Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

I do not pretend to fully empathize. But I was exposed to much milder cultish behavior, which gave me a basis from which I could extrapolate when I heard her tales of frank oppression by the church, which ignored her husband’s growing abusive behaviors.

It is the halfway-cult thing my congregation got wrong. Effective cult practice is to engage the target person in a swirl of sentiment, never leaving time for reality checks. I had long times on my own during which the odd “wait a minute” thought would mess up their program.

My Mothers side of the family are all Jehovah's witnesses. I never see any of them. The last time was a funeral for my Uncle. I don't want to see them anyway. They always try and get me to come back to "The Truth"
Most women are unable to get a hysterectomy, doctors won't perform them on healthy non menopausal women without children. If you want fewer abortions, howabout advocating for more rights instead of taking them away.

Abortion is an essential human right. Banning all abortion because of late term abortion of an otherwise healthy fetus with low risk for the mother is fucking retarded.
Do you think that a newborn should be allowed to be terminated after it is out of the mother and breathing on its own? Where do you draw the line?
All primates reserve the right to kill their kids. The highland gorilla, the best mother of all the primates will even do it when her life is in danger. Laws will not change nature.
My Mothers side of the family are all Jehovah's witnesses. I never see any of them. The last time was a funeral for my Uncle. I don't want to see them anyway. They always try and get me to come back to "The Truth"
all you can do (if that is your thing) is pray silently for their lost souls.
I was raised as a fucking Jehovah's Witness. I was giving talks in front of the congregation inside the Kingdom Halls back in the 70's. It sucked and I hated it. They had me knocking on doors peddling the Watchtower and Awake publications.

I left that cult when I was around 12 years old. Then I started smoking pot and I haven't looked back.

I knew a gentleman who ran a crack house (good deals on weed as well) who was a JW. It was funny and weird, dude was off his rocker, he was super nice/polite/friendly and dressed like Mr Roger's...but sold crack and did crack dealer things so...yeah.

I steer clear of any religion, whole bunch of reasons. Growing up in the midwest where there is a whole lotta Jesus, that shitty trumpy version of Christianity was prevalent. As a young teenager I had more than one youth pastor around the age of 30 go after my girlfriends. It was pretty lol, they each told the girls parents I was the devil.
the fundamentally corrupt nature of what calls itself Christianity. What faith meant to the authors of the writ bears no resemblance to the brave new world of indoctrination of and by the toxics.
I'm not working, so started some research on a book I have been thinking about for a long time. About the Q document, the source material for much of the new testament. I've been down the Jesus rabbit hole for a couple three weeks, and it isn't pretty. Everything in the gospels is 180 degrees from the real man. And the scariest part to me, is that if modern Christians learned the truth, they would love him more.
I was raised as a fucking Jehovah's Witness. I was giving talks in front of the congregation inside the Kingdom Halls back in the 70's. It sucked and I hated it. They had me knocking on doors peddling the Watchtower and Awake publications.

I left that cult when I was around 12 years old. Then I started smoking pot and I haven't looked back.
I was raised in an Assembly of God church. They speak in their "prayer language". I always joked there was an Irishman somewhere in the family tree, because one lady would always say, "Sean Lee, O 'Conley" over and over again. I got a lifetime supply of religion by age 13.
I'm not working, so started some research on a book I have been thinking about for a long time. About the Q document, the source material for much of the new testament. I've been down the Jesus rabbit hole for a couple three weeks, and it isn't pretty. Everything in the gospels is 180 degrees from the real man. And the scariest part to me, is that if modern Christians learned the truth, they would love him more.
I helieve the part about him describing true religion (in my paraphrase) as helping widows and orphans, and not being tied down by worldly concerns.
The commandment to signal one’s virtue is oddly absent; must be a mistranslation, hmmm
I helieve the part about him describing true religion (in my paraphrase) as helping widows and orphans, and not being tied down by worldly concerns. . . . . . . . .
The sayings of Jesus are great. Well the ones that made it into the cannon. Lots of others were left behind.

