That whole fallacy of "wUt iF ShE lOsEs HeR mInD & sTaBs HeR OwN bElLy" is just you watching too much Tucker Carlson.
Literally none of that made any sense.Good prediction. Didn't take you long to be wrong.
I never said it isn't "my body my choice". It would be my preference, but not my right, that people don't have abortions. It's my preference that people don't eat themselves into severe obesity, but not my right to stop them from doing so.
I think you may be assuming that I think my preferences should be some kind of law, but I don't think they should. You see, when we get with other people and try to make our preferences laws, there are usually unintended consequences, like the violation of another person's rights.
Nothing happened to my attitude, I remain consistent.
Although as an aside, the covid "vaccines" aren't vaccines, they are poisonous snake oil sold to a dumbed down population. I remain "pro choice" on them. If you want to poison yourself, that's your choice. I prefer that women don't kill the unborn though, since the poor little ones are somewhat defenseless.
It's ironic all those white liberal women demonstrating for the right to terminate all those unborn black babies. Hillary and her hero Margaret Sanger (the eugenics freak) would be proud!
That's the very essence of "cherry picking" your arguments.I don't have a televison and was responding to a query about a rare instance where it may be appropriate to intervene in a self abortion.
I imagine you would let the temporarily insane woman stab herself ?
That's the very essence of "cherry picking" your arguments.
So, you think noone should have abortions because one crazy chick stabbed her prego tummy. And you don't think it should be law, you just "prefer" noone have access to abortions.
I like where you totally ignored the point i made about none of this pertaining to you, but yeah cool story otherwise.
When democrats win?
Win what? The presidency?
Newsflash! They won and didn't do $h*t but load Ukrainians pocketbook
And yours is the voice of reason in the middle groundi just don't understand why people just can't take responsibility and just use a condom or birth control if they don't want a child. Unprotected sex leads to children. It's not rocket science.
Education and responsibility is paramount in these situations, and responsibility for ones actions is frowned upon these days. I've never had unprotected sex with a random person or a partner (which has led to a lot of screaming and running out the door lol). If I don't have a condom, I'm not willing to take the risk as I'm not comfortable with my ability to bring a child into the world., Simple. I'm not an animal for christs sake, I have the ability to make an informed decision.
There should always be a fall back with laws like this. Some type of means test or assessment before an abortion instead of trying to pass a law in spite of the other political sides viewpoint. The left thinks they should have the right to abort whenever they want, so the right try and claim abortion should never happen full stop. How about we meet in the middle, work together and come up with a situation that will work in both regards?
The polarization and choices made out of political spite is not going top benefit anyone. It's hard being centrist on a lot of views, as they are usually contextual issues not black and white issues. The amount of times i've heard "the left wants abortions to be available at any time, so lets ban them full stop" or "the right wants to means test abortions, so we should make them legal full stop" is just sad. it seems the decisions are based on spite more than the actual women that do or don't want an abortion..With the current issue of extreme polarization, being relatively central sucks some times. Depending on who or when I talk to someone and one what subject, I'm either a "right wing terrorist" or a "crazy leftist groomer". Its crap.
May the silent majority peacefully rise.And yours is the voice of reason in the middle ground
Silent majority, I haven’t heard that since that last Trump rallyMay the silent majority peacefully rise.
I never knew that was a thing. And here I was thinking I sounded profound lol.Silent majority, I haven’t heard that since that last Trump rally
i just don't understand why people just can't take responsibility and just use a condom or birth control if they don't want a child. Unprotected sex leads to children. It's not rocket science.
Education and responsibility is paramount in these situations, and responsibility for ones actions is frowned upon these days. I've never had unprotected sex with a random person. If I don't have a condom, I'm not willing to take the risk., Simple. Im not an animal for christs sake, I have the ability to make an informed decision.
There should always be a fall back with laws like this. Some type of means test or assessment before an abortion instead of trying to pass a law in spite of the other political sides viewpoint. The left thinks they should have the right to abort whenever they want, so the right try and claim abortion should never happen full stop. How about we meet in the middle, work together and come up with a situation that will work in both regards?
The polarization and choices made out of political spite is not going top benefit anyone. It's hard being centrist on a lot of views, as they are usually contextual issues not black and white issues. The amount of times i've heard "the left wants abortions to be available at any time, so lets ban them full stop" or "the right wants to means test abortions, so we should make them legal full stop" is just sad. it seems the decisions are based on spite more than the actual women that do or don't want an abortion..With the current issue of extreme polarization, being relatively central sucks some times. Depending on who or when I talk to someone and one what subject, I'm either a "right wing terrorist" or a "crazy leftist groomer". Its crap.
by means testing I just meant a consultation to assess the reason and validity of the abortion instead of blanket "always or never" mentalities that are being pushed to the forefront. Just a summary to see if bringing the child into the world could cause extensive hardship or trauma for either party. For example, a child of rape would be an immediate pass.I think you might be missing how dumb people are though. That's a broad statement, in this specific instance I would point out that certain states that lean conservative often have a lot of religious influence in all aspects and not everyone is receiving the same level of sex education. I'm middle aged, but man there were a lot of kids in high-school that did not really have a solid understanding of how things actually worked...maybe they are better informed now. Not all kids have parents that can or will explain it. I don't think it's fair to expect them to be able make decisions around the issues. Per the Google, only 18 states have a requirement to teach that there are contraceptive measures you can take. A number of states teach abstinence only.
There has been a bit of talk as in the zealousness to push this through they did things like not make a provision for rape/incest, then rather shittily brushed aside peoples concerns. The big example there is from Ohio where the conservative described that situation as an opportunity for the person who got raped. Keep in mind unwed mothers are also looked down upon. I think you can see how that's a pretty shitty situation.
I have no clue what the means testing is you mentioned? Got a link?
here's outside the box:
the real repubs wanted this leaked so that trump and all his wacky candidates lose and lose the midterms and then somebody else runs for potus and not trump.