Is Biden really that bad?

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Every year you wait will make it harder. Perhaps making voting compulsory or as LED suggested pay people to vote (Thats Capitalism isnt it?) would make it easier.

Medical Insurance discussion by a traveling American couple.
So what's holding it up?
"Freedom" probably. If voting is compulsory then "Freedom" is taken away.
It is not the system, that functioned fine while racism was equal in the parties and blacks got thrown under the bus, however things change and liberal democracies change over time. Systemic racism is why Americans don't have universal single payer healthcare, it's the same reason they completely fucked up their education system too. It enables corruption that feeds off social division and coning the useful idiots driven by fear and racism. It has gotten more acute, as white domination is slipping in America and "they is taken over", same thing for immigration, most immigrants these days are brown, black, Asian or Muslim and they have alienated them all, along with LBGTQ people and women.

The political division feeds off the social division, most of which some hate radio or Foxnews right wingnut script writer pulled out of their arse, or expanded an existing division, sometimes they even lift the narrative right from the Russians themselves, cheaper I guess. They got working people hating unions, dog whistle word, socialism, real reason black people are treated as equals and unions are generally socially progressive. They refuse to form a sharing and caring human community with the "other", the perceived enemy and they are at civil war, I call em civil warriors. Like civil warriors they will sacrifice themselves for the larger "cause" and would rather die a painful death from cancer, than have big guberment socialist healthcare, dog whistle for, blacks might get some too and they would literally rather die than let that happen.

Ever hear the phrase, " Cut yer nose off to spite yer face"?

An example:
"Freedom" probably. If voting is compulsory then "Freedom" is taken away.
Freedom is holding up Biden to give us health care for all, got it. Why isn't Biden solving the homeless problem? He could do that too, correct? What about world hunger and we're still waiting for that cure for cancer.
He seems to have dementia, is that not an issue in America where their president is concerned?
The guy has a speech impediment, a well-known fact, so because he stutters sometimes it's a sign of dementia?

This fucking cockroach came in 2nd at least.

Other men would/do hide in closets if they had to face the challenges that Biden faces.

And over 60% of these fucking ASSHOLES!!!!!! in this country don't fucking seem to get it, the super-human effort that must occur fucking NOW, like Covid/Russia/Inflation/Republicans (& 2 Dems) that simply exist it seems to make Biden fail (fuck it if it destroys this country/world)/Climate/Mass shootings & the list goes on & on & on.

He's doing fine (but then again I tripped over a 100 times & been in therapy for 50 years, so I might be wrong :) )
Freedom is holding up Biden to give us health care for all, got it.
It sounds like it. Well I thought it could of been but maybe LED is right and its just racism. Doesn't the majority of Americans want universal healthcare? If everybody votes then the power resides with the majority. But if LED is correct then racism wont allow compulsory voting and its easy to use 'freedom" as the reason.
As a declining country America really needs universal healthcare to help it not slip out of the 1st world club for future generations.
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It is not the system, that functioned fine while racism was equal in the parties and blacks got thrown under the bus, however things change and liberal democracies change over time. Systemic racism is why Americans don't have universal single payer healthcare, it's the same reason they completely fucked up their education system too. It enables corruption that feeds off social division and coning the useful idiots driven by fear and racism. It has gotten more acute, as white domination is slipping in America and "they is taken over", same thing for immigration, most immigrants these days are brown, black, Asian or Muslim and they have alienated them all, along with LBGTQ people and women.

The political division feeds off the social division, most of which some hate radio or Foxnews right wingnut script writer pulled out of their arse, or expanded an existing division, sometimes they even lift the narrative right from the Russians themselves, cheaper I guess. They got working people hating unions, dog whistle word, socialism, real reason black people are treated as equals and unions are generally socially progressive. They refuse to form a sharing and caring human community with the "other", the perceived enemy and they are at civil war, I call em civil warriors. Like civil warriors they will sacrifice themselves for the larger "cause" and would rather die a painful death from cancer, than have big guberment socialist healthcare, dog whistle for, blacks might get some too and they would literally rather die than let that happen.

