Is Biden really that bad?

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A “ declining country”
Hahahaha you have the USA confused with Russia
You dont think it is? Russia as we knew it is dead - might be about to change names again..? Soviet Union declined and Russia the last couple of decades was on the up. Declining is what super powers have historically done. What goes up must come down.

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Get rid of the republicans and it can change pretty quick, these are policy issues and nothing more.
But they are not going anywhere and they are not in power. Voting is hard there and Republicans as we saw last election make voting harder for Democratic areas, not sure if the Democrats do the same for republican areas but id assume so. Its just one business competing against another business in the guise of politics. That's one reason why making voting compulsory is a benefit to the people. Both parties have to make voting easier.
America is not in decline and having a clear picture of the social dynamics of the place does not mean I hate the place or Americans. It means I want to identify the true causes of the problems and how to solve them. The better America does the better Canada does, our economies are joined at the hip. Canada represents a bit of a problem for republicans with our healthcare system and gun laws which are reflected in our murder rate.

No country is perfect, Canada and Australia have their sins too, you with aborigine's and Asia's, then there is that island full of mostly Muslim refugees. In Canada it's mostly with natives, but we like you are getting better at this stuff because our liberal democracies work, so are the Americans, in spite of their governmental structure.
I agree with you except that i do think America is in decline. Its not to late to turn it around but they need to rethink their strategy and world views.

What island full of mostly muslims? Cocos Keeling islands? Interesting history, not sure if id call them refugees though.
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The only poll that matters is an election poll.
Not to Trump & most Republicans it seems.
Fuckers when they lose now it's because the election was rigged
Republicans were bad enough pre-Trump, but now they are at a new level of disgusting.
And they're favored to pick up more seats in Congress this November.
What the motherfucking shit is that about?
Does anyone in this Land of the Braindead read/understand American history & realize that under every Republican POTUS they fucked everything up & they're reason this land is really fucked up now.
And they stacked the Supreme Court which means we'll have to deal with those appointees of Trump, those lying sacks of shit for as long as they're breathing.
That is a very bad omen of the direction this country is headed.
Not to Trump & most Republicans it seems.
Fuckers when they lose now it's because the election was rigged
Republicans were bad enough pre-Trump, but now they are at a new level of disgusting.
And they're favored to pick up more seats in Congress this November.
What the motherfucking shit is that about?
Does anyone in this Land of the Braindead read/understand American history & realize that under every Republican POTUS they fucked everything up & they're reason this land is really fucked up now.
And they stacked the Supreme Court which means we'll have to deal with those appointees of Trump, those lying sacks of shit for as long as they're breathing.
That is a very bad omen of the direction this country is headed.
Republicans can't win enough votes to control government in CA, OR and WA. Same with several states on the east coast. Demographic shift in other states that are now red will make them look more like CA than what they have right now. By 2030, it will be all but over for white power. So, now is the most dangerous time. But we already have numbers on our side. It's all a matter of how effective the Republican Aryan Nationalist Party are at suppressing the votes of the majority.

They certainly are giving moderates, left and right, good reason to vote then out. A lot hangs on the mid term election this fall. I don't know but suspect that Republican actions against women's rights, their support for Trump's big lie and to a lesser extent, their foot dragging on doing something to reduce gun homicides, climate change and their culture wars are turning a large majority against them.

Patience, my friend. The wheel is turning. Every so slowly but it is turning. They hope to end majority rule. I don't think they are strong enough to do that. Maybe they are. It takes more than control of SCOTUS to do that. It really comes down to how many vote next fall. I see a lot of motivation from voters to do that. This primary was a whopper in terms of turnout.
41mins in. Prev Treasure and PM of Australia. What will make America great again " remoralisation and stop attacking" What will make China great again "moralisation ".
Sly news is a Murdoch channel so ignore the clickbait banners. And i do apologize for posting Sky broadcast.

Full chat is really interesting if you have an interest in the Pacific and what an informed, intelligent x Labor pollie thinks of it.
41mins in. Prev Treasure and PM of Australia. What will make America great again " remoralisation and stop attacking" What will make China great again "moralisation ".
Sly news is a Murdoch channel so ignore the clickbait banners. And i do apologize for posting Sky broadcast.