This is from Thomas, the Twin. (actually just Jesus' half brother, but was often mistaken for him)

16 Jesus said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house: there'll be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father, and they will stand alone.

Are there accurate accounts of the real man outside of biblical and religious sources? I recall they were able to show he was a real person, but no real details or even if that was true.

Edit: will check out the above.
The sayings of Jesus are great. Well the ones that made it into the cannon. Lots of others were left behind.

This is from Thomas, the Twin. (actually just Jesus' half brother, but was often mistaken for him)

16 Jesus said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house: there'll be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father, and they will stand alone.

My shoal of grief has always been Romans 1:20. “If God’s presence is not obvious to you, you’re just stupid.”

guess I just have to own it.

Are there accurate accounts of the real man outside of biblical and religious sources? I recall they were able to show he was a real person, but no real details or even if that was true.

Edit: will check out the above.
never heard/read anything from disinterested sources.
The sayings of Jesus are great. Well the ones that made it into the cannon. Lots of others were left behind.

This is from Thomas, the Twin. (actually just Jesus' half brother, but was often mistaken for him)

16 Jesus said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house: there'll be three against two and two against three, father against son and son against father, and they will stand alone.

Second observation: I like Thomas the doubter. Jesus called him blessed. It is the follow-on bit that I don’t trust, the one about those who do not doubt being more blessed. Doubt is a very healthy mental habit.

That is a juicy control point, and I do not trust thst the translators or transcribers didn’t conveniently append it.
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Are there accurate accounts of the real man outside of biblical and religious sources? I recall they were able to show he was a real person, but no real details or even if that was true.

Edit: will check out the above.
There are lots of accounts in Roman history as well as the gospels that were not included in the cannon. Here is quick overview of Barbelo, a book by Riaan Booyson.

Leading contenders for Josef and Mary are Marriam (1) the second wife of Herod the Great, and Josef (of the Flat Feet, of the Marble, etc, etc) his treasurer. Herod had killed Marriam's father and brother (since they were of royal blood, and a threat to his throne), and her mother asked Rome for help. They recalled him, and he ask Josef and another man to kill the women if he didn't make it back alive. The women managed to get that news, and when he got back from Rome, the shit hit the fan. Marriam refused sexual advances from him (she did already have two sons by him, that he had killed just before he died). Herod knew they had spilled the beans, but Josef's father in law was an important Roman politician, so he couldn't touch him, but the other dude was killed instantly.

Marriam and Josef had a brief fling, and she was with child afterward. She knew her life was in danger, so they faked her death and she had the baby soon after. (about 28 BCE is the best guess for his birth year) Her and baby Jesus went to Babylon (the one on the Nile, where present day Cairo is) with the help of the Magi. They didn't come back until Herod had died, when he was 30 years old, in 2 CE. He went by Simon Magus until just a year or so before the "passion" (in 21 CE). His father Josef helped him fake his death, and they went to Briton for him to recuperate. Josef and Marriam (1) stayed, but everyone else, including Josef's wife, Marriam (2) (the third wife of Herrod the Great) went back. Marriam (2) was the Biblical Mary Magdalene.

After he came back, he went by Paul, but continued to lead the movement. When the Jews did not follow him, he made war on their rich and all the Romans. He used all the tools of war common at the time. Fire, looting, rape and torture included. As Paul, he lived until the Romans cut his head off at age 84. Josef (known as the Old Man) died in 45 Ce, when he was 111. His grave is in Briton.

Seven of the disciples were his blood kin (half brothers and their sons), and two more were in-laws (a brother of Marriam (2), Josef's second wife, and his son). But they were all ultra rich from the leading political families. His half brother Nicodemus who helped Josef take him down off the cross, was one of the three richest men in Judea.
There are lots of accounts in Roman history as well as the gospels that were not included in the cannon. Here is quick overview of Barbelo, a book by Riaan Booyson.