Ever hear the phrase, " Cut yer nose off to spite yer face"?

An example:
jesus, you make it sound worse than i ever thought it was. That's just so so sad and very scary.
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It sounds like it. Well I thought it could of been but maybe LED is right and its just racism. Doesn't the majority of Americans want universal healthcare? If everybody votes then the power resides with the majority. But if LED is correct then racism wont allow compulsory voting and its easy to use 'freedom" as the reason.
As a declining country America really needs universal healthcare to help it not slip out of the 1st world club for future generations.
So, Biden should do that, correct? What I like to do is see it and everything and stuff.
It sounds like it. Well I thought it could of been but maybe LED is right and its just racism. Doesn't the majority of Americans want universal healthcare? If everybody votes then the power resides with the majority. But if LED is correct then racism wont allow compulsory voting and its easy to use 'freedom" as the reason.
As a declining country America really needs universal healthcare to help it not slip out of the 1st world club for future generations.
A “ declining country”
Hahahaha you have the USA confused with Russia
jesus, you make it sound worse than i ever thought it was. That's just so so sad and very scary.
America is not in decline and having a clear picture of the social dynamics of the place does not mean I hate the place or Americans. It means I want to identify the true causes of the problems and how to solve them. The better America does the better Canada does, our economies are joined at the hip. Canada represents a bit of a problem for republicans with our healthcare system and gun laws which are reflected in our murder rate.

No country is perfect, Canada and Australia have their sins too, you with aborigine's and Asia's, then there is that island full of mostly Muslim refugees. In Canada it's mostly with natives, but we like you are getting better at this stuff because our liberal democracies work, so are the Americans, in spite of their governmental structure.
A “ declining country”
Hahahaha you have the USA confused with Russia
If I look at what we were circa 1970 and now, the “in decline” thing has teeth. Infrastructure is hugely neglected. Insurance companies have become high-handed. Most people make less real income now. And the race war is hot again. Climate change is starting to hurt. Only the billionaires, many of them oppressors, are doing great while they are shamefully undertaxed. School shootings were aberrations.
America is not in decline
It isn't?

Coulda fooled me

Lifespan going down
Infant mortality going up
Poverty going up
Murder rates up
Income inequality through the roof
Divisions in societal thinking, through the roof
Racial strife also through the roof
Access to health care sucks
Education sucks

& we're not in decline?

Tell me then my friend, that the USA is not in a decline when all the stats/data say otherwise.

Enlighten me
It isn't?

Coulda fooled me

Lifespan going down
Infant mortality going up
Poverty going up
Murder rates up
Income inequality through the roof
Divisions in societal thinking, through the roof
Racial strife also through the roof
Access to health care sucks
Education sucks

& we're not in decline?

Tell me then my friend, that the USA is not in a decline when all the stats/data say otherwise.

Enlighten me
Get rid of the republicans and it can change pretty quick, these are policy issues and nothing more. America (Canada too) is not as rich as it once was, in relation to the rest of the world, but that is because the entire world has had and is having it's standard of living raised. Billionaire's stealing your country, that is awash in guns and even much of the social division can be addressed by responsible government policy and you can't have responsible or responsive government as long as the republicans have uncle Sam by the balls.

When we were kids, Europe was poor and junk was made in Japan, then they got as rich as we over time, next came China and they were poor as shit just 40 years ago, now they appear to be doing ok and making lot's of progress, same for S. Korea and a lot of south east Asian countries. Australians are doing well selling them iron ore, coal and other goodies as the economies in the region grow. India is not a poor country, though it contains many poor people, like America.
It isn't?

Coulda fooled me

Lifespan going down
Infant mortality going up
Poverty going up
Murder rates up
Income inequality through the roof
Divisions in societal thinking, through the roof
Racial strife also through the roof
Access to health care sucks
Education sucks

& we're not in decline?

Tell me then my friend, that the USA is not in a decline when all the stats/data say otherwise.

Enlighten me
Not the same trends in Canada.

American exceptionalism is killing us.
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