Is Biden really that bad?

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It was meant for nations of people, not individuals.

That's word abuse and erroneously seeks to give meaning to a concept which is in opposition to actual right.

Nations in the way you use it are political constructs, which by virtue of their treading on individual consent are actually not about PROTECTING rights, they are about depriving rights. The smallest minority is the individual. Why do you hate minorities?

Self = Individual, not a collective bound together by removal of individual consent.

Individuals can cooperate for common defense though. The rest of your post is a projection of your own fears.

not to be rude but hydro damns have been terrible on the wildlife ecological systems and ruining habitats for a lot of animals. I do agree we need more green power which is going to happen sooner or later. the biggest problem with hdyro is the water is people are using it inefficiently and emptying lakes.
A little side note look into the hoover dam.
Battery and energy storage are the key to renewables and we are almost there, the next few years promise major breakthrough in energy storage and this makes grids much more efficient in balancing loads without firing up peaking plants. Wind solar, tidal and other energy resources can then be exploited if we have efficient energy storage, fusion reactors and even thorium ones might be used and fusion power could be closer, even though it has long been promised. All automakers are going EV for a reason, the battery technology is arriving and should improve dramatically over the next 5 years.

Hydro is not a preferable energy source, but it is better than most and has more environmental impact in some places than others, often hydro dams have the dual function of flood control and water management, many are being removed when they are no longer needed.
By liberal democrat I mean I support liberty and democracy, not a specific Australian political party's ideology. Liberal democracy means democratic elections, legislatures and the rule of law under the constitution of ones country.
Yes, i know. UK has them to. Their views are worldwide id imagine. majority of the world would fall under that large umbrella. Your from Canada and you are one. Liberal democrats are everywhere. Just a smidge to the right for me as a Social Dem.
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Yes, i know. UK has them to. Their views are worldwide id imagine. Your from Canada and you are one. Liberal democrats are everywhere. Just to far to the right for me.

A liberal democracy just is a democracy that has an ingrained respect for individual rights, especially political rights (free speech, freedom to form political parties etc). There's not really any economic content there; a liberal democracy could be socialist, or libertarian etc.

Social democracy is much more of an economic thesis. It makes claims about how the rough edges of capitalism can be smoothed out (eg. Through provision of a safety net via a welfare state). Social democrats don't want to abolish capitalism, they want to mitigate its worst excesses. A social democracy can be a liberal democracy. For example, it's plausible that Germany is a social democracy (this is closely related to the distinctively German idea of a social market economy). But it is also a liberal democracy.

Its all pretty interesting.
People are always going to overuse or misuse or be greedy about using water so we have to compensate for it. It’s gotten so bad and not complying to demands the animals will have to suffer

My preference would be that people compost their human waste, toilets use lots of water and turn potential fertilizer into a bureaucratic government controlled sewage treatment clusterfuck.

On the other hand the earth is covered about 2/3 with water. Desalinate ?
How about building more energy efficient damns to help the water crisis?
How about hiring some Indians to do a rain dance 1st, because you can build all the dams you want but without rain or snow, they are fucking useless.

Gotta develop desalinization plants in Cali especially to take some of the load off the existing water supply which is dwindling rapidly.
Get all/most of the agricultural demand off the grid, or they/we are fucked (no veggies :( )
That's the only way.

Egypt to establish 14 new desalination plants to increase production to 1.4 mln cubic metres per day - Economy - Business - Ahram Online
My preference would be that people compost their human waste, toilets use lots of water and turn potential fertilizer into a bureaucratic government controlled sewage treatment clusterfuck.

On the other hand the earth is covered about 2/3 with water. Desalinate ?
What happens when all the water in the ocean is gone? I guess it’s the only solution though. You have to act! Cant just sit around and not do anything.
How about hiring some Indians to do a rain dance 1st, because you can build all the dams you want but without rain or snow, they are fucking useless.

Gotta develop desalinization plants in Cali especially to take some of the load off the existing water supply which is dwindling rapidly.
Get all/most of the agricultural demand off the grid, or they/we are fucked (no veggies :( )
That's the only way.

Egypt to establish 14 new desalination plants to increase production to 1.4 mln cubic metres per day - Economy - Business - Ahram Online
No that’s not the only way. You got your information wrong . We also need more nuclear
Power plants in this state.
With the way we are quickly using up our wild fish stock and populating as fast as we do proper fresh food will become very scarce even for wealthy countries. Expect more powdered food shakes to be more widely purchased and actually eating proper real food will become rare for the middle class.
Water of cause is already a huge problem and will only get worse. At what stage do you stop irrigating crops so people can drink?
Mandatory solar panels on buildings solves the energy supply issue without the risk and horrible environmental problems Nuclear causes.
So Trump was possibly the worst Prez in American history. No argument there from me.

But under Biden we are seeing world wide problems. Some of these problems are caused by him doing what Trump would not of. Getting involved with East Slav affairs is leading to huge world problems including famine and the first world problem that effect's most of us petrol prices.

Talk to the madman behind the Iron Curtain.
With the way we are quickly using up our wild fish stock and populating as fast as we do proper fresh food will become very scarce even for wealthy countries. Expect more powdered food shakes to be more widely purchased and actually eating proper real food will become rare for the middle class.
Water of cause is already a huge problem and will only get worse. At what stage do you stop irrigating crops so people can drink?
Mandatory solar panels on buildings solves the energy supply issue without the risk and horrible environmental problems Nuclear causes.
We need more than solar panels. We need to use Small modular nuclear reactors .they are safe and a clean energy solution .
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