Is Biden really that bad?

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Im sure if he used a few years worth of defence spending and put it to tackling cancer he would have a good shot at it. Introducing Universal health would certainly help wouldn't it? I'm off for a check up at the local Skin clinic today.

Wouldn't that be a great Legacy for the old fella.
Do you honestly believe Biden could arbitrarily cut “a few years worth” of military defence spending? The same country’s military defence spending that protected your country from Japanese invasion 80 years ago?

Where’s the gratitude, Luke?
Universal healthcare? Certainly is every 1st world country bar one has it.

I just had a suspected cancerous spot cut out. Be interesting to see when the lab report comes back and see if it was cancerous or not.
This is where you pretend to not know the history of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and the struggle to get Medicare for All. Universal health care still hasn't cured cancer, why? Argh, Biden!
Very true. The British passed the baton on to America to hold after WW2 due to them and the Commonwealth being broke and starving but sadly the yanks haven't got anyone to pass it on to. Britain didn't slip out of the group of 1st world countries though so they did well to manage that. Its going to be interesting to see if Russia collapses like the Soviet Union did- fairly bloodless or if rivers of blood will flow. Will also be interesting to see if America peacefully bows down to China's emergence or if they take a few swings before then.
China's economy has and is taking a hit with them pursuing what the world has given up on- being covid free.
Hope I'm still alive to see how the power and economies change and how it's handled. It will be an interesting part of history.

How do you see America's decline progressing? Civil war?
The Brits changed and adapted as a society because liberal democracy allowed them to do it. The signing of the Atlantic Charter and the UN brought an end to the age of empires, it just took awhile to die. Both America and Britain used soft power as well as hard power with the balance steadily shifting to soft power. The cold war intervened in the dissolution of the British and French empires, the French went down harder than the brits, the Suez crises put an end to that shit in the 1950's. America has been an economic empire, but now controls only about 20% of the global economy, it's not so much them going down, as everybody else being lifted up. The worlds poorest people have seen the biggest economic gains and the west has been stagnant, it is the great global leveling and it's been happening for awhile.

America could go either way, whoever wins will exterminate the other side when the gain enough of an advantage. The republicans will destroy the democrats and any democratic forces by going fascist with a police state eventually. The democrats will destroy the republicans because the US constitution demands it and to merely survive, all enemies foreign and domestic. The republican party betrayed the nation to the Russians, betrayed the constitution and the founding ethos of the nation. They even attempted a coup, practiced sedition and Trump actually committed legal treason. One party wants liberal democracy and the other wants fascism that will lead to death camps and make Nazi Germany look like a picnic. If the black and brown people are the problem, then the solution for them will be to get rid of the problem. They already put toddlers in cages FFS and it didn't bother them at all, neither will the camps with the smoke stacks, that will be doing "God's work", making America white again.
Im sure if he used a few years worth of defence spending and put it to tackling cancer he would have a good shot at it. Introducing Universal health would certainly help wouldn't it? . . . . . .

Wouldn't that be a great Legacy for the old fella.
Here in the US we have three coequal branches of government. While Joe Rob, as the Executive would love to spend more money on social services, the legislature is where the checks gets written. The GOP have fifty (half of the) seats in the Senate and it takes sixty votes to do anything, so nothing gets done. But if for some reason the GOP were to let something good pass, the judiciary (Supreme Court) would still have veto power.

So no, Joe Rob is not going to divert defense spending for the public good.
Universal health care still hasn't cured cancer,
It cures lots of cancers though. Also makes it much more comfortable for cancer patients and also much , much, much, like extremely inexpensive for the heavy pain killers those in end of life need.
Do you honestly believe Biden could arbitrarily cut “a few years worth” of military defence spending? The same country’s military defence spending that protected your country from Japanese invasion 80 years ago?

Where’s the gratitude, Luke?
Of cause not. I wasn't the one to bring up cancer now was I? America couldn't do that even if they wanted to its much to much of a military society. But they could easily cut a nice chunk of it and still spend more than the rest of the world combined. But lets fantasise for a sec and imagine if he could and did and was successful? Be one hell of a legacy for the old man.

Do you get taught that Japan was gong to invade Australia in school? I find it hard to believe you would, i certainly wasn't when i did WW2 History. There was no real plans for Japan to invade Australia- that's just fact. It was used as propaganda. If Japan was going to invade Australia why didnt Australia recall its armies overseas? Yes, fresh American troops helped us in Papa new Guinea and other islands and was a godsend for the islanders. Shame China is now chasing them after we have ignored their problems for years. Would of been lovely if America had of gotten involved earlier but at least they did get involved- thank the Japs for that, shortened the European war by at least a year.

But yea..a tiny little spec of a country trying to invade such a huge one? Not easy. Huge supply line with multitudes of problems not just in its length. What do you recon would of happened when our well blooded armies came back from Europe and Africa?

"Japan never seriously intended to invade Australia, a fact known to the Australian Government by mid-1942 and confirmed by intelligence reports, principal historian to the Australian War Memorial, Peter Stanley, said yesterday at a conference examining the events of 1942."


I've always found it strange that Americans on social media are always wanting to be thanked for something their parents or grandparents did. I've never heard an Australian asking to be thanked by the English or the French, etc. Perhaps that's one of the reasons we are treated so differently overseas. I remember backpacking in Europe in '92 and Canadians getting very upset and even violent with Americans who had sewed Maple leafs on their packs and would tell locals they were Canadian.
Americans also tend to conveniently forget that in every war they have had since WW2 Australians have been involved. And we dont ask to be thanked either.
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The Brits changed and adapted as a society because liberal democracy allowed them to do it. The signing of the Atlantic Charter and the UN brought an end to the age of empires, it just took awhile to die. Both America and Britain used soft power as well as hard power with the balance steadily shifting to soft power. The cold war intervened in the dissolution of the British and French empires, the French went down harder than the brits, the Suez crises put an end to that shit in the 1950's. America has been an economic empire, but now controls only about 20% of the global economy, it's not so much them going down, as everybody else being lifted up. The worlds poorest people have seen the biggest economic gains and the west has been stagnant, it is the great global leveling and it's been happening for awhile.

