Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Rep. Mary Miller calls Roe decision ‘victory for white life’
U.S. Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois, speaking at a rally Saturday night with former President Donald Trump, called the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade a “victory for white life.”

Miller’s spokesman said the Illinois Republican had intended to say the decision was a victory for a “right to life.” The line as delivered was out of step with the disproportionate impact the repeal of abortion rights will have on women of color.

Miller is running for reelection in the state’s newly redrawn 15th Congressional District against GOP Rep. Rodney Davis with the former president’s blessing. She had been invited on stage to speak by Trump, who held the rally in Mendon, Illinois, to turn out the vote ahead of the state’s Tuesday primary.

“President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,” she said, drawing cheers from the crowd.

Miller spokesman Isaiah Wartman told The Associated Press that it was “a mix-up of words.”

“You can clearly see in the video … she’s looking at her papers and looking at her speech,” Wartman said.

Her campaign noted that she is the grandmother of several nonwhite grandchildren, including one with Down syndrome.

The freshman congresswoman, who was among those who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 election, previously came under criticism for quoting Adolf Hitler.

“Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ’Whoever has the youth has the future,’” Miller said in a speech last year, according to video posted by WCIA-TV. She later apologized after Democrats in Illinois called for her resignation.

The rally came as some elements of the far right have pushed the “great replacement theory,” a racist ideology that alleges white people and their influence are being “replaced” by people of color. Proponents blame both immigration as well as demographic changes, including white birth rates.

During the rally, Trump took a victory lap for the Supreme Court’s bombshell ruling Friday ending the constitutional right to abortion. The three conservative justices he appointed all voted in favor.

He noted that in 2016, he promised to appoint judges who opposed abortion rights.

“Yesterday the court handed down a victory for the Constitution, a victory for the rule of law, and above all, a victory for life,” he told the crowd, which broke into a chant of “Thank you Trump!.”

Trump at the rally also endorsed Republican Darren Bailey, who is running to become the party’s nominee for governor.
well, yeah, because to republicans, nothing matters more than white life....if you're brown, or yellow, or black, or any shade darker than off white...your lives mean shit. you're trash people with no right to be in America anyway, unless you're owned by someone white...
which will be coming back soon...but first the republican packed supreme court has to take away the rights of the lgbtq community, and then make interracial marriage illegal again...then they'll have time to reinstate slavery...
fuckbag cocksuckers...
Great that will keep this in the news, a succession of red states passing crazy abortion laws that a lot of their population disagrees with, even on guns too. The real question is, do they have a greater cause than their own self interests and if so why?

There will be lot's of prosecutions and long prison sentences for women who have miscarriages, but they will not bring indictments against certain white women for it. Think if one of the prosecutors or a republican politicians wife had a miscarriage she would be charged with murder? If convicted think she would get off on appeal?

Meanwhile most of the J6 conspirators will walk Scott free or get slaps on the wrists and short sentences compared to the women caught up in the red states. Same for the black woman who mistakenly and honestly voted with a provisional ballot in Texas and got 5 years in prison, meanwhile a dozen republicans were intentionally caught breaking voting laws and got a slap on the wrist, states rights. The more rights a state has, the fewer you do and the more unjust and ungovernable the country becomes, people have rights, not states and not geography and that is also part of America's problem.
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So, if a woman has a miscarriage in a Red state can she claim refugee statues in NY for instance? Would they refuse even the SCOTUS's demand to extradite her? Would you have another Dred Scott case only with women? Would Alito respect the precedent and paraphrase it in his ruling, that a woman has no rights a man is obliged to respect? Welcome back to the pre civil war folks, brought to you by a bunch of religious ideological liars and lunatics on the SCOTUS and their game of legal pretzel logic in the service of a "greater cause". That cause ain't justice, or anything else to do with being a secular government official.
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And what would be your favourite verse?
Is it this one?

1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain silent.

Misogyny came to Turtle Island after 1492. First Nations people cherished woman. Their creator is Mother Earth.

As women were called upon when men fucked up during ancient times to keep the bloodline going, then when all was well erase her likeness- so typical of a man even in BCE. Paganism gave way to Christianity and the cult- Vikings were the last to convert and with that themselves no need for warring under one God:lol:

I do wish to thank SCROTUS for guaranteeing Dems win the!:clap:
It's quite the thing, they could have just shut up and sat on their hands and absolutely crushed the dems. I still don't think it's going to be good, but it's about the best case scenario.
They were put on the court for this purpose, the conspiracies never started with Trump.
Roe v Wade was a demon-send to the foundering regressive movement: the 60s terrified & disoriented them, as hippies+drugs began to erode churchianity, antiwar sentiment took to the streets, MLK and repressive local institutions brought awareness of racial abuse & exclusion into more and more homes, and women decided they’d had enough of being domestic servants for their entitled and self-absorbed hubbies.

