Indoor LED Grow 2011

it also depends on the type of grow your trying to accomplish ... whether it be a SoG, SCRoG, or just a Straight hydro grow alot will depend on the number size and density of the plants your growing .. bushier plants will need more light intensity to get the maximum yield obviously lol so there can be alot of variables that add into what kind of lighting and how much. hope that helps
Decided to snap some pics before i head out the door today ... headed up to the hydro store to see if my parts and pieces have come in.


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i think they look pretty :)

Agreed! :clap::weed:

... and you mentionned, "are rated to cover an area of 50 sq ft during veg and 25sq ft during flower so..."

Hmmm,, I have a 2 X 2 1/2 X 6 high. What would I be looking for / at for such a small area.
My grow style is moderately heavy and probably 3' maximum actual plant height... sometime.
Right now it's pretty basic -
only runnin 5 sq. ft. (small)
i would probably say just go with a GrowUfo or a light of similar caliber .. there are alot of junk LEDs on the market so i would do some research .. ive only had experiences with this company all of which have been good ... there are alot of other companies that people recommend on here in the LED Growers Unite thread ..Lighthouse Blackstar, Kessil, Stealth Grow and Sunshine-Systems are a few to take a look at .. but i would def say go with at least a 90 watt ... just my say though ..
LOL, Just spent a couple of hours on that thread you mentioned.
Found a lot of interesting "talk" but nothing to make me warm and fuzzy about jumping onto the bandwagon. With all that talk it seems they don't want to back things up much with pics / grow shows. Seems a lot of folks like suplimental lighting? More than once it seems like they rant and rave LEDs only to say they have 500 watts(exagerated) of HPS/CFL/ or combinations there of as back-up. I want to see several impressive LED stand alone grows first. Then I'll give them seriouse consideration.

So, I guess it's up to you to convince me? :lol: ;-)
Just swapped my chair for a couch here. (I'm in for the long haul - LOL)
ya i know what you mean ... there is almost no visual proof minus a few partial grows that ive seen here.. i just believe there has to be someone with more REAL experience on here besides me lol ... but as far as supplement lighting goes some people are throwing em in there .. have checked out any of Irish Boys Grow Journals... he seems to be an experienced LED grower as well .. heres a link
mmk so i just propped the youngins... theyve def filled out since the first update theyre close to a week in the room now ... everything is looking good so far i did a few days of LST to promote some extra growth and they are poppin off just got their tops chopped off.. should be able to get them in the DWC setup soon just waiting on the local hydro store to finish my bid


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Danged! I'd say that's looking pretty darn good there!

Been looking and studying on these LED things. As usual, every answer brings new questions. LOL
Anyways, pulled the trigger on a Lighthouse / Blackstar 180 UFO w/ 6 bands. I see some dislike of the unit / company, But took it with a grain of salt. (didn't want to invest too much for a small space test)
Looking for it to work on late vegging and full flower to replace my 250 HPS/MH lighting.
Hope it works.

Looking forward to seeing your flowers. -S
alright guys sorry bout any delays ... i was outta town for a week unexpectedly but im back now ... bout to load up some new pics.. i was finally able to get the ladies in a better setup .. finally got my DWC pieced together ... but they look good considering daddy was gone the last week :) lol..

these pics are from about a week ago the night of the superbowl so 2-6-11
i will post current pics next


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ook so here are current pics ... current as in taken two min ago lol... but just an overview of the ladies in the room ...
the girls in the back have been in Veg for a lil over a month now
the ladies in the front right around 2 1/2 weeks of veg...
im wanting the smaller girls to get a lil bigger then we are cutting and cloning for our outdoor crop and sending these fine specimens into flower .. so assuming they continue at this growth rate about another week or so and then flowering will commence


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so i just got done with 3 hrs of cleaning and flushing .. got home tonight and upon inspection of my ladies i realized i had an infestation of root aphids so i did my best to clean up the ladies and flushed them out and a got some gnat off applied so hopefully that curbs the problem ... it already looks like theyve done some damage i have some discoloring happening in the leaves and they are starting to drop so hopefully they make it through and stay strong .. post pics tomorrow of whats going on
so i just got done with 3 hrs of cleaning and flushing .. got home tonight and upon inspection of my ladies i realized i had an infestation of root aphids so i did my best to clean up the ladies and flushed them out and a got some gnat off applied so hopefully that curbs the problem ... it already looks like theyve done some damage i have some discoloring happening in the leaves and they are starting to drop so hopefully they make it through and stay strong .. post pics tomorrow of whats going on
i fuckin hate bugs..if what you tried doesnt work, azamax is also pretty good at ousting the lil bastards...flora mite works great too..but i think that is mainly for spider mites.
LEDs cost so much and don't put out that much light. I wish you great luck, but I have been told they have quite some time before cheaper and more effective. Hope you get this to work. :D
LEDs cost so much and don't put out that much light. I wish you great luck, but I have been told they have quite some time before cheaper and more effective. Hope you get this to work. :D
They put out plenty of light(that the plant can use) and honestly dont cost any more than HID in the long haul (bulbs, electricity etc.). This type of thinking is why technology used to take sooooo long to advance. I have wonderful lights for a decent price.
LEDs cost so much and don't put out that much light. I wish you great luck, but I have been told they have quite some time before cheaper and more effective. Hope you get this to work. :D
do some more research bud....LEDs have come a long way in the past 2 years..they are gonna change the way we grow indoors.
Danged! I'd say that's looking pretty darn good there!

Been looking and studying on these LED things. As usual, every answer brings new questions. LOL
Anyways, pulled the trigger on a Lighthouse / Blackstar 180 UFO w/ 6 bands. I see some dislike of the unit / company, But took it with a grain of salt. (didn't want to invest too much for a small space test)
Looking for it to work on late vegging and full flower to replace my 250 HPS/MH lighting.
Hope it works.

Looking forward to seeing your flowers. -S

I have a Kessil and a Blackstar, and I'm looking at a ProGrow panel at It has a selective switch feature that is very nice.

LEDs work. Check out ChronicDoom's journal for evidence.
i fuckin hate bugs..if what you tried doesnt work, azamax is also pretty good at ousting the lil bastards...flora mite works great too..but i think that is mainly for spider mites.

ya ive heard of azamax that was my other option .. the dude at the hydro store pretty much said that if the gnat off doesnt work for me then he will let me sample the azamax so we shall see ... all that type of stuff is kinda pricey but its so worth it to see those lil buggers dead and not conquering my grow.. working on pics right now should be up shortly... only the pineapple top is still wilting ... but she is the tallest and looks to have taken the most damage to the roots so far
LEDs cost so much and don't put out that much light. I wish you great luck, but I have been told they have quite some time before cheaper and more effective. Hope you get this to work. :D

you can find a few companies that offer a reasonable priced quality light but in general they do have a higher start up cost then typical HID lighting but the its the efficiency of LED lights is what i like...they draw less electricity and put out minimal heat which in the long run makes them more affordable and more practical for CERTAIN growers .. everyone has there own preferences , tricks and variables and goals that they are trying to accomplish.. i know they work in the right conditions and in the right hands ...