Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Lot more anal sex going to be going on in Okie.
I remember (maybe 20 years ago?) a study of teens and young adults that found that ‘abstinence education‘ resulted in a MASSIVE (and unexpected) increase in anal sex among ”Christian“ teen-agers who’d received it instead of sex education in church-schools.

One of those studies that surprised *everyone* at the time it came out - but didn’t get talked about too much. Regressives are sensitive creatures, after all: easily embarrassed, easily offended, slippery when wet, they make honey badger seem docile & friendly by comparison
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It is what it is. I think it has to get much worse before it can get better. Interesting watching the inlaws whatsapp, it's my insight into Republicans.
It’s a sad day for Americans that actually have a brain :(. Welcome to the 19 century :(.
This abortion issue is past it's best before date inside the modern GOP, the lunatics in the states are pushing the issue at the wrong time for the federal republicans and for themselves as well. Mitch is nervous cause the issues are stacking up, abortion, guns, the war and J6, hence the small movement on guns, Mitch is worried about November. In today's world with what is going on, November is forever and a lot can happen between now and then, Abortion will fire up women and hurt them badly in the fall and many won't be happy about the small amount done on guns. The Russians could be on the run in Ukraine and victory timed just before the election with Zellenskiy in DC for a medal arm in arm with Joe. They are gonna pull out all the stops for November and bigotry alone is keeping the GOP afloat.
It’s a sad day for Americans that actually have a brain :(. Welcome to the 19 century :(.

There are a few women here that like to dress 1883 and it's not Halloween..I asked why and was told they wish it were that way now-1883o_O

A time when women were worth less than a man's horse, a man's property..divorce? You got the attic or asylum. Your children belong to him.

Yeah, let's go back.

But on a positive note, you can come to Colorado for Medical Asylum like I did; you can also get an abortion.

I don't go into that store where they dress like that; it creeps me out.
Wahhh can't screw around and be a whore with zero consequences wahhh can't murder my mistakes wahhh nut jobs, how you feeling right now?
Gays and trans next? I think they should have to wear armbands or something.............................or a star-like shaped patch might also work :rolleyes:

Soon we all get to carry guns in the streets. Can't wait for that one and it's sooner than you all think. I'm looking thru guns mags now to pick a few.

Oh, and if we are heading back to the 50's, can we please let woman stay home to take care of all our kids that aren't getting aborted? Thanks.
Also pay us men double what we make so we can let this happen.........................................and cover us all in health insurance as well.

Don't forget to shut off products made in other countries so we can buy MADE IN AMERICA items only.

Can whites start hating blacks again? Asking for a friend :rolleyes:

Shit, too late. That really never left did it?

I really love this country but sometimes I have to shake my fucking head, smoke more weed, and shut it all out. Sorry if this sarcastic post hurt feelings.