Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

I think a solid argument could be made that a woman has more of a right to an abortion than people do to not taking the vaccine.
As in MMR vaccine. Mandates prior to school entry. But I agree in the fact that one person has a personal choice vs. mandating a public choice. BUT both are striving for quality of life.
Contraceptives, marriage equality (and both between different genders and different colored skin), Brown vs Board of Education, Edwards v. Aguillard, all of it
At this point I would not be shocked to see the 13th Amendment take fire.
I’m surprised nobody’s talking about this. How long before woman lose their right to control their own bodies everywhere in the US?

I’m glad my daughter has Canadian citizenship too.

Texas 6-week abortion ban takes effect after Supreme Court inaction
Answere to GOD. END OF THESE KILLERS, MEN AND WOMAN. ONE ABORTION PER CUSTOMER, THEN FIXED. THESE type of people ( lack of a better word) one vaccum hose/Devil fix them both, then they can fuck without flushing. If they decide to have a child, PAY FOR THE REVERSAL/ MENTAL TESTING.
Analysis: Trump's Supreme Court Picks Poised to Deliver on Abortion
The month before being elected president in 2016, Donald Trump promised during a debate with his opponent Hillary Clinton to name justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who would overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.

His three appointees - Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett - may be on the verge of turning that pledge into a reality, based on their remarks during arguments over the legality of a restrictive Mississippi abortion law.

"Trump is very effective, as we saw at the Supreme Court," Mike Davis, who leads the Article III Project legal group that backed the Republican former president's judicial appointees during his time in office, said, referring to Wednesday's arguments. "He delivered, as he promised he would."

Wednesday's arguments marked the first time that the current court has heard a case in which overturning Roe was explicitly on the table. Trump's appointees - Gorsuch in 2017, Kavanaugh in 2018 and Barrett in 2020 - may prove instrumental in how far the court may go in rolling back abortion rights. All six conservative justices indicated a willingness to dramatically curtail abortion rights and perhaps outright overturn Roe.

Then-candidate Trump said in the October 2016 debate with Democrat Clinton of overturning Roe: "Well, if we put another two or perhaps three justices on, that ... will happen automatically in my opinion because I am putting pro-life justices on the court."

Barrett's appointment in particular buoyed religious conservatives and anti-abortion activists, cementing the court's 6-3 conservative super-majority. Barrett, a devout Catholic and former legal scholar, previously had signaled support for overturning Roe in the past.

Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett voiced doubts during the argument either about Roe's legal underpinnings or the need to adhere to it as a decades-old major decision, a legal principle called stare decisis. Supporters of the principle have said it protects the court's credibility and legitimacy by avoiding politicization and keeping the law steady and evenhanded.

Gorsuch highlighted what abortion opponents consider a weakness in the argument to keep Roe: it has already been changed and limited by a 1992 ruling called Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey that reaffirmed the right to abortion, and the test for what restrictions states may enact has "evolved over time, too."
Answere to GOD. END OF THESE KILLERS, MEN AND WOMAN. ONE ABORTION PER CUSTOMER, THEN FIXED. THESE type of people ( lack of a better word) one vaccum hose/Devil fix them both, then they can fuck without flushing. If they decide to have a child, PAY FOR THE REVERSAL/ MENTAL TESTING.

Answere to GOD. END OF THESE KILLERS, MEN AND WOMAN. ONE ABORTION PER CUSTOMER, THEN FIXED. THESE type of people ( lack of a better word) one vaccum hose/Devil fix them both, then they can fuck without flushing. If they decide to have a child, PAY FOR THE REVERSAL/ MENTAL TESTING.
channeling Dr Mengele and forced sterilization I see.
Answere to GOD. END OF THESE KILLERS, MEN AND WOMAN. ONE ABORTION PER CUSTOMER, THEN FIXED. THESE type of people ( lack of a better word) one vaccum hose/Devil fix them both, then they can fuck without flushing. If they decide to have a child, PAY FOR THE REVERSAL/ MENTAL TESTING.
Do you feel the same way about people with sports related injuries?

Like say if someone hurts their ankle running, and then gets hurt again from exercising in the future?

Or is it some kind of 'moral' issue for you that you feel that the woman needs to be 'fixed'?

Does your hard line hold for women in abusive relationships who have a husband that rapes them by not letting them say no and the woman doesn't want to bring a kid into the world just to be abused?
Answere to GOD.
See thats the problem.
Answer to G*d.
So the religious zealots are G*d's tool. This falls right into the idea that the right has to do an impotent G*d's work. 'Cause apparently there not going to wait for the punishment from the almighty deemed necessary for the unrighteous.
Typical myopic interpretation of scripture.
See thats the problem.
Answer to G*d.
So the religious zealots are G*d's tool. This falls right into the idea that the right has to do an impotent G*d's work. 'Cause apparently there not going to wait for the punishment from the almighty deemed necessary for the unrighteous.
Typical myopic interpretation of scripture.
You have faith in God or you do not ✔️ your existence ???