Full chat is really interesting if you have an interest in the Pacific and what an informed, intelligent x Labor pollie thinks of it.
The difference between Russia & China is that 1 nation, Russia, is a bellicose thug while the other, China, to not that stupid.
The Chinese will subtly fuck you over, while the Russian will do it to your face.
I know the Chinese & the way they think
They will become the dominant engine for the World's economy in the 21st century.
Count on it
The difference between Russia & China is that 1 nation, Russia, is a bellicose thug while the other, China, to not that stupid.
The Chinese will subtly fuck you over, while the Russian will do it to your face.
I know the Chinese & the way they think
They will become the dominant engine for the World's economy in the 21st century.
Count on it
Its interesting as this chat was done in Sept/Nov, before the Russian Ukraine war and he mentions why Russia is so protective of the flat lands around them and how NATO has been 'pushing' on Russia's borders.
China is already the worlds dominant economy and will become 4 times larger than the US economy fairly soon. Keating is a numbers man and explains it well.

He also talks about Australia's nuclear sub deal with America. Taiwan etc, really interesting chat. highly recommend.
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The US education system needs a renovation from top to bottom and particularly at the top. Rockstar profs make a fortune with tenue and underpaid teaching assistants do the teaching for a pittance, the students are grossly over charged.
The US education system needs a renovation from top to bottom and particularly at the top. Rockstar profs make a fortune with tenue and underpaid teaching assistants do the teaching for a pittance, the students are grossly over charged.
I think another factor is the collapse of the social contract that was in place when my folks wrote my undergraduate ticket: get a degree; get a job.

(Excepting always English majors. Dost thou desire to enormify thine repast, sirrah?)

Now colleges are businesses more interested in cranking out barely-qualified grads, and the real winners are the student loan underwriters. Somehow they wangled an exemption to the bankruptcy laws.
A Trumper Lyft driver who 'wanted to talk' couldn't name one Biden achievement..'he did that Act, right?' He couldn't even remember the 1400 bones that was put in his pocket (the easy one to remember).
fucking democrats HAVE to get the truth out there, why the fuck don't they find someone like texas Paul that will hold podcasts? aim them directly at the magats, make the hosts and subject matter look appealing to them, them keep hitting them with the truth...explain to them in very simple terms how we're still dealing with a lot of trump's bullshit, and republican fuckery...but make it palatable, tell them"you think you know who has been lying to you? well guess again, this is who has been lying to you, and here's why"...they love hearing about people lying to them, and if it changes the mind of even a few, then they will continue to spread the truth among trump's base...
they have to make it clear who is responsible for what, and who isn't....or the fucking lying ass republicans will continue to lay everything at Biden's feet, no matter who or what caused it
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fucking democrats HAVE to get the truth out there, why the fuck don't they find someone like texas Paul that will hold podcasts? aim them directly at the magats, make the hosts and subject matter look appealing to them, them keep hitting them with the truth...explain to them in very simple terms how we're steal dealing with a lot of trump's bullshit, and republican fuckery...but make it palatable, tell them"you think you know who has been lying to you? well guess again, this is who has been lying to you, and here's why"...they love hearing about people lying to them, and if it changes the mind of even a few, then they will continue to spread the truth among trump's base...
they have to make it clear who is responsible for what, and who isn't....or the fucking lying ass republicans will continue to lay everything at Biden's feet, no matter who or what caused it

Q: We are Forestry and there is a log jam in the river..what do we do? Canadians? I'd like to hear how you would handle at Forestry.

Roger, People change their opinions, but they rarely change their personalities..personalities crystallize as they age.

PS. That Lyft driver is the problem, he wants to walk the walk but can't talk the talk.
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You dont think it is? Russia as we knew it is dead - might be about to change names again..? Soviet Union declined and Russia the last couple of decades was on the up. Declining is what super powers have historically done. What goes up must come down.

Declining? You mean President For Life is dying..I've never seen someone from Five Eyes be so happy that America is struggling.

Declining? You mean President For Life is dying..I've never seen someone from Five Eyes be so happy that America is struggling.

Yes, declining. Its just natural. Spain and Portugal were both superpowers for eg. They are both still wonderful countries. Just because i discuss things doesnt mean im happy its happening. To bury one's head in the sand is kinda pointless and wont help to either slow the decline or turn it around. In fact there's an argument for shining the light on the issue and hope it gets addressed.
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