Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

I wonder if he still insists on talking to people about the porn he's watching.

That was so damn weird and funny.
5 republicans helped block this from going through the SC senate, three of them women, one who has two daughters...good on them
We will see what the polls say in November, it was just a few months ago when the republicans were touting a national abortion ban if they won the congress, people should be reminded of that, roll the video tape. Abortion has got the GOP worried and they are trying to squirm and pivot, it will end up ripping them apart in the coming years and the anti abortion fanatics will freak out. For decades they pushed this culture war shit until it went beyond it's best before date and started to smell bad, but they are stuck with it for now.
this fucking cocksucker HAS to GTFO...and he has to take kavanaugh and amy conehead barret browning or whatever the fuck her name is...i just think of her as the handmaiden...
if dealing with this shit isn't the FIRST thing on the agenda after the midterms, whatever is, better be as bad as a fucking asteroid heading for earth, because that's what it would take to be more dangerous than our own "supreme" court of lying perjurers...
i have no idea how Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan can stand working with fascist, christian nationalist zealots...the forced civility must be stretched dangerously thin...
uncle thomas and his fucking psycho wife are an issue of their own...they both need to be in a padded cell...shit, stick em in the same one.
this fucking cocksucker HAS to GTFO...and he has to take kavanaugh and amy conehead barret browning or whatever the fuck her name is...i just think of her as the handmaiden...
if dealing with this shit isn't the FIRST thing on the agenda after the midterms, whatever is, better be as bad as a fucking asteroid heading for earth, because that's what it would take to be more dangerous than our own "supreme" court of lying perjurers...
i have no idea how Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan can stand working with fascist, christian nationalist zealots...the forced civility must be stretched dangerously thin...
uncle thomas and his fucking psycho wife are an issue of their own...they both need to be in a padded cell...shit, stick em in the same one.
how’s the coffee this morning?

Sweet Jesus let it be true! :lol: Looks like political suicide to me, no fucking way is Mitch this stupid, this would light a fire under the asses of America's women and 60 days before an election is no time to trigger them, if they wanna win.
Sweet Jesus let it be true! :lol: Looks like political suicide to me, no fucking way is Mitch this stupid, this would light a fire under the asses of America's women and 60 days before an election is no time to trigger them, if they wanna win.

That's awesome. Thank you Lindsay, you can put trumps balls back in your mouth now.
Lindsey learned the scorched earth shit from his buddy, dotard.
By election day the democrats and anti abortion groups will be done spinning Lindsey and his plan to the public and from the polling the public should react accordingly. We can only hope it brings down the GOP house too.

A possible rail strike in America before the election has me concerned, Joe is a union guy and they are better with the democrats, but many rank and file members are probably Trumpers ready to cut their own throats. A rail strike could fuck the democrats, so the republicans will do everything they can to cause one.
so they shot themselves in the foot once, and they've just been busy reloading, so they can shoot themselves in the same foot again?
"Graham’s move is a political calculation. He’s calling his 15-week abortion ban—which falls far short of Roe’s standard of viability, usually around 23 or 24 weeks—the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act.” He thinks he can convince swing voters to hear “late-term abortions” and “pain-capable” and think, “This is a reasonable limit I can support in the name of compromise.”

"It’s not hard to see what Graham thinks he is doing with this messaging bill that has no chance of passing in a Congress controlled by Democrats or being signed by a Democratic president. He’s trying to use the deceptive name of the bill to convince voters that Republicans just have reasonable goals when it comes to a national abortion ban. "

A lot of people will see the 15 week limit ar reasonable.
so they shot themselves in the foot once, and they've just been busy reloading, so they can shoot themselves in the same foot again?
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Chase the base I guess, the religious loonies and abortion fanatics have them by one nut and the Trumper fascists have them by the other and they are pulling in opposite directions! The con artists who run the party and are concerned with tax cuts for the rich know they need to get out from under the issue or they will continue to pay at the polls. As I said, abortion is an issue that will end up ripping the GOP apart sooner or later.

The fact that the republicans are so high in the polls with their candidates, agenda and history is fucking amazing, in any other liberal democracy they would be finished at the polls long ago and many in prison. Consider all the shit going on including, corruption, perversion, insurrection, sedition and out right treason. Matt Gaetz is running in Florida a known pervert and useless asshole, why he isn't indicted yet is beyond me. Some of the worse assholes imaginable will be elected by the republicans MTG is probably a shoe in in her district as is Gym Jordan and others. Facts don't matter and neither does character or values to their voters, something else does though and they are never honest about the stray hair that is really up their asses.
"Graham’s move is a political calculation. He’s calling his 15-week abortion ban—which falls far short of Roe’s standard of viability, usually around 23 or 24 weeks—the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act.” He thinks he can convince swing voters to hear “late-term abortions” and “pain-capable” and think, “This is a reasonable limit I can support in the name of compromise.”

"It’s not hard to see what Graham thinks he is doing with this messaging bill that has no chance of passing in a Congress controlled by Democrats or being signed by a Democratic president. He’s trying to use the deceptive name of the bill to convince voters that Republicans just have reasonable goals when it comes to a national abortion ban. "

A lot of people will see the 15 week limit ar reasonable.
The republican senate has no money, they are broke and can't get their spin out, the democrats will take this and spin it, just like the republicans do and use it to motivate women. He and the republicans should just STFU about abortion, everybody knows where they stand and who they are beholden to, everybody also knows who packed the SCOTUS with anti abortion lunatics. The democrats want to maintain Roe through legislation, not extend it or change the previous statues quo, except make it a national right overriding state law.