Indoor and outdoor perpetual harvests with seeds and clones


Well-Known Member
well, they have been a little droopy the last couple of days. Clones taken from GDP, and aphids on Cinderella, over watered them just a tad, and mixed in the veg nutes when they were used to just getting bloom. Ok Honkey here comes those pics...


Well-Known Member
ok here are the pics,
theres the circuit box to start with, the meter is just above the box, there is a pipe that does down into the ground from the box, the telephone box just below it, there is a larger pipe going up into the roof, and one right above there with power lines coming into it. Its about 100 feet to the garage in a strait line from where the box is, on the opposite side of the house. I am pretty sure the attic space runs throughout the house. Can you read the labels on the circuit breakers? The picture with the flags is of the only space the house directly comes into contact with the garage (it would have to run through the attic space in that section. The next pic is of the veg room, the white wall with the light reflecting about 5 feet off the floor is where I would like to put in two 240v sockets. The next pic is of the flowering room wall, you can see I already run my cords through there, about five feet from the floor, I would like to put another set of 240v sockets. You can see the fan and the HPS there, and if you follow the insulated tubing you end up in the attic space (though I haven't gotten up in there yet). The last pic is of the garage, you ca see where the tubing comes out, the opener in the middle, that pic is taken from the back door of the garage. The flower room is on the right, and veg room on the left. There is about 18 inches between the room to allow for good airflow, and I am working on getting them sealed so the temps and humidity are easier to manage, and so light stays sealed in/out. That fan and the HPS were the only things running off of the circuit (though the garbage disposal isn't working right now either). I am guessing that I would need to run one line to the garage where it will split and go to the opposite sides right?


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Well-Known Member
so I have narrowed it down. the plants require a small feeding with about 1 1/2 gallons of water every night with one slightly larger dose one night a week skipping the next feeding, and a good 2 gallons of water for the large ones every mid morning about 11 and about a 1/2 gal. to 1 gal. for the smaller ones at the same time. I am pretty sure this will keep the soil ph at optimal levels (I measured, a bit high with just water, a bit low with feedings) as well as allow for good nutrient feedings without too much build up (as I will flush also every 2 1/2-3 weeks). The Cinderella has returned to her original vigor thanks to the lady bugs, there are about 30-50 sticking right around her, and just a few going to the other plants too. She is now over 5 feet tall! the GDP is the same height, and the skunk in the other corner is quickly gaining on them both! I would expect them to go into flower fairly soon, as the sun is coming up about 6:45 and going down about 7:30. How long until it hits 12/12 you think? The Cinderella is still growing A-symmetrical. the skunk in the corner gets a bit more shade during the day, so she is cooler, I think that is why she is growing so fast (that and its skunk, primarily sativa!)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got a plan there loaded. Plants coming along real nice as well. Glad you're getting your set-up organised the way you want it. Good on ya too for being prepared to take on all those electrics. I'd just fry myself and then I'd miss out on being able to sample all my (hopefully lovely) bud.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, I renamed my journal, sorry if it confuses you, but I think it hits home a bit better! Something I couldn't fit into the title is the $1500 budget for both indoor and outdoor, so far I am at $750... buying everything I have now.


Well-Known Member
when I feed the outdoor plants, I am doing an eyeballed amount of both FF Grow Big, and FF Tiger Bloom, with FF Big Bloom and Earth Juice Catalyst mixed into the one larger feeding every week (the Catalyst has molasses in it) . The seedlings are too stretched, they need supports. I have lots of work to do in there! and still no word from Honkey? Time to go work on that indoor set up some more...


Well-Known Member
ok, well here are some decent shots of what going on outside. As you can see the wind is high here, so they may be a little blurry. I am thinking about taking the stretched seedlings, and transplanting them as soon as I can, and putting them outside for most of the day to prevent stretching, what do you think?



Well-Known Member
the pictures were taken half an hour before watering, thats why the droopage. I am under the impression that water high in sodium chloride (chlorine), and with a higher ph dries out of the soil faster, is that true? because I have to water a good gallon to two gallons a day (spread out to two waterings a day), or they get droopier and droopier. I think a big part of that too is that they are above ground and in black pots. The ones Im not going to be moving back and forth should really get in the ground.... but that job is a fuckin bitch and a half.... so labor intensive, digging through solid rock with just a shovel, goddamn it! This better be some of the dankest weed I have ever grown, or I am going to be pissed at myself!!!


Well-Known Member
lol, my outdoor garden looks completely different now, I will upload fresh pics tomorrow. I have a question though:

At what point will I know if a cutting is going to root or not?

I took some clones and stuck them strait into soil with no rooting hormone about what ten days ago, I don't know I will check my journal. I also took about the same amount of clones with rooting gel like three days ago. The help would really be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
honkey's method is prob the best but i read that if you put an fish tank airstone in the water with the clone it makes them root quicker...


Well-Known Member
5 weeks to root?

shouldnt be more than 5 days if you are doing it right.

mist 5 to 7 days. after that the roots should be strong enough sustain the plants.

sticking them just in random dirt somewhere can work at times, but using a nice soil in a small pot, with a rooting compound of sort, frequent misting and sticking them under 24 hour light makes a world of difference.

it may seem like a lot of work but its so easy and ive cloned quite a few 2 and 3 node plants with this technique. in your situation, you could go years without planting another seed.


Well-Known Member
but i wouldnt because it dont taste the same after a while of cloning!!!!!
and mate the book i read was Todd McCormick.....
as he got busted for havin like 4000 clones so im gona take his word for it...

it can take up to 5 weeks i shit you not
fair enough you can get it to root in 7 days but i was sayin that the longest hes gona have to wait is 5 weeks....


Well-Known Member
well i worked at a greenhouse and "cloned" about 20,0000 geraniums last year. along with a huge number of other random plants we took cuttings off.

i didnt write a book but i know wut im doing.

and your taking advice from a guy who got busted. may not be the best advice.