Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't own that view in my avatar if I'd stayed on the pipe....we're talkin 80's here guys, most of you were still playing with LEGO's and watching Ninja Turtles while I was roaming the streets of Detroit in search of my next bump.

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
I don't even drink anymore, well maybe 10 beers all year, which isn't much considering how much beer you could drink in a year

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't own that view in my avatar if I'd stayed on the pipe....we're talkin 80's here guys, most of you were still playing with LEGO's and watching Ninja Turtles while I was roaming the streets of Detroit in search of my next bump.
Rowlman you bad mf
now I see why furnaces pose a problem


Well-Known Member
Not much here my friend watching some movies (well music videos i should say ) and you ?
Now I'm just chilling out. Watching nick swardson (I used to hate him, but he's fuckin hilarious right now. I can't tell if it's him or my weed) and hitting my bong.


Well-Known Member
I don't even drink anymore, well maybe 10 beers all year, which isn't much considering how much beer you could drink in a year
me either...not too much anyways. I used to drink everyday, now maybe once a month, if that. I don't do street drugs either, I love to trip though, mushrooms or 'cid, and I smoke a shit ton of weed...and a vicodine for pain sometimes. But no drugs.


Well-Known Member
Now I'm just chilling out. Watching nick swardson (I used to hate him, but he's fuckin hilarious right now. I can't tell if it's him or my weed) and hitting my bong.
lol...he's funny. I'm getting ready to watch World Dumbest Criminals...I love that shit.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
me either...not too much anyways. I used to drink everyday, now maybe once a month, if that. I don't do street drugs either, I love to trip though, mushrooms or 'cid, and I smoke a shit ton of weed...and a vicodine for pain sometimes. But no drugs.
LMAO That's alot of not-drugs that you do. ;)


Well-Known Member
i got so drunk last night. think it involved a fat chick or two and maybe even a sheep... when i use t free base i never had a fat chick problem


Well-Known Member
LMAO That's alot of not-drugs that you do. ;)
I know, I forgot to mention the occasional xannax, Klonipin, or perc....but those are from the
Street drugs= coke , herion, and their close relatives.
Mushrooms, weed, and shit from my doctor=


Well-Known Member
Crypt, I think you're an insomniac in denial lol.
Or maybe you're just a daytime sleeper. Either way here you go :)

Lol crypt, I have a crypt keeper mask that I use to scare the crap out of little kids on Halloween, like no shit.
And some of the face melted since I left it in a car a couple of years ago, so his face is even more creepy.


Well-Known Member
yeah. was great when she started to do meth and her teeth fell out
Thats why you get her fresh ON the pipe, dump their ass once they'r hooked, before the scabs appear and the teeth fall out. That shit makes you fuck all night though.