Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
I took a Seroquel at 10 last night and woke up at 2pm today
I used to have to take that. 300mg 2x a day, and Lithium.
Fuck old white men, and their psychology and law.
The Dr's that turn to pot are ok though, it's just the active resistance and the over-prescription of stuff like Ceroquell that's gross.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about Ron Paul and listening to Donavon
Wondering if Jesus and Vishnu were Aliens


hey guys i wanted to run an idea of mine past you real quick and see what you think haha just an insomnicas brain storm while admireing pictures ha. so alskan thunderfuck is so sought after for its unique high and strength right? like real mantanuska thunder fuck! its grown in alaska right in really cold weather and the sunn is up for three monthns and down for three months do you think if you were to take todays strains out to them valleys that they would be more potent or if you wre to create those conditions would your bud turn out danker?


Well-Known Member
Thinking about Ron Paul and listening to Donavon
Wondering if Jesus and Vishnu were Aliens
Idk about that.
But I know Shiva. And Shiva lives on Earth. Probably other places too, but Shiva is abundant here.

And "Vishnu" has been reincarnated in many forms, so I'm pretty sure "Vishnu" is just "The Solution". Or the "Messiah" or "Great prophet" of whatever time period he's in.


Well-Known Member
hey guys i wanted to run an idea of mine past you real quick and see what you think haha just an insomnicas brain storm while admireing pictures ha. so alskan thunderfuck is so sought after for its unique high and strength right? like real mantanuska thunder fuck! its grown in alaska right in really cold weather and the sunn is up for three monthns and down for three months do you think if you were to take todays strains out to them valleys that they would be more potent or if you wre to create those conditions would your bud turn out danker?
Some would die, some would probably get better in a couple generations. Some would get worse.


Well-Known Member
I used to have to take that. 300mg 2x a day, and Lithium.
Fuck old white men, and their psychology and law.
The Dr's that turn to pot are ok though, it's just the active resistance and the over-prescription of stuff like Ceroquell that's gross.
lithium is designed to fuck you up and down. just go hiking instead.


so based on that reply what would a royal queen special queen do in those conditions? would it be worth trying have you tried this i mean im so serious about this but noone is sparkiu any kind of intrest this could change the way we grow ya know?

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
so you want to aclimatise a strain to your (cold frozen) area?
this will take several generations of breeding
Your best to start with many strains and test which are best suited


wait haha that didnt make sense haha im stoned... so based on the enviornment of the grows of the mothers of the plant and its ancestors its gonna wanna live in the same enviroment?

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
kinda yeh, in a stoners nutshell. like hawaiin strains do very well in hawaii wont do so good somewhere else.
Theres many factors


Well-Known Member
damn I wish i had something to knock me out, I should make a journal again with when i do not sleep,how I feel and how many times i feel like getting up to get that bullet out and give the fucker to my doctor and tell him if he does not fix me that i am going to change the name on the bullet. Wonder how many people really feel the way i do. Been a long time since I was able to get a full nights sleep and pain free.

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
plants exprees their traits differentley in different environments. My haze can and will finish differentley then yours

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
damn I wish i had something to knock me out, I should make a journal again with when i do not sleep,how I feel and how many times i feel like getting up to get that bullet out and give the fucker to my doctor and tell him if he does not fix me that i am going to change the name on the bullet. Wonder how many people really feel the way i do. Been a long time since I was able to get a full nights sleep and pain free.
whats ails you ohmy brother?


Well-Known Member
pain,can not sleep and no meds to knock my self out. not like they work when i have them,but really sucks with out