Amid responses such as white anti-civil rights violence, violence against anti war protesters & the Powell memo, the “moral majority” was formed, with the 700 Club close behind…and with them, a craptastic (but highly successful) campaign to drag fundamentalist churchianity out of the churches &into political action, weaponized their political involvement, and began to terrorize the church hordes faith hellish visions of democrats as alien demons out to exterminate the ‘righteous’ and their god.

This full-court effort to transform Jesus from a religious icon into a brand - under which to reconstruct US Christianity as a desperate, last-ditch religious war against the devil - was highly successful, and politically/socially extreme church congregations began popping up, many growing into the mega churches we all know and distrust; and televangelists leapfrogged over Sunday morning faith-healers like Oral Roberts to become intensely powerful and incredibly wealthy.

Roe v Wade was perfect timing for this: much like the QANON terror-fantasies of secret elites preying upon children, abortion became an ersatz source of horror, and opposition to Roe quickly began to shift into a horror of the modern world itself…and “conservatives” quickly rolled that into their efforts to convince their new, emotionally captive foot soldiers that THEY would stand strong against the newly-demonized race-traitor ‘liberal god-haters’ and their ‘evil’ plans to ‘destroy America’.

”Saving the babies” resulted in a solemn bargain between “conservative” forces: give the GOP unconditional political (electoral) support, and Rove v Wade would be brought down.

This began roughly around the end of Ford’s term, in which he pardoned Nixon & lame-ducked his way into the’76 election which Jimmy Carter won; by the time Reagan ran and won four years later, the deal was in place, and the war against the 20th century had begun in earnest…and ‘spin’ & ‘talking points’ & “message politics” became woven into GOP policy. For all their excesses, Reagan and Bush heeded Lee Atwater’s advice, and traded overt racism for a ‘plausibly deniable’ covert racism against bussing, “social spending”, and a new wave of government action *against government* - that is, against representative self-government based on regular elections & the votes of citizens. Before Reagan left office in ‘89, conservatism itself had been weaponized as ‘conservative’ policies and positions became more and more regressive…but it didn’t *start* there, it just emerged.

The war against the reproductive rights of women has achieved its main aim: the right NOT to be forced to bear children has been struck down…while the right to “seed” as many women as possible has been left untouched the whole time, and the blame of women for “getting pregnant” has been/is being reanimated. Just like the extreme worship of being armed with guns leaves the gun-wielders free to do as they will, the sperm guns doing the impregnating are completely unrestricted and held blameless - no matter WHAT the outcome.

To put it another way, the gun-rights slogan that “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” has spawned the idea that ‘*PENII* don’t get women pregnant, *WOMEN* get pregnant’…no different than Trayvon Martin being blamed for his own murder, and Zimmerman becoming a folk-hero for the murder of a boy walking home from the 7-11. A boy whose only crime was to be available for the act and unable to prevent it…just like so many women who end up having sex they don’t want, simply because…they were available…and couldn’t prevent it.

Sure, no one wants to think hard about their beliefs…and just as Reagan’s ’revolution‘ wasn’t responsible for initiating this, it wouldn’t have happened NOW without McConnell’s refusal to advise *and* consent to Obama’s SCOTUS pick…*AND* his reversal of his own “not in an election year” con to force Barrett into a SCOTUS seat. A transparent effort to prevent a BIDEN nominee just as he had prevented Obama’s executive mandate. was TRUMP who made use of his enablers & put ALL THREE on the court.

He delivered on GOP promises by packing the court - which as been McConnell’s obsession since he came to the Senate; without McConnell’s deliberate and corrupt enabling, this couldn’t have happened. however, McConnell couldn’t DO it, he could only set it up. For THAT he needed a President as corrupt and opportunistic as he was. *That* President was Trump…and he’s doing his “best” to take credit for it.

For those who *believe* a different story, and want to investigate this, it’s in the public record. If you believe a different narrative, you’ll have to go beyond the ‘conservative’ storytellers and look into what actually happened. It won’t be quick - that’s a lot of history, and plenty of chaff to obscure, deflect, and confuse - but as they used to say, “the truth is out there” - and as Jefferson said many times, many ways, an informed and educated electorate is absolutely essential to the survival of the Republic; or else, as Franklin suggested, we won’t be able to keep it.
And what would be your favourite verse?
Is it this one?