America could go either way, whoever wins will exterminate the other side when the gain enough of an advantage. The republicans will destroy the democrats and any democratic forces by going fascist with a police state eventually. The democrats will destroy the republicans because the US constitution demands it and to merely survive, all enemies foreign and domestic. The republican party betrayed the nation to the Russians, betrayed the constitution and the founding ethos of the nation. They even attempted a coup, practiced sedition and Trump actually committed legal treason. One party wants liberal democracy and the other wants fascism that will lead to death camps and make Nazi Germany look like a picnic. If the black and brown people are the problem, then the solution for them will be to get rid of the problem. They already put toddlers in cages FFS and it didn't bother them at all, neither will the camps with the smoke stacks, that will be doing "God's work", making America white again.
Do you think that something as simple as making voting compulsory would slow or even halt the decline? My reasoning is that then the silent majority would be forced to be listened to.
Of cause not. America couldn't do that even if they wanted to its much to much of a military society. But they could easily cut a nice chunk of it and still spend more than the rest of the world combined. But lets fantasise for a sec and imagine if he could and did and was successful? Be one hell of a legacy for the old man.

Do you get taught that Japan was gong to invade Australia in school? I find it hard to believe you would, i certainly wasn't when i did WW2 History. There was no real plans for Japan to invade Australia- that's just fact. It was used as propaganda. If Japan was going to invade Australia why didnt Australia recall its armies overseas? Yes, fresh American troops helped us in Papa new Guinea and other islands and was a godsend for the islanders. Shame China is now chasing them after we have ignored their problems for years. Would of been lovely if America had of gotten involved earlier but at least they did get involved- thank the Japs for that, shortened the European war by at least a year.

But yea..a tiny little spec of a country trying to invade such a huge one? Not easy. Huge supply line with multitudes of problems not just in its length. What do you recon would of happened when our well blooded armies came back from Europe and Africa?

"Japan never seriously intended to invade Australia, a fact known to the Australian Government by mid-1942 and confirmed by intelligence reports, principal historian to the Australian War Memorial, Peter Stanley, said yesterday at a conference examining the events of 1942."

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I've always found it strange that Americans on social media are always wanting to be thanked for something their parents or grandparents did. I've never heard an Australian asking to be thanked by the English or the French etc. Perhaps that's one of the reasons we are treated so differently overseas. Americans also tend to conveniently forget that in every war they have had since WW2 Australians have been involved. And we dont ask to be thanked either.
I thank you.
You've always stood on the right side of history, never pounding your chests
Just doing what's right.
Very cool :)
It cures lots of cancers though. Also makes it much more comfortable for cancer patients and also much , much, much, like extremely inexpensive for the heavy pain killers those in end of life need.
There's nothing standing in his way. Biden could declare Universal healthcare with the stroke of a pen. Dang Biden!
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I'm not so sure of that. Being involved in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan has also made us nearly as guilty as America. We don't seem to learn.
Valid point, for sure.

But you know that they simply counted too much on what the US told them to believe, instead of questioning it more rigorously.

They counted on the USA not to fuck 'em over, which we definitely did, & lost too fucking many fathers & sons as a result.

Yea, Americans are very, very good at fucking people over & then they'll have the balls/audacity to say to your face



We're the fucking Savior of fucking Humankind!!!!

Ah, nobody or very few in this country have any fucking clue as to what the USA has done to this World.

Yea, we HELPED to defeat Hitler, but in my opinion, we waited too long

Beacon/shining fucking light on some fucking hill somewhere (when you spot it/PM me)


You're a fucking sucker if you believe that line of shit

Good song

It seems that most Americans don't like Biden as recent polls show.
Poll: Biden's job approval falls to new low as Dems struggle to pass popular agenda (
They, supposedly your Average American, like his agenda & support most of it, except the cost.
But they don't like Biden.
I don't get it, what the fuck did he do wrong?
Like Trump would have done better?
Sorry for the dead soldiers, but shit like that happens in Afghanistan & they were soldiers that signed up for that job.
Anyway, Biden FINALLY got us out of that shit show, something that should have happened a long time ago.
So, what's the beef?
The Pandemic?
The price of gas?
Forest fires?
A high Dow Jones?
Oh yea?
I got it!!!!
It's wearing a mask or getting a vaccination!!!
That's why he sucks, right?
Fucking idiots.
What's your opinion of Bidens presidency.
I think he would be doing a better job if the GOP would get the fuck out of the way & he wasn't left a pile of shit/debt by Trump.
I don't think there's anyone better out there than him at least
I like him :)
He seems to have dementia, is that not an issue in America where their president is concerned?
He seems to have dementia, is that not an issue in America where their president is concerned?
Joe Rob stutters, so a lot of what you see on right wing "news" shows that looks like he is searching for a word is him trying to say the word. He seems pretty damn smart to me. But that might just be in comparison to the last guy. That guy is a fucking idiot.
There's nothing standing in his way. Biden could declare Universal healthcare with the stroke of a pen. Dang Biden!
Every year you wait will make it harder. Perhaps making voting compulsory or as LED suggested pay people to vote (Thats Capitalism isnt it?) would make it easier.

Medical Insurance chat by a traveling American couple.
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