Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
there was a midget stripper in leesvile when i was stationed at ft polk... she was sweet, but kinda creepy with the infantile cabbage patch kids body and normal sized head.. she had a pretty face, and was a very popular stripper...


Well-Known Member
oh no, no no no... she gave me the creeps, however a couple guys in my unit did, but they were a little off to begin with.


Well-Known Member
This is the best thread ever...Hep, your going into the R.I.U. Hall of Fame. I've actually been sleeping since my son started sleeping at night again(couple weeks)...+300mg's of trazodon and a few beers is a nice nightcap for me..But insomnia comes and goes with me, I'm still only a 4 hour sleeper on a good night...and always up by 4am ( Michigan time.)
I get up,if I sleep, grab a fatty and some coffee, a vic if needed ( or come here to LMAO and help start the day off with a smile.

Thanks again for starting the coolest thread ever Hep!....Peace


Well-Known Member
LOL, It's hard to be humble after being told I made the best thread ever lol.

But seriously, It's you guys and gals that keep this thread great....