Leading contenders for Josef and Mary are Marriam (1) the second wife of Herod the Great, and Josef (of the Flat Feet, of the Marble, etc, etc) his treasurer. Herod had killed Marriam's father and brother (since they were of royal blood, and a threat to his throne), and her mother asked Rome for help. They recalled him, and he ask Josef and another man to kill the women if he didn't make it back alive. The women managed to get that news, and when he got back from Rome, the shit hit the fan. Marriam refused sexual advances from him (she did already have two sons by him, that he had killed just before he died). Herod knew they had spilled the beans, but Josef's father in law was an important Roman politician, so he couldn't touch him, but the other dude was killed instantly.

Marriam and Josef had a brief fling, and she was with child afterward. She knew her life was in danger, so they faked her death and she had the baby soon after. (about 28 BCE is the best guess for his birth year) Her and baby Jesus went to Babylon (the one on the Nile, where present day Cairo is) with the help of the Magi. They didn't come back until Herod had died, when he was 30 years old, in 2 CE. He went by Simon Magus until just a year or so before the "passion" (in 21 CE). His father Josef helped him fake his death, and they went to Briton for him to recuperate. Josef and Marriam (1) stayed, but everyone else, including Josef's wife, Marriam (2) (the third wife of Herrod the Great) went back. Marriam (2) was the Biblical Mary Magdalene.

After he came back, he went by Paul, but continued to lead the movement. When the Jews did not follow him, he made war on their rich and all the Romans. He used all the tools of war common at the time. Fire, looting, rape and torture included. As Paul, he lived until the Romans cut his head off at age 84. Josef (known as the Old Man) died in 45 Ce, when he was 111. His grave is in Briton.

Seven of the disciples were his blood kin (half brothers and their sons), and two more were in-laws (a brother of Marriam (2), Josef's second wife, and his son). But they were all ultra rich from the leading political families. His half brother Nicodemus who helped Josef take him down off the cross, was one of the three richest men in Judea.
if Jesus and Paul were the same person, he sure did write some hateful crap at the end.
There are lots of accounts in Roman history as well as the gospels that were not included in the cannon. Here is quick overview of Barbelo, a book by Riaan Booyson.

Leading contenders for Josef and Mary are Marriam (1) the second wife of Herod the Great, and Josef (of the Flat Feet, of the Marble, etc, etc) his treasurer. Herod had killed Marriam's father and brother (since they were of royal blood, and a threat to his throne), and her mother asked Rome for help. They recalled him, and he ask Josef and another man to kill the women if he didn't make it back alive. The women managed to get that news, and when he got back from Rome, the shit hit the fan. Marriam refused sexual advances from him (she did already have two sons by him, that he had killed just before he died). Herod knew they had spilled the beans, but Josef's father in law was an important Roman politician, so he couldn't touch him, but the other dude was killed instantly.

Marriam and Josef had a brief fling, and she was with child afterward. She knew her life was in danger, so they faked her death and she had the baby soon after. (about 28 BCE is the best guess for his birth year) Her and baby Jesus went to Babylon (the one on the Nile, where present day Cairo is) with the help of the Magi. They didn't come back until Herod had died, when he was 30 years old, in 2 CE. He went by Simon Magus until just a year or so before the "passion" (in 21 CE). His father Josef helped him fake his death, and they went to Briton for him to recuperate. Josef and Marriam (1) stayed, but everyone else, including Josef's wife, Marriam (2) (the third wife of Herrod the Great) went back. Marriam (2) was the Biblical Mary Magdalene.

After he came back, he went by Paul, but continued to lead the movement. When the Jews did not follow him, he made war on their rich and all the Romans. He used all the tools of war common at the time. Fire, looting, rape and torture included. As Paul, he lived until the Romans cut his head off at age 84. Josef (known as the Old Man) died in 45 Ce, when he was 111. His grave is in Briton.

Seven of the disciples were his blood kin (half brothers and their sons), and two more were in-laws (a brother of Marriam (2), Josef's second wife, and his son). But they were all ultra rich from the leading political families. His half brother Nicodemus who helped Josef take him down off the cross, was one of the three richest men in Judea.

interesting, thanks for the read