop (or just some Alaska brand), or use some of the super-secret-splifferous-special-sauce that i have been working on. my point is that imo, the KISS approach is the best for novice and pro alike. even soil herb tastes better... the benefits you site still don't outweigh the lack in connoisseur patient grade details like palate, aroma, potency... even when done by a pro. for someone that has issues with soil, getting more complicated doesn't seem like it would lead to better results. the fact that you have that much control means that you really need to understand WHAT is going on more so that just being able to follow a feeding schedule. also, comparing a plant and it's physiology to that of a mammal is not wise. consider light... our light sensing organs are eyes, and we use them to see. the main organ in plants interested in light are chloroplasts, and they use light to create sugar from water and air. they do not have eyes; we do not photosynthesize. we also are unable to gain worthwhile nutrition via foliar feeding, as our plants can. i could go on and on... i mean it's not like i'm comparing apples and bananas... at least those are both fruit.
imo, if fancy stuff (not designed for the novice) isn't working out to be worth the cost, then step back to more basic approaches and use cheaper nutes. seriously, go get some regular nursery containers, some soil (basically anything that's not associated with monsanto/round up/miracle grow, and some "Alaska Fish Emulsion". google that, and get it. maybe some nice kelp meal/extract too. also get some sort of mycorrhizal/bacterial soil inoculant - the more diverse the micro herd in it the better. i prefer the stuff that has a lot of both fungi and bacteria. make sure it has Glomus, Trichomaderma, and Bacillus at a minimum. there are many specie within those named genus, and so again, try to get as many as you can, and the more the better. other goods are Streptomyces, Psudomonas, Rhizopogon, Rhizobium, Azospirillium... thats just naming a few... there's a lot!
also, do your girls a favor and do some studying on what it is that you give them. not the manufacturers hype, but actually what the ingredients are and why they are chosen for agricultural use. there is NOTHING marketed to a cannabis grower that hasn't already been used for years by regular ole corn farmers. it's just that there is too much money to be made from people that just want to pour excellent herb out of a store bought bottle and call it a day. they will literally pay 3x the price for a bottle marketed to them that contains a re-brand of something that is a decade old on the ag/farm market, and that marked up cannabis-oriented product usually suffers additional dilution and a smaller bottle as well.
i'd love to go on, but this is a thread about these bad-ass lamps, and i want to try to keep it on that point. i hope i didn't type anything that came off pushy or harsh; it's late and my back is really beginning to burn in a bad way. it's just that you seemed to ask my input directly, and this is what i have for you. it does come from genuine concern for your situation; otherwise i'd be telling you what new expensive crap would fix it all like magic and end up doing nothing but nothing and leaving you lighter in the wallet. you can do much better if you just rolled back to simple. something that isn't so "dialed in' because your approach isn't dialed in. soil, container, plant, organic (non-synth) nutes, clean water, start at 1/2 str nutes... do not try to push the plants. think of it that you are only providing for their needs. if you give them something they don't need, you make it harder for them to get what they do need, and you hold them back. kill them with kindness... the beauty of the "slowness of soil" is that it doesn't demand that you check the pH 3 times a day. you can take it easy with them and see over 2-3 days how they like the little changes you make. i don't follow a schedule. i wing it literally as i am mixing their feed. i just watch my girls and give them what they need.
my friends call me the bud whisperer... lol.
well, i'm now officially rambling, and i reserve the right to return after some sleep and edit this post... ttfn everyone.
