New Member
How can you say that after the images ROBIN posted on this thread, they seem on it to me..
i am only stating the facts maybe america is different but you wont find police choppers on duty here looking for cannabis dealers.
it is very costly to to run a chopper and as i said when they do use them here its not looking for grow houses and for any emergences only.
the U.K police cant afford to run helicopters just to fly around looking for hot spots as its a waste of time and taxpayers money.
U.K police are only interested in heroin dealers and other class A drug houses.
small time green growers have nothing to worry about.
U.K cops only go for the big fish.
if you get caught here with a few plants the matter wont even reach the courts let alone a warning as the police are NOT interested in personal grows.
its not worth thier time and most of them smoke anyway so its no big deal.