1 Timothy 2:12
I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain silent.
You’ve lifted the toilet seat on one of Christianity’s dirtiest secrets: Saul of Tarsus, AKA “Saint Paul” created Christianity with his “epistles”. Constantine adopted & radically altered it to be a passivist religion for slaves and outcasts…”crowd control” by any definition. after Rome’s collapse, the Roman church modeled itself after *the empire*, and, along with many purges, murders, and wholesale acts of violence & oppression, maneuvered itself into de-facto rulership of Europe - which became ‘Christendom’.

It was then carried by the sword to every land ‘given’ to Europeans as the drives of wealth and conquest spilled out of Europe and into every land they were able to reach.

In Hoc Signo Vinces: ”With this sign thou shalt conquer”
Hail the ‘prince of peace’…and onward, Christian soldiers!

Remember, four out of five despots rely on ‘Jesus’-brand crowd control! Get yours TODAY!
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So, if a woman has a miscarriage in a Red state can she claim refugee statues in NY for instance? Would they refuse even the SCOTUS's demand to extradite her? Would you have another Dreed Scott case only with women? Would Alito respect the precedent and paraphrase it in his ruling, that a woman has no rights a man is obliged to respect? Welcome back to the pre civil war folks, brought to you by a bunch of religious ideological liars and lunatics on the SCOTUS and their game of legal pretzel logic in the service of a "greater cause". That cause ain't justice, or anything else to do with being a secular government official.
“United” states, my granddaddy’s *ass*….

Among the many catastrophic mistakes made re: slavery & rebellion, maintaining the garbage fiction that *disunion* among competing “sovereign” states *after* Appomattox would be somehow noble, principled, & quintessentially “American”, is one of the very worst.

It’s made a complete wreck of us as a functional nation, and provides 50 separate and distinct “laboratories” of miniature imperialism, ALL of which must be watched, and NONE of which can be meaningfully managed or even influenced except at the federal level. The rebel states are STILL run like plantations, with governors as Massah & legislatures as obedient overseers.

First and foremost, elections should be regularized - made consistent across states - and regulated: if a UNITED nation is ever to be possible, it will only be possible because the franchise is handled equitably and consistently from state to state. Eliminating the 50 shades of cryptopolitical ‘gotchas’, and ensuring free and fair elections IN EVERY STATE AND DISTRICT is absolutely essential. If the billionaires & their minions don’t like it, they can bugger off to Texas and BUY their way out of the Union (in which case, they won’t be billionaires for long)…and we can keep a watchful eye on them without having the motherfuckers dicking with our shit
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“United” states, my granddaddy’s *ass*….

Among the many catastrophic mistakes made re: slavery & rebellion, maintaining the garbage fiction that *disunion* among competing “sovereign” states *after* Appomattox is one of the very worst. It’s made a complete wreck of us as a functional nation, and provides 50 separate and distinct “laboratories” of miniature imperialism, ALL of which must be watched, and NONE of which can be meaningfully managed or even influenced except at the federal level. The rebel states are STILL run like plantations, with governors as Massah & legislatures as obedient overseers.

First and foremost, elections should be regularized - made consistent across states - and regulated: if a UNITED nation is ever to be possible, it will only be possible because the franchise is handled equitably and consistently from state to state. Eliminating the 50 shades of cryptopolitical ‘gotchas’, and ensuring free and fair elections IN EVERY STATE AND DISTRICT is absolutely essential. If the billionaires & their minions don’t like it, they can bugger off to Texas and BUY their way out of the Union (in which case, they won’t be billionaires for long)…and we can keep a watchful eye on them without having the motherfuckers dicking with our shit
I predict Texas will go blue in the governorship and probably the house too, of course their senate and politized courts will impede meaningful change and the same game played as on the federal level. The bottom line though is states should have no jurisdiction over criminal law, it should be federal, like in Canada, state courts and judges convict people of violations of US criminal law, they abused that for too long by using it as a bludgeon and instrument of social civil war on minorities. Likewise with voting and districting, in Canada we have elections Canada which set boundaries and manages federal elections nationally, Elections USA could be setup by the federal government and made voluntary for the states and as each one turns blue they will join it, those that don't will stick out more and more. Same idea in a way, as states sending electors for the national popular vote winner, there is almost a critical mass of those now and this election could bring even more.
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Ocasio-Cortez says conservative justices lied under oath, should be impeached
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y) on Sunday said conservative U.S. Supreme Court justices who “misled” Americans during their confirmation hearings about whether or not they supported overturning Roe v. Wade should be impeached and face “consequences” for lying under oath.

Ocasio-Cortez told NBC’s “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd the Supreme Court “dramatically overreached its authority” and created a “crisis of legitimacy” that President Biden should address.

“If we allow Supreme Court nominees to lie under oath and secure lifetime appointments to the highest court of the land and then issue — without basis, if you read these opinions — rulings that deeply undermine the human civil rights of the majority of Americans, we must see that through,” the lawmaker said.

