Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Glad I could ruffle so many feathers so quickly though. Have a blessed life guys, maybe get out of the house and see the word isn't as bad as you think it is.
So when did California,NY and Michigan become Republican?
Thanks to Republican gerrymandering Michigan is pretty much a red state outside of the national level. Shot 2021-12-05 at 1.59.08 PM.png

Some of the shitiest states in the US are Democratic run. Yet you talk about Republicans taking your rights lmao.
Like Mississippi?

Let me guess its all trumps fault right?
The 'all' snowflake troll is bullshit. I wouldn't even blame him for 'all' of the propaganda spam anyone stupid enough to give him their information (yes even the RNC data that was given to Trump and then almost immediately handed over to Russian military).

Glad I could ruffle so many feathers so quickly though. Have a blessed life guys, maybe get out of the house and see the word isn't as bad as you think it is.
have a nice troll-gasm there?

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So when did California,NY and Michigan become Republican? Some of the shitiest states in the US are Democratic run. Yet you talk about Republicans taking your rights lmao. Let me guess its all trumps fault right?
NO,NO. Stay on track. I asked for you to show examples of us talking about leaving our states. I can talk about what I face in my state. But your here and you posted about us saying things. So let's start with that. We said what and when.
So when did California,NY and Michigan become Republican? Some of the shitiest states in the US are Democratic run. Yet you talk about Republicans taking your rights lmao. Let me guess its all trumps fault right?
no, it's all our faults for allowing this stupid shit to go this far without smacking the white supremacist down like the rabid dogs they are. it's all our faults for not stopping the stupid childish "adults" from trying to influence education when they don't have one single fucking clue what they're talking about. it's all our faults for letting gun lobbyist influence greedy politicians into allowing incredibly stupid gun laws to be's all our faults for allowing a horrible fucking human being like trump to occupy an office he never should have been allowed to step foot in....
Glad I could ruffle so many feathers so quickly though. Have a blessed life guys, maybe get out of the house and see the word isn't as bad as you think it is.
no, it's worse, because of people like you...who always have a nice day, because spreading unhappiness and misery are all that can make you feel anything in your hate filled, charred little hearts....
You know what you get when @maxamus1 has a family reunion? A full set of teeth. Plus unwanted babies and more health issues than an entire blue state 'cause his Reb Governor stripped the medicare, kept minimum wage at 1970s level, but fortunately brought in corporations with low paying jobs and crappy insurance which as the workers die off more of @maxamus1 relatives can fill the holes. I mean with cruddy a educational system which won't teach (edited) his cross eyed sisters to keep their ankles together there'll be plenty of replacements.
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have to use the concept of fear to fight back. start campaigning that first they're gonna tell women what they can't do with their body. next is taking away their freedoms, right to vote, right to whatever.

women should turn out in record #'s in 22 and 24 if the SC guts R v W.

"Turn out in record numbers".. only to have their decision over ruled by a republican Cadre of election officials.
I would have to ask why housing costs so much in these hellholes nobody wants to live in?
Glad I could ruffle so many feathers so quickly though. Have a blessed life guys, maybe get out of the house and see the word isn't as bad as you think it is.

For those with their heads and necks in the sand, sure, things in "the world" are just peachy.
Things are already going pretty bad for any woman of child bearing years in the state of Texas. They were bad for anyone who couldn't fly to Mexico last winter and they were damn bad for the 800,000 of those who died of covid.

But sure, we should get out and see just how marvelous things are in "the world".
Probably because Obama bailed out the banks and not the folks who had been fucked by the banks. :bigjoint:

Well that doesn't have much to do with the cost of housing, though yeah, that he did. Was alluding to it being kind of hard to make the case that states are shitty when people obviously really want to live there and that keeps driving up the cost of housing. Supply and demand. Nobody wants to live in Indiana.
Probably because Obama bailed out the banks and not the folks who had been fucked by the banks. :bigjoint:
Do you mean the non-banking financial companies (that people call banks) that Bush bailed out when the Republicans crashed the economy? Or the ones that the private actual banks bought up to stop total economic collapse and that were heavily regulated to stop another banking meltdown during Obama's presidency that was conducted by the Fed?

It is hard to tell.
no, it's all our faults for allowing this stupid shit to go this far without smacking the white supremacist down like the rabid dogs they are. it's all our faults for not stopping the stupid childish "adults" from trying to influence education when they don't have one single fucking clue what they're talking about. it's all our faults for letting gun lobbyist influence greedy politicians into allowing incredibly stupid gun laws to be's all our faults for allowing a horrible fucking human being like trump to occupy an office he never should have been allowed to step foot in....
Love to see you try
Bottom line the right or as I like to call it THE IGNORANT RIGHT want to have a war
They claim to be patriots but I see them as homegrown terrorist that need to be forced back under their rocks
So yes the Supreme Court is going to strip away womens equal rights