Is 1 gram per watt possible without CO2


I have heard the average hydro system
should yeild about 1 gram per watt of light.

sound about right ?

Is that average with or without CO2 ?

I have read on here on a thread and he said he yeilded 30 ounces on 1= 600 watt light.

does that sound possible and
Has anyone on here achieved those kinds of numbers ?

and I am guessing he had to be using CO2 to get that kind of yeild.

does any one have an opinion on what kind of yeid could someone expect out of a 4x8 tent with 2= 600 watt lights
2 fans, 6 inch vortex vacuming the air through the hoods and into a 3 foot carbon filter in a box outside of the tent. 12 girls 6 are purple kush
and 6 are super bubba kush and no CO2 ?
If I keep everything going smooth using general hydrponics for nutes plus
floralicous and flora blend,

low yeild ? high yeild ?
what should I expect if all goes well ?


Well-Known Member
I have heard the average hydro system
should yeild about 1 gram per watt of light.

sound about right ?

Is that average with or without CO2 ?

I have read on here on a thread and he said he yeilded 30 ounces on 1= 600 watt light.

does that sound possible and
Has anyone on here achieved those kinds of numbers ?

and I am guessing he had to be using CO2 to get that kind of yeild.

does any one have an opinion on what kind of yeid could someone expect out of a 4x8 tent with 2= 600 watt lights
2 fans, 6 inch vortex vacuming the air through the hoods and into a 3 foot carbon filter in a box outside of the tent. 12 girls 6 are purple kush
and 6 are super bubba kush and no CO2 ?
If I keep everything going smooth using general hydrponics for nutes plus
floralicous and flora blend,

low yeild ? high yeild ?
what should I expect if all goes well ?
Mate you will easily get a couple of pounds of those girls... It sounds like you've got a nice little system...I reckon if they reach their optimum, you could go for three...

Try using a home made Co2 after this crop and see if that makes a difference... There are heaps of threads on here that show you how to do it...Its cheap and it wont hurt your plants if it doesn't work...:lol:


Mate you will easily get a couple of pounds of those girls... It sounds like you've got a nice little system...I reckon if they reach their optimum, you could go for three...

Try using a home made Co2 after this crop and see if that makes a difference... There are heaps of threads on here that show you how to do it...Its cheap and it wont hurt your plants if it doesn't work...:lol:

Thanks for the quick reply.
You really think 3 lbs with no CO2 ? that would be great.

I can easily make a CO2 system but with my tent pulling the smelly air out of the tent 24 hours a day 7 days a week I dont think the co2 will do any good.
wont it just get sucked right out of the tent ?


Well-Known Member
yes it would jut get sucked right out.. u would have to shut your fan down for like 15 mins to use the co2


Well-Known Member
In order to get 1 gram per watt. You'd have to do everything to perfection.
I used a 600 watt when I grew. I never got what it figures out to be. Which is like 1.3 pounds. That's like 20 ounces.
I got around 12-16 ounces. Due to growing the style I was growing.
I grew hydroponically for a longtime before switching back to soil.
I had a perpetual grow going where I was harvesting 12-16 ounces every 2 weeks.
In order for myself to do this in the size room I was using I had induce flowering when they were only in vegg for 2 weeks or 10 inches tall.
At harvest they were over 3 feet tall, and i was able to get at least an ounce off of each plant.

I grew the best weed back then. It's nothing like the crap I buy today.


In order to get 1 gram per watt. You'd have to do everything to perfection.
I used a 600 watt when I grew. I never got what it figures out to be. Which is like 1.3 pounds. That's like 20 ounces.
I got around 12-16 ounces. Due to growing the style I was growing.
I grew hydroponically for a longtime before switching back to soil.
I had a perpetual grow going where I was harvesting 12-16 ounces every 2 weeks.
In order for myself to do this in the size room I was using I had induce flowering when they were only in vegg for 2 weeks or 10 inches tall.
At harvest they were over 3 feet tall, and i was able to get at least an ounce off of each plant.

I grew the best weed back then. It's nothing like the crap I buy today.

Thanks for your input.
Does anyone else have a gram per watt average they would like to share ?


Well-Known Member

im a total noob and have grown very little, but my last grow even i got 0.6g per watt in soil, with bad air supply and problem with temp/humidity. so i say you got a real good chance with your setup of hitting 1g per watt or maybe more?




im a total noob and have grown very little, but my last grow even i got 0.6g per watt in soil, with bad air supply and problem with temp/humidity. so i say you got a real good chance with your setup of hitting 1g per watt or maybe more?


I hope to get more than 1 gram per watt. I guess I'll know soon enough.



Active Member
Ive been wondering this same exact question.. i have a Blue dream plant ive been vegging for just over 2months and recently put it to flower under a 1000w hps.. what will my yeild be around?? ive been feeding it fox farm and its in a 7gal. soil bucket.. will i see atleast 4oz? my temps and humidity usually stays around where it should be if not exactly where it should be.. im new to this growing btw..


Ive been wondering this same exact question.. i have a Blue dream plant ive been vegging for just over 2months and recently put it to flower under a 1000w hps.. what will my yeild be around?? ive been feeding it fox farm and its in a 7gal. soil bucket.. will i see atleast 4oz? my temps and humidity usually stays around where it should be if not exactly where it should be.. im new to this growing btw..
lmao 4 oz is lowballing hard

you might get a little less than a pound.


Well-Known Member
My first grow i got 3.25, 3, 5.5, 4.5, and 2.75 off a 1000watt hps total of 19 or about. 5g/watt. But hes the kicker. The plants were burnt, fert and light. Overwatered under watered and i just made ever mistake possible. Plus could of fit 4 more plants in there easy. Was soil with bad venting, like no real climate controll and just lack of knowhow.
With that said on this being really my third grow under same lamp but room built better and good planing i dont see any reason i wont see 35+oz easy. My buddy is guessing closer to 45. Again no co2. My 4th round i will have a co2 and will be eady to see effects and compair the results.
Ill let you know in 30daysish how round 3 ended.
i would guess that witb enough room and a good idea what your doing that 1g/watt isnt hard and 2g/watt could be a real possibility with todays high yeilders.


Active Member
co2 will only be benificial in a sealed room with no fans venting out when its running. Setup has to be spot on for it to make a difference