“There must be consequences for such a deeply destabilizing action and the hostile takeover of our democratic institutions,” she added.

The Supreme Court on Friday overturned the 1973 precedent Roe v. Wade in a 5-4 decision, giving states the ability to decide abortion laws for the first time in roughly 50 years.

Conservative justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett — who each voted in the majority to overturn Roe — were criticized for dodging the question of overturning the precedent during their respective confirmation hearings or saying they would not support overturning the case.

Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday said lying under oath is an impeachable offense and there should be consequences to deter it from happening again.

“What makes it particularly dangerous is that it sends a blaring signal to all future nominees that they can now lie to duly elected members of the United States Senate in order to secure a Supreme Court confirmation,” she said.

Good luck with impeaching them with the Republicans blocking it.

This just re-affirms that the GOP is dirty, will continue their dirty at any cost.

Divisive politicking has consequences.
Rep. Mary Miller calls Roe decision ‘victory for white life’
U.S. Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois, speaking at a rally Saturday night with former President Donald Trump, called the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade a “victory for white life.”

Miller’s spokesman said the Illinois Republican had intended to say the decision was a victory for a “right to life.” The line as delivered was out of step with the disproportionate impact the repeal of abortion rights will have on women of color.

Miller is running for reelection in the state’s newly redrawn 15th Congressional District against GOP Rep. Rodney Davis with the former president’s blessing. She had been invited on stage to speak by Trump, who held the rally in Mendon, Illinois, to turn out the vote ahead of the state’s Tuesday primary.

“President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,” she said, drawing cheers from the crowd.

Miller spokesman Isaiah Wartman told The Associated Press that it was “a mix-up of words.”

“You can clearly see in the video … she’s looking at her papers and looking at her speech,” Wartman said.

Her campaign noted that she is the grandmother of several nonwhite grandchildren, including one with Down syndrome.

The freshman congresswoman, who was among those who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 election, previously came under criticism for quoting Adolf Hitler.

“Hitler was right on one thing. He said, ’Whoever has the youth has the future,’” Miller said in a speech last year, according to video posted by WCIA-TV. She later apologized after Democrats in Illinois called for her resignation.

The rally came as some elements of the far right have pushed the “great replacement theory,” a racist ideology that alleges white people and their influence are being “replaced” by people of color. Proponents blame both immigration as well as demographic changes, including white birth rates.

During the rally, Trump took a victory lap for the Supreme Court’s bombshell ruling Friday ending the constitutional right to abortion. The three conservative justices he appointed all voted in favor.

He noted that in 2016, he promised to appoint judges who opposed abortion rights.

“Yesterday the court handed down a victory for the Constitution, a victory for the rule of law, and above all, a victory for life,” he told the crowd, which broke into a chant of “Thank you Trump!.”

Trump at the rally also endorsed Republican Darren Bailey, who is running to become the party’s nominee for governor.

And when only whites are left, the tribalism reverts yet again because nothing makes them happy..



The good old days..Make America Great Again! This next one is dual purpose.


No Polish or Colored.
It's quite the thing, they could have just shut up and sat on their hands and absolutely crushed the dems. I still don't think it's going to be good, but it's about the best case scenario.

Midterms go sideways for Dems because they don't show- I can pretty much guarantee landmark show this time. Those Confirmation Hearings were under oath and are fresh in our minds..'Roe was settled law'.
what does it matter? doctors, women, whoever republicans have to shit on to get what they want, will be shit on...don't act like you can have selective aim-able diarrhea...your stream of horseshit will hit everyone, it already is
They want to target the smallest group of people that will stop the abortions as they would have the least amount of political clout rather than charging a whack of women. You can scare a bunch of doctors to stop but if you charge a bunch of women the press would make more of it.

Two topics: how to combat the Supreme Court revoking women's rights; how to hold Trump accountable
10,434 views Jun 26, 2022 This short Justice Matters video takes on one concrete step we the people can take to win back the constitutional rights the Supreme Court just revoked. This video also reviews a recent pronouncement by former Attorney General Eric Holder regarding the "smoking gun" evidence of Donald Trump's criminal intent.
a way to justify screwing as many women as we can.

Personally I justify it by being awesome. bongsmilie

The joke opening was so wide, I really failed to live up to my own expectations there though.

It does sort of break my brain trying to understand who would want to live in this weird Jesus world they are pushing. It sounds horrible. It's also super weird to see it getting pushed on weed forums, potheads aren't exactly opposed to hedonism. It makes as much sense as the random person that will pop up every few years that has a giant problem with homegrown and calls everyone drug dealers if they don't shop at a dispensary.