Indoor and outdoor perpetual harvests with seeds and clones


Well-Known Member
I will definitely check into the burrowing bug thing. When I find out what its called I will let you know. Your in Canada though, so it may be a completely different bug. I know some beetly migrated its way to the continent from like Africa or Japan or something.. I will check into it.... I should get a pound out of what though? I am very interested to see how much people think I will get out of my OutDoor Harvest this year...


Well-Known Member
Nice! THose things are growing well outside. Are you expecting electrical upgrades soon so you can run your MH lights indoor?


Well-Known Member
my caregiver grew it. They were clones, grown outdoor along with seedlings of the GrandDaddy. Harvest was about a qp per plant I think... closer to a HP per plant for the GrandDaddy. The WW is WWxMango.. so its not pure WW... they vegged for about a month and half... they were force flowered...


Well-Known Member
yeah I am..... here's what Is being smoked on..... ;)... first two pics are some White Widow crossed with Mango, second two are some GrandDaddy.
looks like some $800QP nuggets. Thats at least what you could charge to a dispensary. That SFV kush i posted goes $400 a zip all the way up, so $1600QP:mrgreen: its not even comparable to that bag.


Well-Known Member
so as you can see I have overloaded on the indoor! Not enough light for these babies! I just added 4 more... "uhh sour diesel or mystery strain" clones to the mix, they are slightly more bushy than the rest. I had to transplant them into those pots, as they were in a starter group thingy (tiny pots stuck together). I have those under the shelf, those on top of the shelf, and 15 more rooting in the bathroom... not sure how many plants total... have to check tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am sure we are all looking forward to getting a new light in there. The clones that I took a few days ago are doing fine... not rooting quite as fast as the other ones did, but thats ok. Especially because I just realized that I don't really have enough pots that are of a good enough size for all these plants.... I don't even have the money for rent right now, so I certainly can't afford to buy more pots... so the search for donations in plant pots gets underway. And my rough estimate of 57 plants was right too.
I am seriously considering sticking the larger clones that I have outside, they will start to flower, and be smaller than I would like them to be..... but what can I do... what I was really hoping to do was get them about 12-18" bigger (like 15 days more of growth) and then stick the largest ones outside to make room for the 15 new ones coming in. So basically sticking the ten biggest ones outside, and replacing them with the new clones, and keeping everything thats inside then inside until they are done flowering!


Well-Known Member
you can make pots out of gallon milk jugs and 2 liter soda bottles.

its only temporary and they work just fine. 3 to 5 holes for drainage too!


Well-Known Member
well,... either 5 gallons or single gallons would be fine for now. I just need larger pots for the clones already in soil in small pots, and small pots for the clones that just rooted, but I could put them in larger pots too if I had the larger pots to put them in. It would be about $50 to get all the pots that I need...


Well-Known Member
Well I have alot of black pots from small to large. You will ahve to wash them out a little. I grow orchids in them. I will look tomorrow to see what and how many I have. What do you need of each?


Well-Known Member
basically 20 pots that are like a gallon or larger would be perfect... bleach, peroxide, and water followed by a couple extra rinses! :).... been meaning to get to the beach soon... as summer is almost over. Me and my wife are hoping to move to the coastal mountains some time in the next 5 years.... hopefully.... I will update with pics tomorrow... Happy growing all


Well-Known Member
I went on a trip away all yesterday. So I didn't water at all yesterday, and I came back to droopy plants with dry pots. All the big ones showed me that they need to be watered every day! The GDP had quite a few yellow dead leaves, and I am now of the thought that they have been from under watering all along, and that I need to increase the amount of water and feeding by an extra 1/2. Everything indoors stinks, is not drooping, but in dry pots and needs to be watered. I took some pics before I left of on the trip, but all the outdoor looks completely different... so I will have to take new pics sometime very soon. Still going to need pots sometime very soon, and if I don't have them by next week I will go buy some. I could have scored like ten where I went to, but forgot in everything else that was going on and left them there... oh well. The four new clones I repotted and let them sit in their new pots for three or four days, and now they are outside as well. They are all about a foot tall, topped, and nicely branching out with new growth, so I expect they will start flowering in a little over a week or so. The sensi star is really putting out a good amount of resin, the Purple Kush is barely just starting to flower, and the Don Juan from seed I am going to lollipop. I want to start getting a few plants ready to SCROG, and a couple more ready to FIM, I also want to SLT some plants that I put outside later on.... lots of work to do, and rent still isn't paid.... :( ..... I really need to figure that out, its stressing the hell out of me, and I am starting to get very depressed, as with looking at loosing a very very close family member to health issues my overall happiness is starting to take a dive. Especially if I can't even provide a place to live for my family and myself, let alone the plants....


Well-Known Member
The latest batch of clones are very slow to root... :(....... :)..... so I won't have to put them into pots as soon as I thought I would..... rent, :(......


Well-Known Member
Well take care of the family since if you have no place to live you wont have a grow either and whatever happens family is first. All the other shit will work itself out eventually, but make the family #1. I think I have enough pots for you. I have a bunch all you have to do is clean them. THey arent really that dirty but a wash like you said (clorox/H2O2) will do it.


Well-Known Member
that would be great.... I sent you a PM... here is the update, I will Edit with commentary soon... I think I have like 35 pics to load or something.... taking forever.... well, I have decided to separate the outdoor from the indoor, so here is the outdoor

