Is a seed from a hermi always a hermi?

I made this account because I could not find an explanation that was viable when people ask “no but for real, why do I take all precautions and still end up with a few seeds with no nanners.” As I was searching on Google I noticed most people get shut down; and in my honest opinion; it’s been happening more and more from non tried and true genetics.. at least give me that
I just trimmed brother yesterday I had nothing I looked and looked like I said grower since 2005 ish... I was looking for a culprit. Absolutely nothing
I made this account because I could not find an explanation that was viable when people ask “no but for real, why do I take all precautions and still end up with a few seeds with no nanners.” As I was searching on Google I noticed most people get shut down; and in my honest opinion; it’s been happening more and more from non tried and true genetics.. at least give me that

Yes. Trash genetics and everyone’s a pollen chucker now.
What usually happens is people post a plant saying it’s pollinated and there’s no nanners. Then 5 people all zoom in and circle them.
I made this account because I could not find an explanation that was viable when people ask “no but for real, why do I take all precautions and still end up with a few seeds with no nanners.” As I was searching on Google I noticed most people get shut down; and in my honest opinion; it’s been happening more and more from non tried and true genetics.. at least give me that
Seeds need pollen to form. You simply missed a nanner.
I will admit I cannot find what caused my auto to have a seed every like 15-20 branches like I don’t get it man.
A slight, more less likely, possibility is that a neighboring plants pollen could have reached yours.
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It’s not like it’s full of seeds bro it’s one every like tip of a random bottom every 15-20 like?
That’s the key. You said bottom. See where mine are. One nanner down that low coming out of a bud could have popped. It must have been small. Thank god it didn’t ruin your whole grow!
You guys know optic foliar reverse? Switch? Well yeah formel works but I thought to myself “well autos should be stable enough... nah
Wattzup I was it was right but unfortunately brother it’s an enclosed sealed room; it’s winter in Canada lol