Indoor and outdoor perpetual harvests with seeds and clones


Well-Known Member
And here is the indoor....
I got this deck of cards... "52 reasons why you should support medical marijuana access" and there is a different reason on every card (really awesome stuff, quotes from notable people and organizations... pretty cool... shuffle shuffle shuffle bongsmilie bongsmilie shuffle shuffle shuffle bongsmiliebongsmilie.... thanks Aaron....



Well-Known Member
Outdoor - Is it still prety windy where you are? If not you can remove the upper shade cloth and get more sun. All of those look great and green = good growing. Only saw one that was kind of lookin scraggly (sp) and yellowed. Some of them look like they will fatten up nicely.

Indoor - Clones, clones everywhere! lol Nice! Save a pink C 99 for me :blsmoke: I see your pots and I will get a good selection together for you. I have some bigies all the way down to the lil ones.


Well-Known Member
Still windy... always windy... I won't be able to remove it, but I am going to Move it (the shade cloth that is, only blocks like 10% of light), so that it still blocks wind, but lets direct sunlight come through... That one yellow scraggly one is probably the Grape Ape, and its perking up nicely... I am sure they will all fatten up nicely, and am even looking forward to getting about 1/2 oz of Sensi Star! I just have one Cinderella clone! :(..... well, maybe I will take another clone of the cinderella today, just from the other cinderella plant. I will send a PM....


Well-Known Member
I moved four more plants outside today. Checked to see how much direct sunlight they are getting per day, and it is coming in at about 8 hours of direct light a day, and 4 of those hours the light doesn't even go through the cloth that is set up for wind barrier. I am going to say its like this (according to the almanac):

I started seeing buds/flowers start:
GDP- August 25th
Cinderella- August 20th
Skunk/Sour DesielxNL#7- August 28th
Purple Kush- August 30th
Sensi Star- August 25th
Grape Ape- August 25th
Don Juan- August 25th
Mystery/E C Sour D- not yet

I am going to trim a tree to see if I can get the SSkunk/Sour DieselxNL#7 a couple more hours of direct light. The four plants that I put out today are from the batch of clones that I took like three weeks ago of the GDP. Indeed, I will go take some pics right now.... uhhh camera memory is full, this is all you get...



Well-Known Member
Ok this is what I se from these pics so if Im out of touch then It may be the lighting or just me.

Pic 1: Most look very nice but the one on the very right looks puny compared to the three to its left. What are those monsters?

Pic 5 & 6 of puny one. What happened to that one again?

Pic 8: Looks sativa strain. Does it need more N?

You know I was thinking I have cloned plants about 1-2 weeks after flower lighting has started but before major bud production. I couldnt tell by the pics but you mayu be able to clone more if you like. THere was an article by Mz Jill (Subcool's Mrs) about cloning that talks about when to clone. Its a good read. PM me your email and I will shoot you a copy.


Well-Known Member
pics 5-8 are all of the same plant. Its a Grape Ape clone that I got from a club, and as you can tell from my journal, all of my plants have been through an ordeal to get where they are. Try looking back in the journal and picking out pics of it when it was smaller. I had it in the indoor garage setup at our last place. No it doesn't need N, its just flowering, and from what I have read this strain isn't big on water or nutes, it just kind of grows on its own. I wouldn't say its puny, its bouncing back nicely, with more and more green growth while she flowers (though the buds could start densing up more)... I will take some more pics just after I water here in a little bit... and post em with labels this time ;) ....


Well-Known Member
They look great, I have always grown outside until this year and it is cool to see the progression of outside plants,they get monsterous. I have always had a long hike to get to mine so I only got out there every once in a while to check on them. You are gonna get major bud amounts off that shit !! Keep it coming!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have been following your grow; however, it was a relative puny compared to the 3 plants to its left which look like they will carry some weight for you. Like I said the pics make it look a little yellow compared to the others. WHat is the nute amounts and schedule like now or did you already post that back aways?


Well-Known Member
I know you have been following my grow, and you have no idea how much I appreciate all the comments, suggestions, advice, and communication.... all of you! It seems people haven't had a lot to say about my grow despite the amount of views and pictures the journal has. I changed the nutes to FF Tiger Bloom for the Grape Ape when I moved her outside well, I think some of the yellowing came from a little bit of stress when she was moved, as well as a slight lacking of N from that same time... she is recovering though... slowly.
The wind was TERRIBLE today...blowing them all about, thrashing them... it made me want to cry! I gave a heavy feeding today of FF Tiger Bloom and Earth Juice Catalyst (it has molasses in it :) ).... here is a couple pictures of my next group of soldiers... the little guys that are outside :P ....... I expect that they will all go strait into flower, and finish in the same order as I put them out.
I wasn't able to get all the pics I wanted, so I won't label them... that will have to wait till tomorrow I guess... Thanks Thrax and StoneyMontana, I am doing the best I can....
Edit: Ahhh, it won't let me put captions for the pictures.... :(
So title are thus:
Pic 1: Little Soldiers
Pic 2: Purple Kush 09-07
Pic 3: 2nd Outdoor Batch 09-07
pic 4: Purple Kush 09-07
Pic 5: Sensi Star Early Flower 09-07



Well-Known Member
theres a whole bunch of them... I will edit with captions later..... taking forever to load...bongsmilie....bongsmilie....bongsmilie...bongsmilie....bongsmilie.... thats how many times I ripped the bong while loading the pics.... but they won't all fit! so alas, I have to post again with the rest...



Well-Known Member
What can I say.... I am in love....bongsmilie....bongsmilie... damn its clogged... gotta clean it and pack a fresh one!...bongsmilie....bongsmilie....bongsmilie... there we go, enjoy :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Thanx guys, I will take some more pics when they are getting better light, better pics of buds, this was just messing around a little bit..... I like it though... :D